HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 59-57 RESOLUTION WMEREAS, by Public Law 655, 84th 0engross (70'Stat~ 493), the Federal' government has authorized the donatinnof.:s~xrplus Federal property' for civil defense purposs~ and WHERFA&, certain conditions are imposed by the Federal Sivit Defense Administration, the Department Of.Health, Education and. Uel~ fare, the California Disaster Office, and the Su~plu$ Property Division of the State Department of Education in corua,eotion with the acquisition of such property; and · WHEBEAS, the City of Bakersfield desires to becoD. e eligible to acelife such property. NOW, TEEORE, IT IS RESOLVED by the City Ooulioil.cf ·said City treat C. LEL&ND GUNN, City Manager and Director of Civil Defense arid'DiSaSter of the City of Bakersfield, and K. P. GP~HAM, Purehas- ingigent cf the City of Bakersfield, sh~ll be and they are hereby authorized as the representatives cf said City to Sign for and accept surplusFederal property in~acccrdanc~ ~ith'the conditions i~csed by the above agencies; and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED tba~ the Clerk of'this Cc,~eil hereby authorized and directed to send two (2) certified copies of 'this ReSolution ~o the California Dis~stexo 0ffice,.fcr filing ~ith said Disaster 0ffice..and with ~he-State Depsz-'tment of EdUCation~ and IT IS FURTHER RE~0LVED that t~is ~esolUtionlof authorization shall r.emain in full force and effect ui~til amended, superseded, or rescinded by resolution of this Council! transmitted,. in .duplicate, to the California Disaster 0ffice~' Signature of persons autho~ized to sign: I PjEREBY CERTIFY that the fo;--sgoing -~esolutisn was passed and adopted. by the Council of the]City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 2nd day of'DeCember, 19~7, by the following vote: Council 5f tb3 City of Bakersfield. A,, RO~ er Z957 MAYOR..~ of the City of Bakersfield.