HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 62-57 k~EREAS, Section 27281 of the Goverr~ment Code provides that deeds· or grants .conveying any interest in or upon real' estate to a political corporation or goverm~nSn.tal agsucy ~o~_' public pmrp'oses shal.1 not be accepted I~o~ recordatio~ withcut the consent of.'the grantee evidenced by its certificate of ~CCeptance arts-chad t'o 'or-~printed on.the deed or grant, and ~KEAS, it is further pr'ovide'd that a political corpora- ti.on. o~ govermental agency may authorize m~ officer .or agent to . accept and consent to s~ch deeds or grants, and . · ~RFJS, the. Charter 'of the City of BakerSfield provide's tMt the mayor shall execute all iegaZ instr~m~ents and docmsn~s for and on'be~.alf of the City... .."' ~0W, .THEREFORE, -BE IT RESOL~D by.. the Comcil o'f the j City of.'BakerSfield, that the Mayor .of .the City '0f Bakersfletd' be and hs is hereb~ authorized to accept and consent to all 'deods or gr-an~s conveying any interest in or easement upon ~eal estate to the City'of Bakersfield. '.' I HEREBY CERTIFY that the faregoing Eesolution was passed and adopted by-the Council of the Oit~ of Bakersfleld at a regular meeting thereof held on the 16th day of December, 19%7, by the following vote: AYES: BAI, FANZ, BENTLEY, CARNAl(IS, CO[LINS~, CROES, D~WtRE, DOOLIN, ~ v~ , ~'~ "~JnR,- ~;o~cil of:' the City of BGkcrsfi'sld, ;,-? City