HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 44-57R~PLO~ZEES 0F TE C~TY OF B~t~IKQSFELD~ BE iT EESOL~ by the Com~cil of the City of Bakers~ fieid~ as fcllo~s ~ ~,~ The fotto:-~ing nel-aed officers and employees of the City of Bs. ko~sfield sh.alZ be pls. cod in the steps the ss.!emy schsdu!os to x-xhff. oh ~heir ~cspectivc positions s.n~e allocated b7 the provisions of subdivisions and (c} of Section lO of Om~d!ns. ncs ~Yo~ !09~ Ne~ Series~ as smended~ as Indite. ted. bolov~ said employees shall be paid the ~uonth~,y ss. la~ics i~dic~.tcd below for services pe~formed fom~ the City of Bs. ke~s:~isld on and afte~~ the first day of ~ugust~ i957~ ss. id employees shall to the next step 0n the date indicatsd~ ms set forth ~,~ ~'U. SC'."Z~.LYg:~EOU5 DEP To Be , D~oo Salax'y Adv,nze Advance Placed In On & Afte~ to to Sch.ed o Step 8/1/57 St ap D~te Step Eate Assesso? 31 Prlnc~pa ~ Clerk 22 ' Account' Clerk 17 Account C Zerk Bookkesp.£ng ~achol7 Operator Chief BugZding hO lns~ector Bu~%d~9 Znspector26 Into Typist C!erk 16 Tel'o Operator & Receptionist City Clerk 30 ~,nto Typgst Cl~rk16 Sec.petary,~Steno 22 C~%'y ~anage? Assgsto City ~0.' 5 5 5 3 4 2 2 2 3 Manager Secx'etary to--- ~22 ---~.. City Manager Srg Typist Clerk 19 2 B~dg~ Mmln%o 2h 3 Foreman Print fpal 19 3 Rec~pt ion 678 3h2, ~os ~z6. x~59: h59 6~5' 359 326 i00t · 5o~ ' h82 - 28~ 3~o - 377 953 - ,~ ~,6 326 ~37 3/58 ~'o~, 2/58 ~.' ~ ~/5? ~/58 ~. 5/¢ 2 t 58 5/58 zo/57 5/~ .. 4/58 9/57 5/58 5/¢ MJL SCELLANEOUS C l~ss t~ ~cst fish To Be Hoo Sa y Advance Pieced ~ Ou & After to Sched~ Step '8/~/57 Step Date A, dv~nce , %o Hudson~' Eo Janitor Aust~n~ Co V~ Tom~inp Fo ~ " Pete~son~ Ro A-e Assoco Planner 30 Damere Br~nse P. iann in9 22 'StenooC..lerk tX 20 HoRfeXder~ Jo B~. DireCtor of hO P~b!ie Works Cl~Fo~ Goen'O~ ASst~ $~pto of 33 Ste~Jsrt~. Do Fo AccO3nts~t 26 3 Maddoxb No Wo 5 5 5 CarnRne:~ Do )Later° C%e~k X6 2 St.enooCle:rk IX 20 5 Farns~vo~th~ Do Mo F~eld Accountant 23 UhaXtp' Nan,'.' ~nto T~st Clerk ~6 CivlR Eng~,neer El 33 3 Ber'gen~ Ho Jingp W. .' Civ i 1 ·Engineer 30 2 Associate C~vl X Eng ,t Asst °27 '5 Hatha~ay~ J. 'A~ W~e~s~ Ro Jo Eng'X:aeer lng Aide20 22 2 26 2 SenXor Engo. Aide Lead~agman Street FO~ema ,. ~ Equipment Opero 23 erade X~X 5 Coopere Ro ertf~lth~ Eo Lo 5 5 Urre~ ~, 326 5 6/5's 295 3 2/58 2fs~ .2 2/58 58s 3~;9 2 2/58 326 2 2/58 326 ~ z/58 268 678- h x ~/57 678 .... 558 3 9/57 6h6 ~SS ' 377 5 396 ~,~.~ 359. h' 5/58 377 ~8~ "' h59 437 5 ~/~7 Ctass~_:Flcatlon Placed In Sched, Step S~lary After a/x/S? Advance . to Step Dste Advance %o Step Da%~ Equipment Cper~ !9 Labor~? 377 377 .... 377 - ~ ~ 377 ..... ~ 377 --~ 377 oo o 377 ~' 3~2 ~ ~/Ss 377 .... 3he ~; ~ 7~ 3 ~ 0 2 12/57 Johnson~. Co Ar?~ol8~ Ao Bo L~ndfors ~ Vo Bar~e%t ~ S ,, Ma ~n t enaace Leadingman Equ i pment 23 Painter Semi=Ski l! 'Laborer · .~ D0dson~ Jo Vo. Laho re r 28~ 377 377 377 Wllh~te~ Ro Scott~ To Mo Davey~ H~ L~ndersp Fo R~' Newberry~ Co Sewage Tr.~$~ment 33 S~iper Ante nd~nt Plant Opero, 2~ P2-an% Operator 2 ~ 3 '5 .5 Sm,~th~ Ho Mo '1 Wt 1 ]~ Is ~ Chaso. Condley~ E,, Jj P !a~t Operator 19 M~n~ A~ A~ w Roe~ Dav~s~ Eo R, ~ MISCELLANEOUS TO Be P laced in Moo Salary .On, & Aft e r $/~/5? to Step. Date S~ep Saecker~ Eo Jo" Tlliery, Fo Jo Plant Methas lc a3 Semt~Skll~ed 19 · Labor~r EoXthoffp Mo Fanntng~ Wo Walek, W~,. So Bro~p Wo-Go'. Sewer Mainto 22 Lead lngman Pa~k Supto 28 Coxp I4o Oo Utility Main to 2X Man 14eXier~ R, Eq~ipment Oper,o 2~ Gr~de Xi Cla~k~ J~ B. '$~mi~S~i~ed 19. Smith, O, ~f' ~ $olts~ Fo Contreras~ H~ Lo LabOrer ~7 Goveav Ro' Q, c~ Olivetrip Po ~' " Rambaudp A, Jo ~' " Slpe, Ho ~' s~ Doeno Lo'W. Potandm~n Herr~rap Eo Butcher~ J~ R~ Laborers M~chanic 19 Meyer~ Ho-H. n ArribilXaga~ E~' Jsn[to~ Utt Xity~Matn%o 21 5 2 5 3 3 3 5 377 3~0 3~9': 377 :' 3F7. Y7: 31. o. 3a!o.' 3xo' .~ha. 326 28'~ 28 X 3?? 3h2 · 3~0 h37 396 5 2/~8 (~) ~ISCELL/~,]ECYgS I To, Be' Placed Schede: Step ..MOo,-Salary On & After 8/~/57 Ad. v81qlc'e to St~p O~te Advance to Step D~te BoXender~ Jo Blanco~ Do Mo Bruee~ Jo Vo Jones~ Jo B~ Lomas~ Ro PadlRla~ Ao Oo ~aram~ Jo Ao So~a~ L. Rambands Co. D E~pinoza~ Lo earee~ Jo Tree Maint q. Lead ~%n groan SemloSkg LabO~er Sweeper Myers~ Ao Wo w Barnett~ No Sem~Sk~11 LabOrer LlttXes~ Ao Lo " Oster~ Ao " W 21 19 Fitch~ W~ Ho Laborer X7 Sunlga~ Fo ~ Ttbbs~ Jo H~ v~ TayXor ~ J o B o Mech~ go He %per 20 ~en~s Wo R6 SemR~Sk~X~ X9 LaboreF Hlckeyp J o To ~ ' ~' MlteheXX~ V~ Lo' ~ Floyds Go Laborer 17 A~-r-tch~-E~ ~ .... Chief Mecl~!c 28 Day~ Jo R~ Mechanic 23 HoreXey~ Ao L~' w Ray~ R.~ . erego~e~ Oo w Mobus~ H~ Co " London~ Po Mech~ lc 2~ Work ~ Fore o 5 3 3 3 5 5 5 3 3 1 5 2 5 5 2 2 36.a 377 3~ .3h2 3~'o 'h 396 3 ai h htss h 5/~s 2: x2/~ 377 3~ ----- 5 5/50 3ha 3xo h 57~ 377 3xo 2 xx/5? 3~o 3Io 2 2/58 2s'x 58s 396 3 x/58 h59 -:~.~ h37 396 3 9/~ 396 3 2/58 hx6 3 N~me M1BCEL LANEOUS C~assiftcat~on P Xaced I~ Sche'do Step Graham~ lto P o Purehas Agent Account 3O Mtkios; Bo Smith, W° Wo. Overton~ Md Bimat~ P, E, FoX~ M. Into Typist Clerk City T~eaaursr 30 Pr~,nc~pal Clerk 2a AcCount 'C Alaria~ L° Jo License inspector 23 Cuen'~ A° 'Painter 2a .' Adamsp Ro Ko Traffic Painters 19 Dalley~ Fo V~ Marchand~ Jo C'o Youn9~ Jo Rountree~ Co B~ Schreiber-~ L~ V. Secreta~yr 22 Stenographer Steno~C!erk X'I 20 Snell~ E. N,, Skrtvanek~ Ro Davis, B~ Jo Bat 15y~ M° eu~vangen~ Bo !nts Typist C le.rk And~r$on ~. L~ Steei~ L~ Junior Typists? !~ .Clerk LambeFt~ Eo Laborer 2 5 5 2 5 2 5 2 Duffie~d~ Fo Do McPherson~ Ro ~ CaroRlna~ R° Cleaning Supt~ Refus~ & 24 Cleanin9 FOreman "- Driver B McDan~eXs~ Fo w Moo Salary On g After 28~ 3~0 -. .'~9~. 359 ~S?' 326 Advance to Step Date Advance to Step Date 3 MISCELLANEOUS CtassIftcatEon To, Be Moo Se ry P laced ~n On g After Schedo Step 8/~/57 Advance to Step Date 'Advance to Step Date Ru~Z~ N~ Drivers B 3 39Z Sumiin~ J~ Lo Sum~n~ Sammie Phi~llps~ Ro 3 3 2 392 .3 Pr~chett, H~ Weldon~ W~ R o .392 377 Boyd~ F~ Lo ~ 3 392 Edwardso Lo E~ JroC~1~ector Dr~ver 3 3/42 3 392 ~e~ e~bson~ Uo ColRector A 3 3~2. ~ Driver B 3., 392 ~=~' 3oneso C~ Perry~ Ho L~ Perry~ Ho Lo St~nson~ Eo Coll!er~ Co Col'lecto? A 3 3~2 Driver B 3 392 CoRdotter A 3 3~2 Driver B 3 392 Collector A 3 3~2 Driver B 3 392 Co~Rector A 3 3~2 Drive? B 3 392 Nolen~ Co Driver B 3 '392 ~ ~o~: Roberts~ Jo Collector A 3 3~2 ~=~ ~o~. Driver B 3 392 .... d~ Bradley~ Co Collector A 2 326 ~.~-. ~.a Driver B 2 377 0~ ~=~ Gray~ L~ W~ Co~Rector A 3 3~2 ~o~ ~ Driver B 3 392 .... ~ Co 12oct'or A 2 326 3 5/,/~ Dr ~ver B 2 377 3 5 2o Vrnenever any of the above~named employees is given two c~assif~cations~ the f!rst=~nm~ed classification' shall be deemed to b~ his regular c~asslfication,~ and the second-n&med claselficatton shall .be for temporary purposes on~yo V~enever any such employee ~s working under '%h~ f'K~na~n'e d c hss ~f ~ cat'iOh' He" s1~a~ 1 '~ece~ ve the s~ ~a.Ty-a-X~ocated for such pos~%ion~ and whenever any s~ch employee t~ workinS %under the secondsnamed classification by a~signment of the dep~rtment head~ he shaiI receive the salary allocated therefor for such time as he may work under such classifEcetion. ~ a ) MX BCELL/~EOU5 Name BaddXey, Mo Eo Cokleetors Cede ~. AO · w · .CoFker ~ ' Eo ~ Johnsonp Ho 3o~te9 p C'o Xim~$~ j'.o Lo MoDon~Id~ Ro Porters R~ Scott ~ J o Sm~th~. ~Sum~np F~ed' WoffOrd p J o A o Jones ~ S ~ Davis ~ E~ B ~ D~tton ~ J o B ~ Esp ~nosa ~ L ~'. ~v V~ Brooks9 Ao Wo Martha' V~ . C~stodlan Sch.aefers Shi~teL.y ACcO'un% Clerk E:leetr.i cian 2~ Elee,% ~, Me lper 20 'Sweeper Ope?, Junior Clerk ~ · Account Clerk ~ 20 Moo Salary On. & Af, ter $/xH? .3h2 '- -. 3ha 3ha' 3h2' 3h2 .h/x6'' "377' '459 3.~42 h8.2 359' 326- '~'81 - X'. 377 377 28~ I 326 Advance to Step Date Adva~'ce tO S%ep Date ~ ~ /~ 5/58 12/57 j~lame ~son~ Ro ~er.~ A~ber~ J o Fox~ Robt~ Mo C~ay~ 'No~an L~ Chief Labo L~be?%~. ~ Wo Sergeant~ 24 O~Kane~ C~yde J~ Sergeant Were~ James Sergeant Ashby~ Lynn N'~. DeSk· Sergeant ~rtXe%%~ Do A~ Desk Sergesn% ereen~ Kenneth Desk Serges% S~an~ Ao W~ Desk Sergeant Benf~e~d~ Ho Lo Detective 23 Comer~ T~ Lo" Detective 23 Deem~ J~e~ N~ Detectiv~ " Harber~ Oo 'J'~ Detective 23 Harr~son~ J~ Detective 23 Lostaunau~ ~ L~ Detective, 23 ~art~n~ ~eorge Detective 23 ~i l~Gan.~ C~ R~ Detective, 23 Pe~e'tt~er.~ A~ R~' Detective 23 Streltch~ eeo~ V~ DetectKve 23 BradfOr~ Paul L~ P~ain CX~ Pat~ erade Burchett~ Eo Hauptman~ E o J o Stan Xey, Dorothy :P Zace'd · C~assi~-~eation": Schedo 'Step Assto Chief : Assto. Chief .Lle~'tenant Lieutenant Lieu%enent L~eu%e~ant LleutenaHt L~ eutenent Lieutenant R8d~o Techo To Be, :;.:.-' :.Moo On & A~ter 8/I/57 32 673 32 ~ 553 a7 55Y 27 527 27 553 27 527 a7 553 27 553 5~7 ~78 · '~55 ~78., ~33 455 ~33 5 ;3-'-:, 2 3 3 3 3 3 ,3 '3 '3 ,, Advance'/" Step Date a m/57 a a/Se a 1a/57 ~ ~/~s ~ ~/58 ~ ~/57 ~.~ ~/~8 . 'a ~ ~/~7 ~ x/58 ~ xx/57 3 5 5 "Ad.ve~ce- ; %o' ~i.~. 6/58 ( b )' POLliCE DEPARTMENT ~ame ClassifiCation To B~ Placed Xn Sch~do Step .Moo Salary On & After s/~/5? to ~o Step Dat~ Step Date Agu~arb An%ohio Barksdale o R o Bell~ Martin D~ BeXlemey~ J o Bla~rv Ray Ro Bo~en o Kenneth A~ C~rp~n%er o Fred Cash ~ 'J~S Ro Chelf~ L~s~er Cross~ James Flores~ Ao Jo F~r~y~ Gary Hobs%on ~ Russe ~ous%on ~ Triton Lad ley~ Ch~s Lambert ~ T. ~qcLellan~ R~ Eo Mar%ln~ Lo Ro Mat%h~s~ E~ ~eadows~ ~o 3o Mlller~ Edward ~o~k~ Co M o Mobr Ice ~ F o Moses ~ ,Wm o C~ Pas~ini~ L- 5ch~ ~ lhous, Sor~$on~ J S t~son ~ Wo S S~ll~van~ B. Patre lm~n ~., ~ . 20 20 20 20 20 20~ 20 20 2O 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2O 20 20 20 20 20 2O 20 · 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 373 b,33 373 392 392 ~33 392 392 ~33 b,33 h33 392. 39~ ~33 ~33 .:392 9/5'7 ~/~;8 ~o/~7 xo/~7 9/~7 9/57 x2/57 ~o/57 ~/s7 ~o/~ ~/~ We 9/~ _ h/58 _ ._ ~o/57 ' 6/58 2/58 ~/~ POLICE DEPARTMENT To Be Moo Salary Advance' Placed In On& After to Sched. Step 8/2/57 Step Date. 20 .. 2 20 '2 ~o 20 '2 20 2ll. 2 a 2h. h. 2O 3 20 2 2O 3 2o b.. 2O 3 20 2O 3 20 2o 2O 3 20 20 ao ao ao 392 3 39a 3 h33 5 9/57 39a .. 3 2/58 h?8 3 xx/5? h55 2 ~2/57 h78 392 Advance Step Date POLXCE DEPARTMENT To Be Plaaed ScAedo Step .a 4 4 Moo.' O~'a After ~33 433': 4BB' ~33 322 ·392 to Step Date AdvanCe 3o Any ~of the above empioyees of the P'oR'iCe Department v~hea as iVioto'r Patro'~men o'~ Mo'~or Pator~ Serge~ts sha'~'l recegve the addtt~ona~ saXary allocated'f~r ~le oos~tion by Salary OralS'hate ~i09~ N~ S,~ as ,.. (c) FIRE DEPARTMENT Pla~ed Xn MOo SaXa ry Ad,~ncc On & AfteP . t'o 8/~/57 Step Date Date R~naeXX, Co P. Canaday~ Go L, Adasp 'Po Oo Chief 36 Deputy Chief 32 A~c~stamt Chief 30 Assistair Chief 30 Ptl'e Dietshal 27 PXa~te~ Me~h~Ic 27 Adm..Capte in 2h Y 2 '6~0 6~0 F.I?e AXarm. Tech~n 23 Fire Prevention' 21 inspector., GP~ l " 2ll N W 2, 2. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2' h78 -h78 ......3 xx/57 478 3 ~x/57 h78 3 xx/5? 4 55 a. ~2/57 478 3 1178 FIRE DEPARTMENT C'~as s ~ ft cat ~on Ware~ Ro Bo Captain Wil~iams~ Zacha'ry~ Eo Wo. Anderson~ No Lo Engineer Angelo~, Boultinghouse~ Fr~c~sco~ R~ T~ Grtffith~ Hammond, D Hoitschulte~ J o " Hughes, H~ Ktrchner~ Ledfords. ,, L~nn~ H~ P~ Lucas ~ A MatloCk~ Oo McN~tt, A, B, " O1 Xver, K, V. " Rose," W, D, " Shal~ne, E, R. " Sisco~ S~mers~ Tortes, Do So " Tru~tt ~ Ao T~u~tt~ Wash~ngton~ Leroy " Wyatt, E.W. " Youn9~ O o To Be ~ Moo Salary Ad~nCe Advance Placed In On g .After to to Sch'ed. Step 8/1/57 Step Date Step Date h55 h55 ~55 h55 h55 455 b55 h55 h55 ~55 ~55 h55 h55 ~/57 ~x/57 5/56 ~/58 ~/~ ~/Se ?/Se ~/~ ~/~s ~/ss ~/~e ~/ss ~/~ 5/58 h/Se' h/Ss h/Ss h h/58 6/5s ~ 7/58' ~ 4/5s -(c) To Be = Placed tn Ciaesification 'Sched. Step No o Sa Iary Advance Advance On & After to to s/i/57, .-step Date step Date Adams ~ R o A~ : Ball, WoCo Bebout, Ro R~ Bennett~ Ho' Blagg, J~ W'o Biagg, R~ Jo Brown, J ~ C ~ Ceccarel!i~ Chapman, E ~ .Chit~Nocd~ W, Clark, H, C~ Creech, A, Crown, 6, P. E~Nards, D, Pie!ds~ 6~ A, 6alpln, P, A~ Hali~ j~ H~. Hef-!in, j', ~, Henry, Alton Herald, J, C~ Hodgee, M. K~ Hopkins, P, M~ Howard~ N, R Hughes~ E~. L~ Hughes~ R~ C~ H~nt~ngton~ V~ Jacks on ~ ~ ~ D Kniffen~ W~ O~ Holienhern~ Manzer, L, L~ Marsh~ To F, McDaniels~ J~ Mendez, S, D, 20 ~'F 3 3 4 2 .392 392 '433 ~BB.- 433 39~' .39a ~s33 -l~2 :o/57 I2/57 7/58 ~/~ 9/~? 9/~? ~/~8 x/58 ~/58 ~/5~ ~/Se ~/5~ 4/58 ~/~ e/57 xo/57 e/~7 ~/~ 7/~e ~/5~ ~/~ ~/5~ 7/¢ .~ :/~7 ,(c) FIRE DEPARTk,,~NT Name C lass !f i ca% ion i~iorris,'. ~.. R;" Hoseman ~a!e~ J o. Vo Newcomb, G- L~ Ragsdale, Reeds L, E~ Reynolds~ C~ E~ Rowe ~ D ~ P, ':~{ Schmidt, R~ Sisco~ G~ Stotts ~ J, K Sutton~ 3~ Taylor, J, Walsh~ R~ Weathers, Wel!s~ H, E~ Wyatt, E~ B?osweti, Lois Fire Alarm Operators Cart ~ C ~ M~ Hollibaugh~ Betty Ne 1son ~ C~ Young~ Lulu P laced In Sched~ Step . Moo Salary on a After 81.,.157 3 · 2 392 3 1412 · 3 h 12 h h33 '4. h33 'h ~33 3 h 12 3 4 ~2 . ~ 433 3 h 12 2 392 2 392 3 h 12 3 ~ !2 3 h 12 3 h !2 5 392 1 322 5 392 5 392 A'dva nee. 'to Step Date .7/58 9/57 6/58 !o/57 9/~7 9/57 9/57 I2/57 ~/58 9/57 ~2/57 7/58 3/58 7/5~ ~/58 7/58 9/57 ~/58 Advancs to 'Step :,'Date ~4o Effective AuOust !, 1957, the followln9 named ~mployees of the City of Bakersfield~ employed, in the Transit System~ shai1 be' placed in the steps in the clSssifi'cations~ indicated below~'to which %heir respective positions are allocated by the provisions of Ordinance No~ 1093~ New Series~ as amended, and sha!~ be paid the salaries indicated be,tow for services'performed for the City' of Bskersfield~ on and after August I~ !957~ until such time as they advance to the next step, if any, in.. their respective classif, i.cattons pursuant to the provision of said Ordinance: To Be Salary Advance Placed on Name C,/assif.~cat~n In Step '8/t/~7 Step 'Date. -'S in9 le Rate Anderson~ Ole J~ Dickso'n~ jeanette Moto~ Coach · pervlsor I~l-schan i'C Working FoTeman (~8 hrs. ) Office ~anager ~57a 387 Pe~ Hour Brigham~ Bruce:L~ MeChdntc OeConnell~ Dennis'E~ Tipton~Vance Baker~ jack AutOmotive Paint · & 'Body Man Brown~ Earl Eo. Me%or'Coach Operator E~s~ Ted Jo F~sche?~ Andrew Hulsey~ e~en 'Lo 'Hynd~ B~ R'o J ames ~ Ed' R o jones~ ~arvi~ L~ Jones ~ Raymond D~ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2:-~30 3 2oh3 2~X9 2.-~00 3 ~ 90 2' .90 · To ~Ze ry Advance ; Piacsd on N~e Classification i~- St~p 8/~/~7 Step Date Per Hour Lane ~ john P o Motor Coach Opera%or L'ansford, M.~. Ron Manning~ Robert Ao M:~![er~ Bryan Penns~ john Pierson~ WiXiiam Shacke Zfor,i ~ ~-:'tre y ~. if ford James V~ S 2 2 ~ O0 ?ayZor ~ Thomas Todd Vernon R ~ Bruce ~ john S ~. Bowsn,, Ceci ! V~ ~ ....,~on Henry L~ ~_. 9o 2 s / zLl/57 2 2, 09 .~,~ 98 3 2/58 5~ The-City CounciI of the City of Bakersfield hereby finds and determines that its action taken by the p~ssage ~f this se~ut~on is. justified by the nature of the positions held by the afo:rement~.o~ed employees ~d the capabiiit~es and experience of such emp!oyees~ and ~s in conformity ~ith the objects and purposes of OrdinanCe No,. 1095~'.Nav S~r~.es~ end Ordinance No~ 1093~ New series~ 6~ Thi's' :ceso!ution is passed.and adopted pu~sua:it to the .provls,~ons of OPd~nance Nos, 1095~ Net? Series~ and 10~.'~'~ Ne'~ Series of the C{tv oT Bakersfietd~ both as s. men~jed~ ..... o0o ~. HEREBY CERTti-:Y that %ha :Corego!ng ResO!~:%ion %,~s T'~, Ssed ' and ~dopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield meeting thePeo2 held on the' l~.~-_ Day of ~~,., 19~7 AYe: BALFANZ, ~, CARNAKlS, ~' ~,,L ,~, C~, D00UN, ~- ) Councll of the City of ~ATOR _g~'~th'e City of Bakersfie