HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 36-57f '~, ~the Oity or BakerSfield has been cO~ducting a program"of rehabilita:tten of 'sUbstandard dwollings"in.the,,~tty, ..and during the inspection and 'surveys of such dwellingS. has dis- covered many buildings which are. Valueless~ff dilapidated, obsolete, unsanitary, jun~tt. for habitat~on and:a hazard ~o the health and I ~a~. . ..i safety of p.ersons and property:in the commm~ity, and~- ! it is deemed advisable by the Council of the City, of Bakers- field that'where dwellings and other ~uildings are. such that they cannot be remodeled, Peconstructed:or rehabilitatedto meet the standards'prescribed for dwellings 'and'other'buildings, and such dwellings and buildings are valueless to the owners thereof, are. a ~etriment tc the neighborhood and.constitute a. hazard to the community from the standpoint of health-and safety of persons and property, .then, in those instances, such dwellings or buildings. should either 'be demolished and removed .from the premises, or.b,Arned, and ~.+ '.~' It is the desire of this Council in order'to encourage and-'~ promote the program of rehabilitation, that'assistance be rendered by the.City ,Fire Department in burning such obsolete, substandard .. dwellings 'oP buildings upon proper au~hor~ization or request 'from the owner or owners of such dwellings or .buildi~s. · ~.. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by ~he Oouncil of.the-City of 'Baker.sfle'ld,~that upon the reques~ or proper authorization from the owner or owners of substandard dwellings w~thin ~he City of Bakers- ,.~. field and approval of the City Attorney, the'Chief.of the Fire ! _D_epa~tment .of said Cit~ lishereby authorized ~o,burn·~uch"dwelling~ ~ or buildings when such burning will not, in She 'Judgment el' the Chief " of the Fire Department, constitute.a'fire hazard $o adjacent properties. I HEREBY CERTIFY ~hat She foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted bythe Council of ~he.'City of 'Bakersfield at=a regular meeting thereof"held on the ls$ day'of July, i957, by.~he following vote~ .... AYES: BA~ANZ, BENTLEY, CARNAKIS, COLLINS, CROES, DOOLIN, SCHWEIt~R. NOES: "~ ' City~Oerkand Ex,Officio Clerk of She · Council of the City of Bakersfield. ~ffiEREAS, the Cf~y of. hke~s%letd im~/been conducting a ~d d~ ~e ~ectf~ ~ ~veys ct su~h c~e~L~ ~e ~ts- !t iS demd 'aawi~ble ~ ~the Cornoil of the Ct~ of Bakers- field ~t ~e ~t~St 2 e~er 'b~!di~s'~e such that they .. cmt be'~delsd, ~e~~te'd, or re~b.iHt~ted s~~ds p~esm~i~d~f~ dw~s. rod,]:other b~ld~gs, ~d ~uch a.' de~e~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~d constitute a ~a~d;, to the c~~ty ~:fm ~ s~~t ~ health ~d s~ety~of p~p~, ~, in ~Se ~~s, ' s~h O~elii~s she,d eithe~ be d~BS~d ~d removed fi-om the " ~ell~s or b~ld~l' ~ p~er authorization or. request'fr~.. NOW, ~~RE, BE ~ R~O~t~:D by the Co~iI of the City ~stteld, ~t ~2 ~ ~e~st or p~op~ authorization ir~l the field ~ ~,ov~ of~';~t~' CI~ Attorney, .the C~,e~ of shs Fire · ,.T · · ~ .b-~~e ~en much b~:':wil! not, in. the. Jud~ent o~ :the Chief of-the FiPe De~~tm ~ons~tu~?,'a f'i?s hs~e~d ., ,-, Z, .: · ~et~ ~ePeof ~ld on ~ let' day Of ~y, t[~j?m, by the/o110~ AYES: BALFANZ, BENTLEY, CARNAKIS. DOLL'INS, CROES, DOOLIN. SCHWEfTZER. · NOES:. ~ , ,;" ' ABSENT:. Co~neil of %he City of Be/.z,~rsfteld. APPROVED this let; day o£ -VUl3r, 19~? / t ~og~am of ~e~ill~a~tom ef ~ubst~d~4 dwelli~S in. the city, ~d; ~I~ the lnspee~ten ~ .m~veys of such'.~,~,:~!~y~s '!~s dis- :e~ered m~y butld~ ~l~h m valueless, dilapidated, obsolete, ~s~t~, .tmflt .for ~t~tl~ ~d a haz~Q to the health and s~.fety. of.*pePsons md pPep~%y tn. the ce~.nity, ~d .. It ta deems4 e. dv~s~bi.e ~y*t}~e Cc~i! of the C~.~ of BakerS- field thet ~ere ~e11Ln~s ~d other bul!d~gs ~e such tha~ they c~ot' be r~o~!e~, .reeOM~etod c~ rehabilitated to mc~'t the st~dards prescribed fop d~ll~g$ ~d other b~d~gs, md Each dvm~ 1~ s ,, g · e~,d, buildings are value]-~es tO the o~ers thereof~ are a de~Iment te ~he ne~bor~od' aria constitute .e. hazard to. the c~Ity f~om the ata~poht of .hoolth 'an.d ~fety of persia and prCper~, ~en, i-n t~e ~s~:nc~. such !i . bvdldingS .,. dwel ~$ or '~d.-elther be demolished ~d. r~vm~ f~em 'tb~ ~c?emlses, cr b~ned, It t~ ~e desks of ~hls Cormsit in erde~ to 'snco~age' ~d promote ~he pro~ ~ Pe~b~ll~at!on, that m~istance be rendered, by the City F~e DeDarmen~ ~ b~q s~ch cb~clete, subsided ~ellir~s o~' ~uild~s upon p~.e~ ~uthorlzstton o~' request from ~ o~er or ~ers of s~h ~ellip~Es 0r b~ldin~e. NOW,] ~~RE, E ~ ~0LVED .by. the. Cou~oll of 't~ Ci~ of BakeTsfleld, t~t ~m '~e ~equest oT prier authorization ~ the o~e~, or o~ers of eubs~mdard dwelllnCG *"~a~. tho ~'ity of B~es~ fleld ~d a~r~at of '~ C!~y A'~torney, ~e Chiaf of the 'Deemeat-'el-:a~d-Oi~ is' l~r~.f~--a~thoriz~~. -to-:~.L~n--' ~u~h- ~e~s .... o~ bulld~a' ~en ah b~ni~ will ~o'~ ~c~ '~i~a jv~Dt of the Ohief of 'the Fire. '~Der~-r~ent~· ~.~,~titu~'o a :~i7.~, h~za:~d ~o s.c~J~ca~t propertlss~ ' .' I HEA~']~E CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution-was passed.. end' adapted by the Cotu~eLt of the Ci~-of B~kersfield at. a regular meet~ ~.ereef ~!d..on .t~ lat .~ey of :J~y, 19.~7,' by the feilow~ ,tes .AYES: BALFANZ, BENFLE'/, CARf'~KIS, COLLIdeS, C~C:S, OOOL{~ ~CHW~ITXErt 'W~EREAS, the City ef Bakersfleld }ias. been conductit~ pNgrm of N~bili~.ation ~ a~ta~arFl ~?~-ZsllinSs i~ the m~ d~i~ the inspe~ ~d e~v~, of such $wei!~s ~s dis- covered ~ny b~l~ ~eh'~e vstueteSs, dilapidated, ms~~, ~it f~ ~i~$~m'-~n~ 'a hazed to the health .'and ~t is. ~s~sd advts~ls ~ ~e Go~cil e~ the City of field that ~s ~ws.~s ~p_~ ~ths~ buildip~s ~e such ',~t thoy cataract be remodeled, X~S~~'d, OP rehabilitated. to meet standards prsse~ibsd fo~ d~~gs ~d O~e~. buitei~s, ~d such a detP~ent to ~ ne~~~ ~nd constitute a l~d' ~o'~he' c~~ty fr~. t~ s~~t of heaitil ~d safety o~ perils and' prep~ty, .~, in ~se ~s~es~ such '~e!l~s amid' elt~ be demolished nd re~ved, Irom the .preSSes, or b,~ned, It iS' the desATe of ~his Council in order'to' ~nccur~e promote'the'program ef ~ehabtlttatioz~, ~h~t s.~sistancs b~ by. ~ city F~s De~rmsn$ ~ ~ni~ s~h obsolete, subStandard ' ~ell~s' Or 'b~ld~'S 'Up~ p~oper ~UW:Ori'zaticnor r~qu~nt from .. NOW, ~~,, BE ~ ~L~D by the Octneff' of the' ~ke~sfleld, t~t ~ ~ r~z~ op p~oper authorization · ' o~er or-e~s~s ef s~sm~d dweilln~s ~i~.~ the;City-of · field ~d approv~ ~f ~e Ci~ Atto!~ney~ tb,e. ~hiel oi* ~he Or bUild~s when such b~~ will not~. iR the 9t~T~eltt of th~ Oilier. AYES: BALFANZ, BENTLEY, CARF(AKIS, COLL',NS, CROES, DOOLIN, SCHWEiTZE~; NOES: ABSENT: AFFR0~rED this 1st day of July, 1957 RESOILUTI~I~ NO. 36-57 WHEREAS, ,the City of Bakersfield has been conducting. a program of rehabilitation ~efsubstenderd ..dwellings in the city, and during the inspection'end.b;S~rvsys of such dxce!lingS has dis' covered many buildings which are valueless, dilapidated, ·obsolete, unsani~ery, tubfit for habitation: and a hazard to the health and safety of persons and :propoeSy; in the community, and .. It is deemed advisable! :by the CoUncil· of .the' Off. t~. of Bakers- field. that where' dwellings md ether. buildings are Such that they carmot'be reedsled, reconstructed or rehabilitated to meet .the 'standards prescribed f~r dwellings ~nd other ,buildings, and such dwellings a.n.d buildings ere.valueleSs.. to the owners thereof, are. a detriment to the neighborhood and 'constitute s. hazard..to the community from the standpoint of hse.!th and ssfety of' persons and property, then, in t~hose insSauces, such dwellings or buildings should 'either be demolished and.removed from the px, emise$, or burned, --It is the desire of this Council in order to encourage 'and promote the p?ogr.am ef rehabilitation,-.that assistance be rendered by the Oity Fire Denartment in b~t~ning such 'obsolete, substandard dwellings or buildings upon proper authorization 'or request from the owner or+ owners of such dwellings. or. buildings. NOW, TEERERE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, that upon the request or proper authorization from the owner or owners of subStandard dweil_~s within the City of Bakers-. field and approval Of the City Attorney, tl~e Chief ~o£ the Fire or buildings when such burning wZ!! notL .~3~, tn,~ juC~ment of the Chief of the Fire DeDcrtmsnt~, en, atituto afire h~ta~d to adjacent properties. I HERa~BY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed. end adopted by the Couneil of the City of Bakersfield at s ~egular meetin~ thereof held on the l~t day of July, 1957, by ~lle fellowing AYES: BALFANZ, BEN~[LEY, CARNAKIS, COLLINS, CROES, DOO!LIN, SCHWEITZER. NOES: ._~~' ' ABSENT: ......... ~ .... ~, · Otty Clerk an~ Ex~O~icie Clerk ~f the .Cot~.ci! of the .Cit~ of Bakersfield.