HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 17-57=RESOLUTION TERRITORY RESOLUTION NO OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF UNINHABITED AND .SETTING TIME FOR ~j~RING THEREON. WHEREAS, a petition .was filed with the Council of the .City Bakersfield on the' 4th day of March, 1957, requesting that certain uninhabited territory. therein described be annexed to and incorporated within the City of Bakersfield,+ and WHEREAS, said petition was signed by the owners of not less than'one-fourth (1/kth)~of the'~area of the land in such territory, andrepresenting not less than one-fourth(1/4th) of the assessed value of such territory according tO the last preceding'equalized assessment roll of the County of Ks~n. NOW, THEREFORE, in compliance with the-prOvisions of the Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act 0f 1939, Chapter 297, as amended, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: That theboundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to the 01ty oflBakersfield are described as follows: That certain parcel of land situate in the County of Kern, State of California, being a portion of Sections 7 and 18, Township 30 South, Range 28 East, N. D. B. & M', and more particularly des- cribed as follows: Beginning at the Southeast (S.E.) corner of Lot 3, Section 18, Township30 South, Range 28 East, M. D. B. & M., as last named · corner is shown on "Kern County Sales Map No. 1 of Lands of.J.B. Haggin," filed for record+May 3, 1889, in the office'of the County recorder of Kern County, California; thence northerly along the easterly boundary of said Lot 3, to intersect a line which is parallel with, and distant 30 feet southerly, as measured perpendicular to the southerly boundary elSeorion 7, Township 30 South, Range 28East, M. D. B.& M., the last named parallel line also being. the southerly line of Planz Road, .also known as County Road No. 543; thence easterly along said southerly line of Planz Road, to intersect the southerly prolongation of the easterly boundary of Tract No. 1878, as last named easterly boundary is shown on.map of said Tract No. 1878, · recorded. 0ctober..-17,:=-lg.~6,.-in{Book-.-9-.o? Mep%,_..~_,.~,.~96,..In...the . office of said County.Recorder; then:oN. 0 00', ~5 W.,.along last named southerly rolongation, and. along said easterly boundary of said Tract No. l~78,1'a distance of 690.00 feet; thence continuin~ along the boundary of said Tract No. 1878, N. 89 o 52' 15" E., a distance of 48'253 feet; thence continuing along the boundary of said Tract No. 1878, N. 32e 37' 01 W., a distance of 784.076 feet, to intersect the northerly llne ef the southeast one-quarter ($.E. 1/4) of the Southeast one'~uar-~er (S.E. 1/4), of said Section V; thence S. 89' 53' 20" W., alen~;'las~ named northerly line, and along the boundary of said T~act No;': 1878, a distance o~ 165.08 feet, to the s.u~heast (S.E.) ce~er of :~he'ne~thwest one-qu~ter (N.W. ~4), of the southeast one-qmarte~ (~'r~E~ 1/4), of said Section. 7, the last n~ed ce~er also .be~ the s.~heast (S.E.). corner of ~act No'. 1738, as said southeast 'c.~ner Is Shou on map~ of said ~act No.l?38, ~eco~ded Novembe~ ~9, '195~, in'Book 8 of Maps, at page 167, in the office cf said Co~tyRece~der; the last nmed southeast ($.E.) ccrne~ also be~ a point en ~e corporate bo~dary of the .Ci~ of B~ersfield, as said co~c~ate bo~dary ts defined by that partic~ar ~exatlon ~ou-as Pl~z P~k No. 4, adopted A~ust 16, 1954, by Ordin~ce No. 1022, New Serif2, ~d certified Septembe~ 16 ~954, by the Secretary of S~ate, 8~ite of Califor~a;' thence S~ ~9 52"30" W., ale~ said corporate bomdary, as defined by said 0r~n~ce No. 1022, New Series,. on ~d alo~ the southerly bo~da~ o~ said Tract No. 1738, a ~s~ance of 1320.45 fee~, to the south- west (8.W.) ce~ner ef t~' ne~west one-qu~ter (N.W. 1/4~ of the Southeast one-quarter (S.E. 1/4), of said Section 7; thence southerly, alc~ ~e eelorate bc~dary .~ said City, as said corporate bomd~ is definedlby 0r~n~ce No. 898~ New Se~i~s, adopted ~muary 2, 1951, ~d ce~tlfted Februby 5, 195i, by said Secreta~ of State, on ~d alo~ the easterly bomd~ of ~e southwest one-qu~ter. (S.W. 1/4) of said Section 7,~ te .~tersect a line parallel with, ~d distant 255 feet northerly, as meas~ed pe~pendic~a~ to ~e southerly ~ ~.~bomdary o~ said Section 7, ~e ~last nmed intersection also bei~ a point on the ce~9~ate bomdary of s~d. City, as' defined by · ~O~~ce No. 1000,. New Series, adopted M~ch 22, 1954, md certified ~ 'April 23, 1954, by aa[~d Secretary of State; thence easterly alo~ ~ ~e: corporate be~d~y o~ said City, as defined by said 0~d~ce '. No.' 1000, New Se~ies, '.on' md alo~ a line parallel with, md ~st~t " 25~ ~eet'nc~the~ly, .as meas~ed perpendicula~ to the southerly bemd~ ef said $~cticn 7, ~e intersect the southwesterly right of way.-l~ne cf Cc~ty Road 1090 (Re~i~ent) oI llO feet in width, also ~eu as Scu~ Cheste~ Avenue~ t~nce southeast,fly, cOntinut~ alo~ said corporate ~a~ o~ said City, as defined by said Ordnance No. 10O0, Ne~ Series, on -~d 'alo~ last nmed .southWesterly ~!ght of way llne,. to intersect a line p~allel .with, ~d distmt 30 feet sou~e~ly, as roeasked ~e~endicul~ to the southerly bomdary o~ said Section 7, the last n~ed p~allel l~e, also being the souSefly line of P'l~z Road, also ~ou as Com~ Road No. 543; thence westerly alo~ said southerly line 'of Pl~z Road md contin~ alo~ said corporate bemdary, as defied by last nmed Or~tn~ce, to intersect ~e easterly bomd~y of the West cue-half (W. 1/2) of '~e West one-half (W. 1/2), cf aforesaid ~t 3, In said Section 18; thence southerly, md dep~t~ from the corporate bomd~y of the City of B~ersfield, ~d alc~ last nmed easterly bcmd~, to intersect the southerly bomda~ of said Sot 3; thence easterly alc~ said southerly be~da~y of, ~d to the southeast ($.E.) corne~ ef said Lot 3, ~d to the point of begging,-containing 79.457 acres of l~d, more o~ less. ................. That a '--'-designation- appropriately '-naming' such- -terri tory i s- ~[~ITE' laNE NO. 4" · , I BE IT FURTHER RE~OLVED that Monday, the 20th 'day of May, 1957, at the hour ;~of eight o,:clock P.M., in the Council Cherubors of the City Hall, 1501 Trux~un Avenue, Bakersfield,'I. California' is the time when and th~ place where 8_~y person om~.ing real property within such territory so proposed to be annexed.and having any obJec'~ions to the proposed annexation may appear before the 'Council of. the City of Bakersfield and show cause why.such territory should not be annexed. , '. - ...... 000--- .... " Y HEREBY CER~IP/tha~ the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council o£ ~he City of Bakersfield at 'a regular meeting thereof held ez the 8th day of April, 1957, by the following vote: Ci~k~.aerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Council of the Cit~y .of Bakersfield. APPROVED~~h d~ of April, 1957 .~ ,, ,,. MAYOR of the" City of Bakersfield.