HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 18-57 RESOLUTION N0. i8-57 RESOLUTION DECLARING RESULT OF CANVAS .OF .RETURNS OF'GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD IN THE FOURTH WARD OF THE CITY OF B~KEERSFIELD, ON TLrESDAY,. APRIL :9, 1.957, F0R THE' PURPOSE O,F ELECTING A COUNCILMAN · IN SAID WARD. WHEREAS, by Resolution N~umber 14-57, passed and 'adopted by this Council on March 25, 1957, a general municipal Election was held in the Fourth Ward of the City of B~ike~rsfield on the 9th ~day of April. 1957, for the purpose of electing a councilman in said ward fo'r a full term of four years, and WHEREAS, after notice as required by law said ·elrection was duly held and and conducted on the aforesaid date and returns of said ele'~*tion have been.~ canv, assed by this 'Council, si-tting as a canvassing board. . NOW THEREFORE, in compliance .with Section 7921 of-the Elec- tions Code. of the State of Californ!a~ this CoUnCil: does-hereby de- termine and declare the results of said election to be as follows: GENERAL ELEC TI ON' April 9,1957 CONS. PRECINCT 'NUMBER 1 COUNCILMAN PRECINCTS IN CONSOLIDATED PRECINCTS 36 and 3~ REGY STERED V0 TES VOTERS CAST 292 Ii 33 2 37 292 86 3 37A 284 95 39 322 .143' 40 and 41 382 6 ? 8 42 and ~4 364 12'2 ~ and 48 336 -140 -~9 and ~O,, 385 i'26 o. 4 BENTLEY EVELETH PELL 97 36 '" 58 28, TOTALS 2994 1154 ABSENTEE ~OTES 13 50 80 112 68 45 6l 2 '66 73 6l 38.54% 69,0 460 2 3 10 ,'.~70 Be it further ~resolved t'hat ~tohn Philip Bentley is hereby!' declared to be elected to the office of City Cou.nci~lman from the Fourth Ward of the City .of~ Bakersfield for a full· term of four years. .... ,~oOo ...... I EREBY CERTIFY that..,'tbe foregoing Resolution was ~.assed and adopted by the Council of tk~e City of Bakersfield at s. regular meeting thereof held on'~he 15th ldaY of Aprit.~ 19~7, by the fol].o~yin. g, vote: .. the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APP~lSth day of April, 19~7 MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield.