HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 22-57 RESOLUTION NO. 22-5? RESOLUTION OF PROPOSED ANK~-CJ[/'~TZOI~ OF U!,]IN- HABITED TERRYTORY AlqD SETTYY~G TZD~E FOR ~.R- 1NG TZEREON. WHEREAS, a petition was filed with ti~e Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 19th day of April , 3-.957, requesting that certain uninhabited territory therein describe6 be 8_nnexed to and incorporated within the City of Bakersfield, and WHEREAS, said petition was si~ned by the-owners of not less than one-fourth (1/4) of the area of land in such territory, and seepre- seating not less than 'one-fourth (1/4) of the assessed value of such territory accord~n~~ tO® ~he last precsding equalized assessment of the County of Kern. NOW, TERE?OE', in compli~ce ~ith the provisions of the ~anex- ation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 19'39, Chs;~ter 29V,-as amended, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council 0f the City of Bakcrsfie].d as T~'at the boundar, ies of the territo-~y so proposed to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield are described as follows: That certain parcel of land situated in the County of Ke.vn, being a Deftion of Section i8, Township .~0 South' Range 28 i~Jast, M.D.B.& M., and more particularl~r described as follows:. Beginning at a point on the corporate boundary of the City of Dakersfield, as said corporate boundary is defined bY Ordinance No.898, New Series adopted January 2,19~'L, and certified Febr-u- cry ~,19%1, by the Secretary of State, State of California, said point of beginning also being t.f~e ooint of intersection of the sc. utherty line of P!anz Road of 60 feet. in width, with the South- easterly llne of the Sourhelen Pacific Rail.m~oad, Asphalto Eranch, right of way, of 100 feet in width, as said point of intersec- tion is shown On map of Tract !~o. 1817, recorded l~Yove~:ber 23, 19%6, in Book 9 of Maps, at.page 104, in the office cf the County Recorder of Kern County; thence departing from said corporate boundary, southwesterly along last named so:~theasterly line,-and along the southweatov!y prolongation theFeof, to in- tersect the ea:st'erly line of South H Street, of 60 feet in width, · also known as Kern Island Road~ thence southerly parallel ~:~ith, and .distantI 30 feet easterly, as measured psrpendic~u!a~ to' the westerly boundary of Sections. !8, Tounship 30 South, Range East, M:.D.B.& M; , to intersect tlne northsr!y,._b~qu_~fa_ry.pf ]Lot .............. t'~-," in ~i~' Section I8~'~'~ ~i:~' 'L'6g"l'~'~S sai5 SeCtion 18 are shown on '~Kern County Sales i':iap i~.~C~l of lands of J. B. Haggln", filed for' record May 3,1889, in the office of saie County Re- corder, said.. nor. therly boUn~ar,y of Lot i~ also bei'n~ the 'southerly line of White Lane of 60 feet in width~ tb..snce cast- erl~ along said southerly line of White Lane, ~o interse~.t the southerly prolongation of tbo easterly boundary of i'.ot 6~ in salad Section 18, as said i.,ot 6,fsshown on said "Kern CountV-.Sa!es Map No. t Of Lands o~' J. B- Haggin'!; thenc~ northerly along last named 'Southerly prolongation, and along- the easterly boundary of: Lots 6 and 5- i.n said'- .rich 18, and as said Lots 6 and 5 are shown on s.eid "Kern. County Sales. Map No. 1 of Lands Of J. B. Haggin"./to inter- _sect' the southerly line of VPI~qZ .Road, of 73 feet in Width; thence westerly along last named Southerly line"~ parallel' with, distant 30 fe~t southerly, as ,: me asure d perpendicular to the northerly boundary 0f said Section 18, and alon~ the corpor- ate. boundary of the City of Bakers~ield, as said .corporate boundary is defined by said Ordinance No. ·898, New-Scr~.es, to the point of beginningS, containing 72.963 .acres' o.f land ~Ore or less, ., That a designation approprl'~t~Zy naming Such' .:te'r~i torY .is "WHIT~ LANE NO. 2". . BE IT FURTER RESOLVED that Monday, .the ~ day of at the hour: of eight o'ctock P. M., in the Council of the City. Hall, 1~01 Trytun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, is the ti~s when and the place where shy person owning 'real :property within such tartit'cry so proposed to be annexed and having an~r objeCtiOns' to the proposed annexa- tion may appear before the Council of '~he City of Bakszsfield .and sho~.~ cause why Such territory shouid not be-annexed. ...... o0o ..... I HEREBY bERTIFY that the foreg0i~S Resot-ution was pa'S'Sed and adopted by..,the Council of the City of' Fakersfield at 'a-regular meeting thereof Held on the 29th day of Apri!~ i957, by the-.: foliowing.vote: City ~].srk and Ex-Officio~lerk of 't~s Council. of the City o.f Bakersfield,