HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 32-57RESOLUTION·NO. WHEREAS, Subdivision of,Map of Tract' No. :1738 was .approved by the 'Council of 'the City of B~a~ersf~eld On the 15th day of November, 19~4' and the Tract ·Map of sai'~.sub!div. ision ~waS. recorded at page.167 of Book 8 of Maps~ Kern Coun~.y..?I Records~ ~and WHEREAS, portions of Lots 19 and 20 were reserved by the subdivider by the following language affixed to said subdivision map of Tract~ No. 1738a "... We al~so hereby dedicate for public use those certain .s trips' -of ~and lying_be- '- tween the lines-of lots and-the lines desig- nated as "future street l'ines," as shown on said map within said Subdivision reserving to ourselves for the use of the successive owners of, the respec:tive lots certain · rights of use of such portions of said strips~of land .as lie within ~he boundaries .of 'said' respeC'~ tiVe lotS; said :rights: 'of _uSe being' such .as' ' are 'incidental 'to the' care, planting and culti- vation of such portions of-said strips of land, but not including the constr'uction of build~ ings or structure of .any kind, excepti.ng,.fences and sprinkling· and irrigation'sYstems and appurtenances. thereto; 'said ~e ser~'ation of '..: such rights to ..jterminate .·and to .be of no. fur- and ', there effect s t such time as.. the' legislative body ,shall accept the same for street purposes'" WHEREAS, .it is now the desire'. of the .. Council to accept said dedicated properties for street purposes,. . NOW, THEREFORE,: BE IT RESOLVED', by. the' CounCil of the City of Bakersfield, that said portions Of Lots 19' and 20 as shown on · said SubdivisiOn Map ofi.:Tract No. 1738, dedicated by said sudivider -' for street p,urposes,I..be and the same are. hereby accepted by the City· " .L · of Bakersfield for street purposes and that.'said portions of LOts 19 · .... ~an_d .2.~0_.D~e '~d t~e~ Same are hereby fnamed and designated, and shall . be known' as ~ILSO~ RO~Do '", -said property is more fully aesCribed:'as follo. s, t0 All of that_ cert;~in parcel of land ~3 feet in width, bounded on the north,~y ~the northerly boundary line of Lots 19 and 20; bounded on the east by the north- easterly boundlary.line e£'~ Lc~ 20; bounded on the south by tha~ partiCula~ line ~..~esignated as a "Future Street Line,':" which last nmed ~i~ is parallel to, distant ~3 feet southerly from, as measured perpendicular to, the said nort~ly bo~da~ llne of Lots 19 and 20; bonded on the west'by the. nor. thwesterly bo~dary line of Lot 19, arid as said parcel',/ ~ said lines, ~d said Lots, are shown on the map of Tract No. 1738, recorded Novembe~ 19, 1954,..in Book 8 of Maps, at page 167, in the Office of the County Recorder of Kern ~ounty, California. , ---oO0~= I HEREBY CERTIBTf that the - feregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Co~inci! Of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 3rd day of~'~_une, i957, by the following vote: AYES: BALFANZ, BENTLEY, CARNAKIS: C,OLLSN?, CRCES, DOOLIN, flOES: ~ RESOLUTION NO. $2~5~, WHEREAS, Subdivision Of,Map of Tract 117o- 1738was approved by the Council of the City of'..Bskersfield on the l%th day of November, 19~, and the.-Tract Map of said*';;:~':i~'ubdivision was recorded at page 167 of Book: 8 of Maps, Kern County Records, and WHEREAS, portion~ of Lots 19 sam_d 20 were reserved by the subdivider by the following la~_age ai'fixed to said subdivision map f: of Tract No. 1738: ,... We also hereby dedicate for public use 'those certain'strips of land lying be- tween t, he lines of lots and the lines desig- nated as:"fnture street lines," as sho~n on sai~ .map.within said Subdivision reserving to oursel'v. es for the use of the successive owners .of the respective lots certain rights of use of such portions of said strips of lend as lie within the boundaries of said respec- tive lots, said rights of use being such as are incidental to the care, planting and culti- vatloner such portions of sai6 strips of land, but no~ including the construction of build- ings or structure of any kind, excepting fences and spMnkling and irrigation systems and appurtenances thereto; said reservation of such rights to terminate and to be of no fur- there effect at such time as the legislative body shall accept the same for street purposes." and, WHEREAS, it 'is now the desire of the Council to accept said dedicated properties for' street purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, that said portions of Lots 19 end 20 as shown on said Subdivision Map of Tract No. 1738, dedicated by said sudivider for street purposes, be and the same are hereby accepted by the City of Bakersfield for street purposes and that said portions of Lots 19 and 20 be and the same are hereby named and desiffnated, end shall be known as WILSON ROAD. Said property is more fully described as follows, to wit: All of that certain pa.r~,~l of land ~,3 feet in width, bounded 'on the north, b~he norbherly boundazy line of Lots 19 and 20; bounded on the east by the north- easterly boundary line of Lot 20; bounded on the south .!by that particular line designated as a "Future Street Line~': which last named line is parallel to, distant 43 feet southerly from, as -meas~ed perpendicular to, the said northerly boundary line of Lots !9 and 20; bounded on the west by the northwesterly boldly line of Lot 19, an8 aS said parcel, an~:]-eai~ lines, and said Y_.ots, are shown on the map of TraCt No. 1738, recorded November 19, 19%4, in Book 8 Of Maps, at pafi'e 167, in the Office of the County Recorde~ of Kern County, Catifornis. ---o0o- -- t EREBY CEHTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 3rd dsy of-June,-19~7, by the following vote: AYES: BALFANZ, BENTLEY, CARNr,[ilS, CQLT_;NS, CR,gES, DCC'..:"~, SC,",WEITZER. NOES: ' ~ l~%arian ~. irvin City Clerk' and ~k-Offi~io OZerk cf the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this 3rd day' of June,19~7. Frank Sullivan MAYOR of the .City 'of Bakersfield. ' All of that certain pa.l~l of land h3 feet in width, bounded 'on the north, b~-~e herbbelly boundazy line of Lots 19 and 20; bounded on the east by the north- easterly boundary ].ine of Lot 20; bounded on the south ~:Iby that particular line designated as a "Future Street Line ~' ~,~hich last named line is parallel to, distant 43 feet southerly from, as meas~ed perpendic~ar to, the said northerly bomdary line of Lots 19 and 20; bounded on ~he west by the north~sterly boredsty line of Lot 19, and as said parcel, an~"~.~aic~ lines, ~d said Lots, are shown on the map of Tract No. 1738, recorded November 19, 19~4, in Book S of Maps at oa~'e 167, in the Office of the County Recorde~ of ~rn CountZ:', California. - - -o0o - - - I EREBY CEM;TIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by tl~ Council om~ the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting 19~7, by the following vote: thereof held on the 3rd day of June, AYES: BALFANZ, BENTLEY, CARNAYJS, COLliNS, CROES, DCCL:% SCH'.,';EITZER. NOES: ' ' ~ l~arian ~. vrvin C'ity Clerk' anti i;k-Oi'fi~io Clerk cf t~ Council of the City of Bakersfleld. APPRO~D this 3rd day of Ju~,lg~7. Frank Sullivan ._ MAYOR o~ the Otty of Bakersfiel~. I~ES0LtP~I ON i~0.32'57' I9~'. and ~. Tract Hap of said subd'tvi~Ion' War;-i~j:coF~,"~ed at' .,-~a~e !67 .W~REAS. po~tfo~ or .L~.s, 19 an~ 20 '~o~.e. resented by of Trect ;-:o. 1738s ..: ~en t~ lims e~-7.o'bz and t~' lines se~d map wi~hln s~d f~utu~ivi~ion ' to o~t~s for the use ~I' th~' successive . . ' ow~rs of't~. res~ctlve !ots.ecrt~:~i~ of u~ of such portions ci' se~.d stx~ips cf lsnd as lle within t~ bo~u~arles el' said .. tire lots, seid~ PIEhls of use bein~ such as . vatiOn of s.uc~ po~tZens ..u,i' sr'id st~Zps ~'~f but ~t i~ludinE the cons~r{'~tion .:; f.b~fi!~- · ~.ngs e~ structure of snF i~T:nd. exceptinF fences 'and sp~ltng and !r~igatlon $?stem~ appetites ~reto; s~.d reservation of such rights 'to ~.~.na~m. and i;o '~=e of no t~re effect at such tii~ as tfae body s:~ll accept t~':~a~ s=:~;zc f~v strc.et .. and, -... - ' ' W}~rEEAS, it is ~w t~ desire (f the. Council t~ accept dedicated prc~ti~s fop ~t~et puPp,:~es. · of Sakersfield.~at .Said portions of ']Lo~s. 19 sn[~ SO"as shown on said S~division Nap of ~Mt }~o. !738. dedicated by sai'~ m~divide~- for street p~poses. be and t~ser~e ~ hereby ~coen~d bT the Said property lm mrs f~l~[- descrft:ed ~s i'oilc'~.~s, to ~!~: All of that eertain psrcel .Dr t~r~ l~3 feet in bounded on the ~crth, by the ~o~kcrtF bo~nd~U+ line of Lets. 1~ and 20; bn~ded one the sas~ bp the eas~rly b~mda~y li~ of 7:ot.-20; bounde-~:~ on the south b[ tha~ particular lira desisThated as a ~[~-'U~a~ T ~, ~-r~ich last namd !~a in peT~!lel to, dLstsnt fee~ southerly f~m, as me~sured ~erDendicuier ~o, the said ~e~t~rly bounds~ ~ lin~ ~.f i/~t.o~' 19 a~;Lr~ 20; bo~eee on the ~at by the no~ster!~ bo~n~cT~ !inc~ .?f Lot end as said parcel, and sai~7 lines, an<~ .sa~.d Lets, ate sh~n on ~ map of Tmc~ }To, 1738, reCCr~ ~{ove~er 19~, in Book 8 of Maps, a~ p~f~e.~le~7, in ~o ~iff!cs of t~e County RecoPdeP of Ks~n Count~' '~_!forr~i~+, ' · ' i. H~RFBY CE~I}~ that ~ foregoin~i Y~esOlution was pss~cd and adopted by u~ Coumil of the City ~f r~ersfiel<~ =~t ~ rn~;ut~r ~of held on ~ 3~ day of J~,, 1957, by ~-~e fol!~in~? vote: · .Council of the City ~f ~ake.~si"iel~.