HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 29-57RESOLUTION NOo 29-57 RESOLUT 0N SETTING TIME ; : D ?L CE FOR PUBLIC SEAR- ING ON 0RDIN~NCEB FOR~ ~:~ ADOPTION OF UNIFO~{ BUILD- - ING, PLYING AND ELEC~RIC'~ CODES FOR T~. CITY OF ' '~'~ BA~SFIELD; ORDERING COPIES 0F SAiD'O~INANCES A~ S~D CCDES TO BE FInD WITH TE CITY CLERK: AND ORDER- ING TE P~LICATI0.N OF NOTICE 0F 'SAID P~LIC. E/~ING. ~RE~, pursua.ht to the provisions 'of Section 50022.1 to ~0022.8, both inclusive of the Goverment COde, this Council is'desir- ous of adopting ~he following dentitled ordi-nances: "AN O~INANOE ADOPTING TE"l,955 UNIFORM BUiLDZNG CODE, VOL~S I AND III, MR TEl CITY OF BAERSFIELD AND RE- PEKING ORDINANCES NOS. 967, ·976, 999 A~ 1012, ~L ~ SERIES OF SAID CITY, .-A~ ALL 0TEE ORDINANCES 0R' - PARTS 0F 0RDIN~E~S IN CONFLICT TERE~TH." - "AN ORDINANCE A~PTING TE ~IFORM 'PLU~ING CODE, 1955 EDITION, FOR TE CITY _OF BAERSFIE~ AE EPE~ING ' 0RDIN~CES NOS. 958 ~ SEEES AR9 1016 ~ SERIES OF TE CITY OF BAERSFIELD,~ CALIFORNIA." "AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE 1956 UNIFORM ELECTRICAL' 'CODE AND THE 1956 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE FOR THE CITY OF BAKER~FIELD AND REPEALING ORDINANCE' N0. 969, : NEW SERIES OF SAID CITY." - - which ordinance s, re speCtivety,.; am0D4~ other things, 'adopt by' reference as codes for the City of Bakersfie lS ,, -the following. named primary and secondary codes, subject to ce.,rtain deletions and revisions as more particularly set forth in said Ordinances.' Said primary and secondary codes are .primary and secondary codes within the meaning of Said terms. as used in Section 50022.1 of the Government Code, and are known and re- ferred to as follows: (a) Uniform Building Code -(1955 'Edition), ..which code was prepared, approved and adopted by' the International Conference · of Building. Officials at the 32rid Annual Meeting, Ocltober 5 to' October 8, 195~. Volumes I and iii, andI publishe'd by Pacific Coast Building Officials. Con~e.rence ,.. 610 South Br0a~way, '.LOs : (b)Uniform Plumbing Code (1955 Edition), adopted by: we stern Plumbing Officials As soc iation at the '~ 25th Annual conference, ~ October, 1954, and published by Western Plumb- ing Officials Association,~P. O. Box lt, Los AhgeleS: Cali- fornia. "; ' ' · ' (c) Uniform Electrical Code (19~61Editi0n), published by Pacific Coast Electrical Bureau, .~.30W, Sixth Street, Los 'AngeleS, California, and 681 Market Street, San FranciscO,- California, together with that certain secondary code"in- corporated by reference in said Uniform Electrical Code, and.. referred to as the National Elec't~ical Code '(1956 Edition), published by National Board of Fire~ Underwriters, 465' California Street, San Francisco, California. ~ '.-' '... WHEREAS, this Council, having pUbli'c~y read· the titles of said- Ordinances on ~hiS 3rd day of June, 1957, and during regular meeting of this Council at its Chambers, 150-~ Truxtun AVenue,· Bakersfield, California, is now desirous of calling and fiXing"a'public hearing: .as PresCribed by Section 50022.3 of the .Government Code',· on the adoption of. said Ordinances, at which public b~a~ing any and all 'persons desiring to be heard thereon or on any matter contained therein shall be duly--and regularly heard; ' " NOW, 'TEEFOE, .on motion of ~,~_.~_~ -. .and .seconded by ~ ~ a~ ' ' ' ~ ~J~ _ IT IB HEREBY ORDERED that a public hearing is hereby ca ed fixed, to be. held On the' i ~d :I.~ . . a '19;57 in the Council Chambers in the City Hall,' '1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California,. at which public hearing any and .all interested persons 'desir- ing to be .heard on the adoption ~of s'a~d primary and secondary codes, .or on any matter in connection therewith, will .be duly and regularly heard. ........ = ....TT'IS 'HEREBY' FURTHER 'ORDERED' t'~at'~copie s~ of" ~'ald' Ordinances ~nd copies of said primary and secondary .codes 'ars'.hereby received and' filed with the Clerk 'of this Council an~ declared t0 be :open to public-inspec- , tion by any .~and all 'interested ~rsons; that notice of said public hearing shall~l~be given b~ public~'t~on in The Bske~sfiel~.~ Californian, a newspaper of general circulatior~by tv~?o {2) publications, the first publication to be made at least fifteen (15) days preceding the date of said hearing, and the second publication to bs made at least eight (8) days preceding the da~e,~-~ said hearing; that the form of notice shall be as prescribed in "Exhibit A, on file with the City Clerk of this City, entitled "Notice o'f Public Hearing to be held by the Council of the '~ity of Bakersfield on the Proposed Enactms~t of the Uniform Build- ing, Plumbing~I and Electricsl~!.C.e~es for' the City of Bakersfield, Cali- fornia", a Copy of which "Exhibit~ A" is hereby approved, received and filed-with the Clerk of. this council. ...... 000 ..... ~ t-'HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing 'Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 3rd'day of June, 1957, by the following vote: AYES: BALFAN7_,, BENTLEY, CAPI',ZAHiS, COLL!~'l,.q, CROES, DOOLH,2, SC].IWE!TZER, NOES: ~ · ~ .~pPe , ' '- ~- 'ay of Jun~, 1957 ~--. MAYO~ or,~he -City of Bakersfield. the Counoil of the City of Bakers- field. · NOTICE OF .PUBLIC EEAR~G TO BE HELD BY THE COUNCIL 'IkF'T~ CITZ OF BAKP_/RSFIELD ON THE PROPOSED B~ACTMENT OF THE UNIF0~! BUILDlinG,' PLI~tBINe, AND ELECTRICAL CODES FOR THEI.CITY OF BAIERSFIELD, ~ALIFORNIA. NOTICE "'iS tIF2iE]~ GIVEN,._~ tha~ pursuant' to. ~he provisions of .. · l~tlons ~022.1 ~o 50022.8, ~ incl~iv.e, of tl~e Gove~ent Code, ~e ~' Oo~eil, ~ter first 'Te~ of ~e titles thereof, has declared does here~. de~e i%a ~ten~ion to e~.ct the foll~G entitled CODE, ~L~ X ~ .~t,FOR T~ O~ OF B~F~, mD ~Lm~ x~os..967, 976, 999 ~D 1012, "AN ORDIIANOE'ADOPTIN~ .THE, ~t?0HM PLY~_'al~;G CODE, 1955' ':"' EDITION, 'FOR TEE 0ITY ~F -RAEERSFIELD AND REPEALING ORDINANCF~ NO8.9~8. NEW SERIES ~.atD 1016 I~'~M. SERIES OF T~E CITE OF BAIERtPIELD, CALIFORNIA." "AW ORDINANCE ADOPTIll} THE. 1956' I~IFORM ELECTRICAL CODE AND. THE 19%6 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE-FOR. THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO; 9'69, NEW S__~_IZi~$ OF, ,~XD CXT/.:: ~hich ordtnenees, respeet. i. Wsly, amon~ other things, adopt by reference as e~es f~ the Ci~y cf+ Bakersfield ~he !'el!owing _~.~.ed-prim~u-y~ and secondary codes, subJee$ t~ cer~a/n deletions and revisions, as more c- partiCulsrly set forth in said OrdinanCes. Said prima~y and secondary codes are. primary and seeon~ codes w~hin the meaning of said' terms as used in Beetion 50022.1 of the ~overnmen~' Code, and a~e known and' 'referred ~o as fellowes (a) Uniform Ballding-Code (1955 Edition), which code was prepared. approve~-and adopted by the International Conference of Building Officials at She 3Znd Annual Meeting, October 5 to 0ctobeT 8. 1951~, Volumes I an~ III', and published by Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference. 610 SoUth. Broadway, Los Angeles, Oalifoxuiia. .. (b) lh~1.rom P'lUmbing.Code.'(!95~ EditiOn), adopted by 'Western Plumbing Officials Association at ~e 25thAnnual' '1 Conference, Oa~be~ 195~, and published by Western Plumbing Officials Association, P. O. 'Box 1t, Los AngeleS, California. ( c ) Uniform EleC~ieal. Code ( 19~6 Edition)', published by Pa~ic Coast Electrical Bureau, 530 W. Sixth'. gtreet~ Los Angeles, California, and 681 Market Street, San Francisco, California, together with tl~t certain secondary code corporated by re.~ex, ence in said Uniform.Electrical :Code, and ~efe~red to aa ~he Natlamal ElectriCal Code (11956 Edition), published by National Board of Fire Under~-iters, 465 .California Street, San Francisco, California. NOTICE IS FI~R~ H~REBY GIVEN, that the Co,oil of the of B~ersfleld ~$ c~ed ~ f~ed a public he~g, [to be held on the .,,~ ~' 'Of,~ ;~. ..... , 1957, et the ho~. of ,~.'~;~ . tn the Co~tl C~be~ t~ Ci~ ~, 1501 ~~ Avenue, B~ersfield, California, at which p~blic hearing. any and. all interested 'persons desiring to be heard mm the adoption. of said Ordinances and on _the adoption -of said p?Imary and secondary codes, or on shy matter in co~mection t erewltn,' wall be NOTICE ~ ~~ ~~ GIFTS,' t~ the above-entitled ordi~ea ~d exa~t c~pies ~ file with ~e Ci~ Clerk of ~e Ci~ of ~ersfield at her office at t~ Oil' ms, ~e open t~ p~lic i~e~ion. . Dated: ~e. ~., 19~7.' "