HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 33-57RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Council of the-City of Bakersfield-on the 7th day of November, 1955, au~horised ~'he opening of an .account with the First Western Bank and Trust 0cropany for the deposi% of 0it7 funds.' -NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the 0ity of Bakersfield, as follows: 1.' That the First Western .Bank-and. Trust Company is hereby requested,' authorized and directed to transfer and pay over to the Bank of AmeriCa, N. T. & S. A., Bakersfield Branch, any .or all sums requested to be transferred to said;. Bank of America upon request in writing, including checks payable to said Bank of America, when such written request or checks bear two handw~itten signatures,. to wit:. those ef the 'City Auditor and the City Treasurer, or of the City .' Auditor and the Deputy City Treasurer authorized to sign, or of. the City-Treasurer and the Deput7 City Auditor authorized to. sign; 2. The City Clerk iS .hereby authorized and 'directed to certify 'to the authen~icity of the handwritten signatures of said City Treas- urer land his deputy authorized to' sign, and ·said City Audi'tor. and his deputy authorized to sign, which-said handwrltten .signatures, together with said certification of'said City. Clerk,. shall- be filed with said First Western Bank and Trust .Company. '. 3-" The City Treasurer and his duly authorized deputy and the City Auditor and his duly authorized deputy,.-are 'the persons hereby -specified to'sign said written request or checks for and on behalf of the City of Bakers field as above set forth.' .= A~, ...The _,Oi.tyI Clerk .is- hereby, directed ~0 foxyward a. ,Certified copy-of~'= $his '-resolution---to said First-.--We,s~ern-~Bank~ and~ =Trus-~---~ompany. I ~Y CERTIFY that the. 'foregoing Res01ut~on was pasaed and adopted by the Council of the ci~y of Bakersfield a~ a regular meeting thereof held on the 17th. day of June,.'1957, .by the follow- ing rose: · _ -~. ~' .:~. . .ii~. APP~~ 17~h day o,f June, 1957 :, .,- ~, ~ .. c~ clerk. and ~rrl~io. cle~ of th~ Co.uncil of the City of Bakersfield RESOLUTION NO. 33-57 WMEREAS, the C.ouncil..ef the. City of Bakersfield on the 7th' day of November, 19~5, aUthor!~ad the.. opening of an account with the First Western Bank and:...TruS. t Company for the .deposit of City funds. 'NOW, T~EFORE, BE ,.IT RES0L~D by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: ' 1. That the First Western Bank and Trust Company is hereby requested,'. authorized and directed tO transfer and pay over to the Bank of America, N. T. & S. A., Bakersfield Branch, any or all sums requested to. be transferred to said Bank of America upon request in writing, including sheeke payable to said Bank of America, When such written'request or ohe~ks bear two handwritten signatures, to wit: those of the City AUditor and the City Treasurer, or of'the City 'Auditor and the Deputy City Treasurer authorized to sign, or.of the City Treasurer and the Deputy City Auditor authorized to .sign. 2. .The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed.to certify · to the'authenticity of the handw~itten signatures of Said' City Treas- urer and his deputy authorized'to 'sign, and said CityAuditor and his deputy authorized ~'o sign, which'said handwritten signatures, -together'with said certification of said City Clerk, shall be filed with said .First Western Bank and Trust Company.' .. · 3-' The City T. easurer and' his duly authorized deputy ~d the 0ity Auditor and ·his duly authorized deputy,· are the persons hereby .specified to sign said written .request'or checks for- and on behalf of the City of Bakersfield as above' set forth. "-" '..~' ~../_The;CityClerk is hereby directed.to forward a'certified . . I 'H~R~ .CE~TXI~X that '~-~xe foregoing Resolution was passed a~d adopted by ~he Council of the. City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the t-7t_h day of June, 1957, bY the follow- ing ~YE,~: BALFAI'<Z, BENTLEY, CARNAKIS, OOLU~!S. C['.Gi-'.S, DO=U['t, SCHWEJTZER. ABSENT: _ ;,'c, ~-->,,-- .--.- - ~arianS# Irvi~, Oity ClaCk.and Ex-Offlcio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED ~his 175~ day 9f J~ne, 1957 MAYOR of the City of ~akersfieid-