HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 31-57RESOLUTION NO. 31-57 - A RESOLUTION FIXING ~{E TIME OF .MEETINGS- OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. . DURING THE MONTHS OF JULY AND AUGUST. , L . WHEREAS, it is the desirelof the Council Of the City of Bakersfield"to change its schedule of meetings during the months 'Of July'and August. -. · ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council o£ the City of Bakersfield, that commencing with the effective date of'Ordinance No.'l124,.New. Sertes of the City of Bakersfield, ,the CounCil of the City0f Bakersfield shall hold its regular meetings on the first and. third Mondays during 'the months 'of.July and August of '!957,'and On the +first and third Mondays during the~m?nths of'July and August· of each. year.thereaiter, except when_any of said Mondays Shall be a legal holiday', in which event the COuncil shall-.~meet on the following. TUeSday. - . . ,,- o0o~- " .I HEREBY CERTIFY that the..foregOing Resolution was ·passed and' adopted bY theICouncil Of the City. ofBakers. field-at a.regu!ar. "meeting. thereo~:-held on the 3rd day of June, 1957,".by the f~ilowing vote: . ' AYES: 8ALFANZ, SENTLEV, 0AR~KiC. C0LtmS. C~0ES. D00Li~. SC~WEiYZE~. NOES: IABSENT: . . Ex-Officio Cler.~ of the' Council of the'City of BakerSfield. ...... ' ' ': ..... "~ ":C (' ~.'' ":. '~ ~5':' :' '.'* :' ~" ~ ' ~ iL.."'_ , .'.' , , R]~SOLIYrlON, ~ 31-57 A RESOLUTION FIXING TIIF. TI,MF~ OF I~ETINGS OF THE COUNCIL OF T.I{3 CITY.' OF BAKFRSFI~.LD DURING THE MONTHS OF JULY AND. ~kUGUST. · HEREAS, it is the desire of the Council of -the City of Bakersfield to Change its schedule of meetiugs during the months- of July and August. NOW.., THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the-Council oi the City o~ Bakersfield, that commencing with the e£fective date of Ordinance No. 1124, New Series of the City of'Bakersiield, the Council 'of the City of.Bakersfield shall hold its regular'meetings*on the first and third Mondays during the' months'O£ July'land August of 1957, and on the first and third-Mondays during the months of July and August .of each year thereafter, except when any Of said.Mondays shall be a legal'holiday, in which event the Council shall meet on .the following Tuesday. "- ........... O0o - I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution'.w~s passed 'and adopted by the Council of the. cityof Bakersfield at ,a regular meeting.[~hereof held on the 3rd day of-June,.'1957,'-by the fo'llowing vote: AYES;' BALFANZ, BENTLEY, CA~;::,,'I,::, COLLINS, CROES, DOC.~.IN, SCHWEITZER. Marian S. IrVxn CITY CLgRK and-Ex-Offlclo'Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakers£ield. ..... _ ...... -_. ....~.... .... ---.-~.~...,.~.~ APPROVED this 3rd day of June, 1957, Frank Sullivan MAYOR-of the City of Hakersfield. .® WHEREAS, it is the desire of the'Council O~ ~he City Bakersfield to change its schedule o2-meetings during the nontha of July and August. "' NOW, THEREFORE, BE-IT RE~9~V~9 by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, that. commencing 'with the. etiective date of OrdinaaCe No. 1124, New Series of the City o~' Rakersiield', ~he'C~uncil of the City of Bakersfield shall hold its'regular mee~inas on t~e ~irat and third Mondays during the months'.of '~uly and AuaUat-of 1957, and on the first and third; Mondays durin~ the months o~. July and Au~uat of each year thereafter,'-except when. any-of said ~ondays ahall be a legal holiday, in which event-the CoUncil shall m~et on the following Tuesday, .. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing i~esolutlon wa~ passed and adopted by the Council of the-City o~ ~akersfie. ld at a regular meeting thereof held on the 3rd day o~ ~une, i957,-~y the follow~n~ vote: AYES: BALFANZ, BENTLEY, ..~,'COLLINS. CROES, DOCLIN, SCHWE'TZER. .oEs: · '>,--- ,, -Marian S. Ir'vin. CITY C~t~i and F.x-O~lcio Clerk of the Council of-the City of ~akersfteld. APPROVED this 3rd day of June, 1957. Frank.Sul'livan MAYOR of the Clty of Bakersfield. tESOLIrfION= . .... ' OF ~ CO~CIL OF ~ CIT'~ .OF'..B~SFI~LD '. D~ING . .,. · .. .,. .. W~AS, At is the desire o2 the Co~cil 'of the City of Ba~rsfield t0 change its .schedule-of mee'timgS, d~'ing the months u~t', of' July and NOW, T~REFO~, BX IT ~SOLY~D .b~.'the"eo~cil.of' the City of"Bakersfield,"; that co~encin~ with 2he-e~ec~ive date of Ordinance No, .11~4~ New-Series of the C~ty CitY]of Bakersfield shall hoId 'its re~iar meetinZs on the first and third Mondays d~in~. the months on the first and third Mondays duri~ the months of July and' .August of each ye~ thereafter, except when"~ny o~ said ~ondays shal:l be a le~al holiday, in which event the 'Council shall mee~ on the following Tuesday, I HEREBY CERTIFY that the.'~oregoing Resoiu~ion was passed and adopted by the Council of the'City..o2."Bahersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 3rd day 0~. June, 1957,.by t~e following vote: AYES: BALFANZ, BENTLEY, CAF,;'4A;CiS,. COLLINS..CROES, DOOLIN, SCHWEITZER. : NoEs: ' _)' ' ~.r:. ~ ., . ---~.:~. Marian S. Irvin CITY CZ.a,'RK and. ~-O£1icio Clerk of the Council' of the City of Bakersfield, APPROVED this' 3rd day of June, 1957. Frank SUllivan MA~[OR-of the City of ~akersfield.