HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 30-57 RESOLU~YON NO, WHEREAS, Assembly Bill No. 2308, now ~ending, would repeal SeCtion '25643 and add a new section to the. Government Code removing di.scretionary powers of Boards ~of Supervisors, and making structural fire protection exemption mandatory for qualified local agencies; and WHEREAS, it i-s deemed to be to the best interests of the cities and to counties of the State Of California, that uniformity be estab~ lished throughout the State tn such matters. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE that the Council of t~he City of Bakersfield does hereby approve the-passage of such ACt by'the Legislature, and does hereby urge ~the duly elected representatives of this district to vote in favor of SuCh measure. -- -o0o- -- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing .Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting. thereof held on the 3rd day of June, 1957, by .the following vote: Council of the City of Bakersfield. .RESOLUTION NO. 30-57 WEEAS, Assemkty Bil~:~qo. 2'308, now pending, would'repeal .Section 2~643 and add a'new section.to the; Governments Code removing di sore ti chary powers of Boards of Supervi sops, and making's truc tufa! fire pr0.tection exemption,l~mandatory for quaill, ted local agencieS; and WHEREAS, it .is deemed to' be to-the best interests of the cities and:,'~o counties.of the Sta'~ .of California, that uniformity be estab- lished thr0ugh0'ut 'the S~ate in such matterS. .NOW, THEREFOE, BE ITI RESOLVED~ tha~ the Council of~ the City of Bakersfield does hereby. approve th~'-'passage of. such ~gt by the ~Legis- · lature, and 'does hereby urge? the duly elected' representatives· of this district to vote in favor of such measure. . ' ~ -"-o0o--- ~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that -the foregoing ReSolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the .City of ~Bakersfield at a 'regUlar meeting · thereof held on the 3rd day of June, 1957, by :th~ following vote AYES: BALFANZ, BENTLEY, CARNAl{IS, COLLINS, C. ROES, DOOLIN, SCHWEtTZER. , NOES: ~..' ., - ABSENh ; .: Marian :S. Irvin ~0ity Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk '~o~ 'the Council ~of the City 'of Bakers- +field. APPROVED 'this .3rd day of June, 1957. ' ', - 'Frank Sullivan -MAYOR of the City Of Bakersfield. WHEREAS, AsSembly. Bill So. 2308, no~ pending,' would repeal Section 25643 and add a new see:,t~.on to the Government Code removing discretionary powers. of Bo~da ef SuperVisors and ms~n~-struct~nl- fire ~etection e~mptien'man~a~er~' .for qu~ifled local agencies; and '. ~REA8, it is deerod to be to the best =interests of the cities and to counties of the Sta~ .of California' ~thet X~f°PmitY be estab- lished threShout the State in'such matters. NOW,. TH~RFFOE. *BE IT RESOLV~ that'the Council. of the City of BakerSfleld does ~mby approve the passage of such ~,ct by. the' ' and does ~reby'~ge the duly elected] representatives of 'Dgislature, this 'dis'trtct to ~e in favor o'f 'sUch ~as~e. I gERm:BY CERTIFY that the foreg~ing'Ebsotuti.0n ws, s passed and adopted by the cour~il Of the' City of, ~aI:~rsfield at a regui~.r meeting thereof held on the 3rd day of JUne, 1957, by 'ttie follo~qing vote: AYES: BALFANZ, BENTLEY, CARNAKIS, COLLINS, CROES, DOOLIN, SCHWE.tTZER, NOES:k_. "'~- - ' ' ABSENT: t".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.~4,.,z- · ' ' -' Marl an S. Irvln cit["r,l'ePk and Ex. Oi'f!cio '~lc~k hi' the Cou/~Cil of the City of Dskersficld- APPROVED This 3rd day of June. 1957 Frank Sullivan }4AYOR 'of 'the C£ty of Bakersfiel~ WHFREA8, Assembl~ Bill No. 2308, now ~ndi~, wo~d repeal Sect~ 25643 m4 add a ~w M~en to the GovsP~ent Code Pemovi~ fin pPotectien e~mptlon mandeW~ fop qualified local agencies; and WER~AB, .it is dee~d to be to the best'.inte~ssts of the cities a~d to cowries of the State of California, fleet u~f6r~i~y be ost~h- liebed t~o~ut the State im such NOW,'-5~FOE, BE IT REBOI~D that the C0~ctl of ~ City ~of Bakersfield alms hereby appPo~ the pssss~e of such' ~ct by the ~gielatuN,. and does ~reby ~ t~ d~ eiecW'~ rep~esentat!ves of thi's district to ~ in favo~ of such --'~OO--- I ~FBY ~RTIH ~hat t~ foregoin~ ~?esolutlon was passed end a6op~d by $~ Co~e~ of the Cl~ c~f F~t~crsfie!<~ at a ~ular ~cetlnF t~reof .held on the 3M day of J~, 1957, by 'the foiloF!rig vote: AYEs": 8ALFANZ, eENTLE~, CARNA|(IS, 'COLUNS, CROES, BOO[IN, SCNWEITZER. MsPien S. TPvln_ (',~tF' Clf:rk and ~'x-'.'Zif'lcio C'l(:'rk ;.~l the 6~uncil of the CitZ~ of t2skersi~ie!d. APPPOVED This 3Pd .day of June, 1957 Frank 8ullivlm MAYOR df t~e C~ty of ~a~e~s£'leld WHEREAS,' Assembly Bill No. 2308,~ now Pe.ndtng, would repeal Section 2~643 end add a new section .to the G0verment Code removing dfscretlonar~ powers of Boa'Pds ef Supervisors, 'ana making struc%~al fire protection exemp%ion mandator~ for qu~ified local a~enctes; and ~REAS, It iS deemed to be to the best interests of the cities and to counties of the State of California,' ~ha.t ~ifoPmit~ be estab-' 'iished throughout the State in such matters. ~. f'. 'NOW, ~FO~, BE IT RESOLVED' ~that the .C0~cil of the Cit~ of Bakersfield'does heMb~ approve the passage of such Act b~ the LegiSlatUre, and..does hereby ~ge the dnl~ elected representatives of this district to ~te in fsvor of such meas~e- ---o0o--- I ~REBY CERTI~ that the foregoi'n~ Resolution was passed and adopted ,by the Ccuncil of the Cit~ of ~Ba~rsfield at a ~egular meeting t~reof hel~ on the 3Pd da~ of ~une, 19~7~ b~ the following vote: ,'(YES: BALF~,NZ, BENTLEY, CARNAKIS, COLLINS. CROES, DOOLIN, 'SCHW~}TZER. .NOES: Marl an S. Irvin City Clerk and K'x-Officio Clerk oi' the ,Council of the City Of Bakersfield- APPROVED This 3rd day Of June, 19%7 Frank SUllivan MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield