HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 26-57 '-RESOLUTION,~I~O. 28-57 A RESOLUTION OF THE ,COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF BAKERS- -' FIELD, CALIFORNIA, , ORDERING THE VACATI~:N OF PORTIONS .; ~ OF C STREET 'BETWEEN.THE NORTHERLY LINE 0P 24TH STREET ....I AND THE S0UT~E~_Y LINE OF TRACT NO. 1387, IN TEE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ,. CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, on thelTM 29t~'day of April, 1957, the Council of the · . ~ ,- ~. City Of Bakersfield, pursuant~,:~r the provisions of the "Street Vaca- tion Act of 1941, being Division 9, Part 3~ of the Streets and High- ways Code of the State' of California, passed' and adopted its Resolu- tion of Intention No, :7.30, de~larlng its intention to order the vaca- ti.on of, portions of C. Street between the northerly line of 2~th Street and the s.outherly 'line of Tract· No. 1387, in the City of Bakers- field, State of California, and WHEREAS, said ~Council di'd fix a. time and place for heaping all persons interested in or objecting to said proposed vacation, which said hearing was held on the 20~h day of May, 1957,. after notices were duly posted as 'required by laws and- WHEREAS~ this -:Council. : after duly considering the matter, does hereby find and! .re s~ol_v..e as fOllowS: · 1. That th0~e portions of C Street be tween t he northerly line of 2hth Street and the southerly .line of .Tract No.1387, in the City of Bakersfield, State of California, mope particularly desczt bed under Par- cels 1, 2, 3 and ~.are ,,unnecessary fop present .or prospective public street purposes.~ .... PARCEL NO. 1 Beginning at the southeast (S.E,) corner of Lot-l' Block ' 470 D, as said_ lot 1, is shown on "Map of the City'of Bakersfield,"' filed in the office of the CoUnty Recorder of Kern County,' :November 25, 1898, in Book I of Maps, Pages 13 and 14;' thence .northerly along the easterly line of said Lot l, and~ the northerly prolongation thereof to intersect the southerly boundary line of Tract No. 13~7, as said last 'named sou-therlv boundary lin~ is shown on ...... Ma ' of' Ti~aCt No-1387,'~e~bra'ed'*in"'Beok'6 0~Ma~a-; 'at 'Page ' ' ' 1~,: in the office of said County Recorder; thence .easterly feet,~ to:t. he southeast (S. E.) corner of Lot 1, 15 Btock~ ~, of said. Tram-t: No. 1387; thence southerly parallel with,~istant 11"~25 fa~easte:~ly, as measured perpen- dicular to sa~'dI~8~the'~ rOlongation of the easterly · line of ~Ai:d.'Lo~ ~.~ ,BlOckadE70 D, and parallel with said ' easterly Iim of ~la~t~ n~d Lot l, to intersect the .east- erly. prol0nga~On ~f't.he .southerly liD~ of said· Lot 1, Block ~70 D~-~hence ~rly alo~ last n~d easterly prolongation,. to interpret the southeast (S.E.) corner of s~d Lot ~!,Block ~ D, and to the 'point of begin- , PAR CEL NO. 2 Beginning at t~ soUt~Ast ~$.E.) corner of Lot 20, Block 470 D, as said ~Lot~ 20~.~/shown on said "Map of the City of B~ersfteld"; ~thence .n~$herly along -the easterly li~ of said LOt 20, t~~ the no~ast (N.E.) corner thereof; thence easterly along the e~st~rly prolongation of the northerly ti~ of said~Lot 20, 'to intersect a line p~allel with, distant 11.25 feet easterly, as meas~ed perpendic~ar to said easterly line e~Lot 20; thence southerly ~ong las6 nmed parallel li~to in~sect a point; ~ich point is defined by .masuri~ll.25 feet northerly along the easterly lira of s~d Lot 20, from the~ southeast (S.E.) corner thereof; t~nce'easterly, perpendicul~ to the easterly lira of said Lot~ 20, a distance of 11.25 feet to said point of intersec~ien, and to t~ southerly.tetanus of last nmed par~lel lira; thence fr~ said point of in- tersection southwestfly to intersect 't~ southeast (S.E.) corner of said Lot 20, and to the point of begin~ng. .P~CEL NO. 3 Begi~ng at t~' sout~est (S.W.) corner of Lot 11, Block 46~, ~s~d Lot 'll is shown on said "Map of.the City of s~d Lot ll, ~tO t~ northwest ( corner thereof; thence we ster~y along t~ westerly prolongation of the n~therly lira of said Lot ll, to intersect a line par~lel with, dis- rant 11.25 feet westerly, as measured' perpendicular to said westerly~'lim of Lot ll, thence southerly along ~st named parallel line to intersect a point; +w~ch point is defimd .b~ mas~i~ 11.25 feet~northerly, ~ong the westerly line of said Lot ll, from the southeat (S.W.) corr~r thereof, thence westerly, perpe~dicul~ +to t~ westerly lira of said Lot ll, a dist~ce of 11.25 feet to said point of intersec- tion, ~d ~o t~ southerly tetanus of last n~d p~allel lira; t~nce fr~ ~said point of intersection sou~heasterly, to inte.~sect the southwest (S.W.) corner of s~d Lot ll, and to t~ poin~ of begi~ng. ' PARCE NO. ~ Beglining at the' southwest (S.W.) corner of Lot 10, Block 469D, as said Lot 10'~$ ~n on said "Map of the City of B~ersfield"; thence northfly along the westerly line of said Lot 1~, and t~ northerly prolongation thereof, to intersect t~ ~utherly ....... ~oundary lim~ of Lot .26, Block 3, of afo~said Tract No. 1387; t~nce westerly ~ong t~ last namd southerly boundary line, a dist~ce of~ll.2~ feet to the~southwest (S.W.) cor- ner of said Lo~t 26, Block 3; thence southerly, parallel with, distant 11.25 feet Westerly, as meas~ed per~ndic~ to said northerl~ prolongation of the westerly line of said Lot 10, Block ~69 D, andI'~parallel with said westerly line of said Lot lO~.Block 469 D, to insetsect the westerly prolongatiom of ~the southerly line of said Lot 10, Block 469 D; thence easterly, along last named westerly prolong- ation, to intersect the southwest (S.W.) corner of said Lot 10, Block ~69Dt and to the point of beginning. 2. That said pOrtions of C Street, be and the same are hereby closed up, vacated and .abandomed for public 'street purposes, to amd in conformity with said Resolution of IntentiOn 730- subject R~ference te said Resolution o~...!ptentiQa' is hereby made for further particulars. 3- The City~O!e~k sha~l certify to the passage of th~s Resolu- tion and sha~l cause :::a :certified copy hereof, attested by the Clerk u~der the seal of .~e.?O~t~ te:~ recorded tn the office of the Comty Recorder of t~ Co~ty of Kern,-C'alifor~. ...... 000-""~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and .adopted by the Cou~ci! ef the Oity of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 2Oth day of May, 1957, by the following vote: ;"'~'" ~" Cit e~W~ -Oi i~Clerk of the " :- °=\ Council of the City of Bakersfield. o :' !! May,, 1957 - of M~ePs