HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 24-57 RESOLUTiON:~'N0.24-5'~. RESOLUTION OF THE COIE.TOIL OF TE ~CITY '0F BAKERS- FIELD AUTHORIZING THE FISCAL AGENT TO WITF~DRAW CERTAIN FUNDS FROM T}~ SURPLUS REVE~rUE PLEAD AND TO PAY THE SAME TO THE Tt!EASUR~ OF THE~ CI~,nrf OF BAKERSFIELD, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF RESO- LUTION NO. 75-55 OF SAID COEF_'~CIL. WHEREAS, Resolution No. '7~-55, authorizing the issuance of City of Bakersfield 0ff-atreet Parking Revenue Bonds and of ~880,000 principal Amount of Series A Bonds, pluGrides, araong other things, that the Fiscal Agent shall pay over to the Tzoeasu_Per of the City of Bakersfield, as directed by resolution cf the Council,-any ov all moneys in the Surplus Revenue Fund, and WHEREAS, the Council of the .City of Bakersfield finds it necessary to effect a transfer of certain funds from said 'Revenue Fund to be deposited in the Off-Stroe~ Fa~ktng Construction Fund of said City, in order to carry cut the work of extension improvement of parking lets within the' City of Bakersfield, NOW, T~REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, that the Fiscal Agent~ Orocker-L~glo National BarLk, No. 1 Sansome Street, San Francisco 20, California, be and it is hereby authorized and directed to transfer the sun of Nine Thousand Dollars ($9,000.00) from the Surplus Revenue Fund cf said city, to the Treasurer of the City of Bakersfleid, fop the purpose of deftdying the cost of extending and improving certain. parking lots in said City. BE IT FURTKER RESOLVED, tP. at the Treasv~er of the City Bakersfield be and he is hereby directed, upon receipt of. the afo~esaid sum of Nine Thousand Dollars ($9,000.00) from said Crocker-Anglo National Bank, to deposit the same in .the Off-Street Parking Construc- tion Fund Ho.. 50 .of the City .of Bake~sffeld~ t~EBY CERTIFY that tt~s ~oregoing Resolution ~as passed and adopted by the Ceuncil'cf the City cf Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held en the 13th day of May, 1957, by the following vote: City C"~'e~k and '..~lOffici6 Cls~k'of ~he Couucil of the City o~. Bakersfield.