HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 64-57 RESOLUTION N0', A RESOLUTION OF ~iE OOU~YCIL OF T~-CITY OF BAKE]~SFiELD CONS~IT!IJG TO T}~ OF ANh~TION PROCEEDINGS FOR ~IE AEi~'EY~ATIO~! TO T~ CITY 0F ~5'g:SFIEI,D .OF CER~li~] ....... ED AED UNINCORrC~TED i~EFjRITORY tN T~ COUN~/0F KERN, STATE OF CALIFOPJVI~ CONTIOUOUS CiTY OF BA~RSF IELD, DESIGNATED WHEREAS, on December 23'~'.19~7~ a petition was pro-, sented to the Court.eli. of. the Cit?y of BakerSfield req~Yesting the Council to give its consent to the co~encc~nt of anDexatlon pro-- cosclings in coPm'ection with that certain in~aabi~sd territory thee, sin referred to and particularly d. ssdrib~i~ wldch is contiguous to City of Bakersfield; and ~R~S, the P!a~ing C'c~:'~mlssion o~ t~!s C'i~'y of field has rendered its repcrt to this Coun.cii, and L~REAS, it i's the desirous 'of the Co;~r:cil to ~i~s its ccnsent to the' commencement of such ar~]sXation proceed!toga condf. tion tMt the oleato=s -wltMn said. _torrit~ry.-.~$' iD~oPmod at the time tP~ petition for a~f~'xaticn is circulated that the question to be submitted tc said electors slm!l bs whether the 'territory shall bs ar~'sxed ~o the City of B~.ksrsfy. sld and the propsnt~-in the t~ritory to be annexed be subjected to taxation aft'e~= arlaoxs- tien equally with the property witMn the. City .of BaksFsfisl6., Day the bonded' ind.ebte~ness of the City of Baksrsfieid-0utstanaing for the acquisition, construction o~~ c0mplotic, n of municipal u~suts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE L(T ~ESOK:~YD by the CcunCil of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: ......... _=t .... .~.. .~aat ~.onSeDt. iS.j~enc~by granted. ~or the convenes= m.ent of amexation proceedings In cormsction with said ~habitsd territory in accordance with the' Arjasxation Act of 1913 provided the petition for annexation contains a request that ;~.e question tO 'be submitted to ~he electors residing 'i.~:-.tb~ .territory ~ro~ posed to be a~nezsd shall be ~whet3~Sr t!?;$ 'bs~n~;it0~y ~sh~l! be amexed to th~ City of Baker~fisld and the property in th~ torri~ tory to bs ame=ed be subjecto~ to taxation after a~zati.on equally with the property within the~ City 0f. Bakersficid~ to pa~ the. bonded hdebte'dness of the City of Bakersf~.ald 0Utstandlng.~or th.s .sition, construction or comptsti'o~. 0f municipal improvements. 2. That· said ~fincorp.0ratsd. territory is l~r'eby designated as "Spruce nd~]ition No. 1~ in bounded generally as follows: noytbsrly of BradaSs Lane, easterly of Bee'oh Street, southerly of-2n~-~traet and ~,~esterly of A s. treot, and is more. particularly described in the "Petition for Consent to "the Com~aence- ment.ef Amexaticn Proceedings" on iile in the: office:of' the ~- Clerk. which description is inco~p~,ratod. heroin by reference and made' a part hereof as if set fcrth..hsrSin'!n f-"~ · 3. The City Cler~:~ shall. cei~tify t~. the adoption this resot~tio.~,' " I HEREBY CERT.~Y that the' '29reg~inE Resolution was= passed an6 adopted by the Council of the City of 'Bakersfio. ld. at ~: · regular meeting thereof held on the .23T~d any of December,. 19~7, by the following vobe: ' .~ . .-- ' '~ '?~,~ ' - City Cl~k and Ex~Officic'Clezk of the