HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 61-57~EREAS, a petition was filed with She Cou~cil of the City of BakerSfield' on the 12th day cf December, 19~7, requ,?sting that certain uninhabited territory_ therein described be annexed to and incOrpc~ated within the City cf Baked'afield, and - ~R~$, s~id petition was sig~ed by ~ths .owners Of all' of the territory proposed to be 's~nsxed. NOW, THEREFORE, in compliance with the proVi~-~ionS of the AnneXation of Uni~abited TePri,tory"'Act of !939, .Chapter 297, as ~mended-,' ,BE. IT RESOLED,by the '.Co~cil of the City of Bakersfield as follows: That the boundaries of the t~rrltory so p~opbsed to be . aPmexed to .the City of BakerSfield ape described as follows: 'That certain parcel of land sltuated in ths. Ccunty Kern, State of California, b~ing a.porti0n OTthe Southeast one-quarter (S.E. 1/4) of the'Southeast cUe-quarts? of Section 33, Township 29 M., and more particularly deS'c~ibed as follo~s: Beginning at the Southeast'Corner of Sec'tion .33,.To~rnShlp 29 South, Range 28 East, M. D~'B~"& M., thence northerly alcng the easterly boundary of said Section 33, a distance of 30 feet;thence westerly, parall.el ~ith, and distant 30 feet northerly, as measured perpendicular tO .the southePlyboundaPF of said Section 33, a distance of'30 feet, and tc the t~ue point of beginning, said last'named point being'the Jut's?- sect!on of the northerly line of BPundags ~ane, of 60feet in ~idth, with the westerly line of Mt~ ~ernon iresue of 60 feet Inwidth, said true point of bSgir~ing also being a point on the corporate b~U_ndary of the City of BakeFsfie~d, as said corporate boundary-is defined Dy that.cartS!in an~ .nexation known as "M,lnicip~! ~a. Amn~xation~, as approvsd. by the Boar,1 of Supervisors, of. the Co~lnty of Kern, State ,of California, adopted.Septm~ber 29, 1952; thenCe-westerly ~lon~, said corporate, .bcunda~-~ on and .along s~id northerly northerly, as measured perpend!c'alar to the southerly 'boundary of said Section 33, a dist~ace of 176.00' feet; thence north- erly, .departhg from the corporate bornsalary of the. City of 'Bakersfield, on and along a'lins, paralls!~i.th the saste.rl~ bcmada~ 0f said Section 33, a distance:of'IT0..00 feet;. thence easterly, on and along a line parallelwith the southerly 'boundary of said Section-33, a distance ofMt'. 175.00 feet;, to intersect the. said ~zssterly line of Vernon Avenue; thence southerly.along last'n.amed line, parallel with, distant 30 feet ~eS.tsrly, ss msa'sUred perpendicular to the easterly bcm~dary a distance of l?O.00 feet, tc inteTssct the said northerly u Lane, _ a i acres of land, ~.ore '.or less~ . T~t a designation appropriat'ely-'n~ing such ~erritcry. is "ie~ '%~P~ON NO. 1." BE I.T FURTH~ RESOL~D that .Z2ondsy, the .13th day. of January, 1958, at the hour of eight.o,clock' P.PI., in. the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 1501 ~Trud¢~tun.Avenu~ Bakersfield, 0allfornia, is the ~imo when and the place whore any perso~ o,..¢~.~ing .real prc-1~ortT within such territory so proposed to 'be a.~,xed and havi~g any cb jecti0ns tO the proposed annexation-may ~ppear before tb,e Cc~uncii of the City of Bakersfield and sho~.~ cause why s~Ch"torritory shot~ld not be arnnexed. I HEREBY CERTIFY that.the. foregoing Resolution. ~as.pasSsd and adopted by.the Council of the Cit~.of Bakersfield at a regula? meeting.thereof held on the 16th day 'of'December, 1957, by the follow~ ing. vote:. AYES: BALFANZ, BENTLEY, CARNAK!$, COLLINS, CROES DE'.::EE, DOOLiM, ~E~I: /-~.r~:~q': '~'~2~jE:'k . Co~Acil of the City of. Bakersfield. '