HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 12-57 W1aEREAS,;a nominatimgauaicipal election in the City of Bakersfield for the purpose el'electing councilmen in the Third,'Fourth mm~.!Sevemth Wards; a special election in the Second .Ward for $he;purpeseof filling a vacancy on the Council; and a~ election in the Bakersfield School DistPict for the election of two members Of the Board of Education in said Bakersfield School District, was duly held on the 19th day of March, 1957, and : WHEREAS, after notice duly given as required by law said election was duly held and .c~duoted on the aforesaid date, and the returns of said election have been canvassed by this Council. " NOW, TEEREFORE, in compliance with Section ·9919 of the Elections 'Code of the State of Califern/a, .this Council does hereby resolve, determine and declare the results of said municipal election to be as follows: Preo. ~0~ 1 1 and2 3 and4 3 11 and 12 13 and 14 88 and 90 6 91 and 93 ? 89 8 92. TOTALS ABSENTEE VOTES: Total- COUNOILM~N_ Prec. In Vo~es Con~. ~rec. C~s~ ~O~r~Ill~ .,.~,SOKEY McqUEN SHIRLEY 150 10~ I 1 1 161 101 153 125 209 173 228 197 248 225 198 Ls~ccHz 2 lf~ oF B0~D OF EDUCATION ~,~EDDLE~ 91 a 9 36 lo 65 ~6 8~ 9 L[~ 18 . 20 71 21 73 18 15 11 '10. 54 ~ 110 32 23' 17 13 ' 79 Pro c. N9,, 5 9O 71 90 'TOTALS 'ABSENTEE VOTES 671 1 2 Numbe~ 1 192 12 ~-98 5 3O3 ]~ ~9~ b, 126 At TOTALS1320 76 VOTES: ~ADTGa~ 28 10 Numb er ' 2 7b. ~9 97 35 89 26 72 29 81 26 6ol 25 ~ oF ~o~ OF Z~UCA~rO~ (Cont'd) 37 ~7 16. 10, Number 3 58 68 ;: 27 131 99 31 189 97 2~ !~2 83 27 187 78~ 605 -~7 4e' ~5 107 .448 143 Number 25 133 9 130 ~3 181 ' ~o 8 I17~ ~253 88 WEDDLE 16 26 11 12 7 11 110 Co~s. Prec. Pree. In No- Cons, ~ep. 9 5,6&7 10 8, 9 & 10 11' 16 and 19 12 17 and 18 13 20 a~d 21 1~ 22 and 23 23-A 16 25 and 25-A TOTALS ABSENTEE VOTES: '9" 11 12 ~3 16 TOTALS Total :Votes ORst 290 173 ~0~ .i26 z5lo 10 I~ARD .NO. 2 COU~CILMA~ ,BaT,~AMZ DAVIS 163 83 86 61 ~31 ~59 77 25 25 25 21 3~ 909 232 9 I~_ER OF ROARD OF EDUO~kTION BELE~NGER ~pveaw Mo.~ pRLNOE RIEBER ~cc~s 88 41 37 30 · 309. · 1 TATE WEDDLE 2o ~9 42. 31 ~54 28 86 132 123 78 .l.2o 862 ABSENTEE VOTESx 15 21 11 11 22 31" 21 ',52 8 20 9 8 18 24 n ~3 98 159 19 76 '*7 89 ~3 :' 56 29 lo9 30 92 17 62 _A~ 174 '7~9 23 39 22 102 310 COPSe Prec. No. .9 10 11 12 13 16 Number 1 238. 42 152 16 90 12 · 162 ', :' :33 161 46 103 22 Number 2 81 32 41 ' 26 .~e 55 loo 47 70 30 TOTAL ABSENTEE VOTES: Number 3 73 I: 5 92 .... 103 Number 4 Yes N_A Num'DeP 5 227 140 90 · 56 .162 55 16o .43 103 a- _181 43 229 aa 141 11 32 15~ 46 162; 22 103 21 22 367 1211 225 1201 242 ' Total Prec. Pre~. In :Votes No- cons. l'~c.' cas~ wARD NO, 3 CA~KIS XaWELL COU~C~n~AN ~TAYLOR LUKE LOL~E~IG,~N 17 15,3a & 35 18 19 26 and 28 20 27 and 29 21 30 and 31 23 ~A~,65 66 & 25 9~ and 95 26 9 27 97 28 98 and 99 29 TOTALS 125 95 a 183 1~4 17 169 140 3 2 108 78 8 180 138 6 116 9~ 5 160 11~ 9 1~9 77 22 152 86 3o 190 ..121 1.~ 1787 1306 BSgNTEE VOTES~ 2 2 / 17~9 k308 1 2 ~16 i ~ 3 I PfEF~_ER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION 17 18 19 20 21 22 ~6 28 29 Moss PRn~CE RIESm 83' 13 7 lO ? -122 la 8. 13 31 96 22 =' 23 16 15 92 15' 16 20 +13 ~ 15 9 10 11 IO~ =~6- 13 22: 70 22 86 31 69 17 53 32 16 9 13 15 11 ~4 6 ~o TATE 66 83 73 38 WEDDLE 4 22 22 ' 78 18 28 6O 17 45 77 31 19 66 26 26 76 26 ~TALS ASS~m ,,Vo~s: ,2 1031 234 3353 187 .. · 269 837 276 muoEc~ ~AU~A~Z I i KeEe /.oPmIs MAUDE LOUIS B. BOB JOHN SMITH WHITE DOF~ 1 Cons Prec. 17 18 19 E1 22 Z5 '/27 !~ 28 TOTALS ABSENTEE VOTES: {umber 1 157 23 1~5 23 99 8: 167 11 93 22 132 28 N~mber 2 62 92~ .3.04 71 937 Oens, Preo. Pree. In 30 36 and 38 31' .32 37-A 33 39 34 4o 35 36 45 ~0 and 37, A~91 ana ,38 . and 52 TOTALS ABSENTEE VOTES:. Total Votes Ca~t 1588 15 16o3 3~ 32 33 ~ROPOSITIONS Number 3 · 36 >35 '~.73 31 30 73 a lo4 ~ :79 ~25 NmmbeP 4 32 109 42 160 ,37 136 32- 126' 15 86 '7 45 24 '98 33 153 31 90 43 23 103 ~. 404 1526 9 21 B 86 3 ~5 8 91 13 l~ 23 27 1-27' 3.3' 3.02 .26 123 ... 2.0,.- ~6~ 2O8 ~89 Number 5 3-07 9. 157 23 .' 132 29 10 3 2? 31 ao gOUNGILMAN EVELETE 61 56 5o 49 74 83 78 62 33 27 3 62 61 579 488 8 ME)m~ 9]~ $OARp-OF EDFOAtIQN 81 83 25 lo5 132 25 '-M02S 9. '9 ll 72 39 ' 77 8 29 18 11 76 11 · . 33 58 56 95 'o5 88 WEDDLE 33 23 7 39 Cons, No. 36 TOTALS n6 ~08 ABSENTEE VOTES 31 33 3 TOTALS ABSENTFa VOTES: NumbaT 1 110 26 110 21 'lSb~ 29 8 I 3 5e 26 20 153 18 1299 253 ,WARD No~ 1, (Oontxd) }rp~l~tS Qy ~O~tn OF EDITCAT~ON' (Cor~tfd) ~A~ay ~ PR.IN~E R~EBER 22 lO 27 30 23 18 = 16. 32. 197 111 lZ~ 3~3 PROFQSITIONS S,.mb,~ 2 zo8 41 1oo 10~ 79 11~ 9o ~1 93 ~8 92 93 36 ..t/. k6.. 9o 793 41o Numbe~ 3 S~mber 4 Yes 51 128 27 4o lo7 .25 32 12o ~z . z~o 3o 76 · 175 37 136 26 ~o 161 i9 37 250 ..~ ~lk9 TATE ¸ 96 -Number 5 Yes No 125 111 138 161 148 33 29 19 32 61 26 21 22 777 423 1266 252 1261 271. _W~DDr4E .36 3L~s Co~l, Preo. Prec.-In Cons, PPeo. & 53,5~ 61 59 ~nd 60 76 e,a.d 77 78 ~nd 79 Total Votes Oaqt 101 222 126 z~ 9~ 92 MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION ~La~D~GAN MOSS ._:PRINCE RIEBER 11¸ 32 27 17 12 16 ZZ 26 38 5 15 33 1~ 15 33 20 11 9 12 29 TOTalS 1175 ABSENTEE VOTES: 711 287 73 lo4 184 Number 1 ' Number 2 Number 3 Number 4 Number 5 39 91 9 b-o 188 29 41 156 22 52 15 5o 13 91 9 88 9 96 56 79 61 182 33 183 33 85 ~9 7e 57 153 22 152 211.. · 541' .3"' . ~z ~7~ 87 ~'7 28 ~2, 231 Pre~. :Num~e:r 1 :lie. YaA ,,No. .PI~0P0~}TT:~0NS: ( Cont' d) Number I.U N..9. Number 3 Number 161. 126 2aS 69 TOTALS 101~ 138 588 ~SENTEE VOTES: 39 98 33 76 43 -, 75 a73 55? 39 158 18 37 131 ~7 A493 123 26 16~ 299 1000 · Number 5 161 16 133 17 ~5- ~oo2 ~47 Cons. Total Free. Prec. Xn Votes No; Qor~.,?~'eo. C.st 6 76A & 82A 189 78A & 82 207 ~ 79A & 80 162 '49 80A,81 & 83t a~2 ~0 83 an~ 86 209 53. 86, (or.3.) 89 5a 86A (er.2) leaS 53 86A (Gr.3} 90 54 86B 206 55 87 ~8 TOTALS 1606 ABSENTEE VOTES: WA~ Ng. 6 lol ~o 139 55 120 59 52 46 '~I 36 .96 116 -:k7 '- _ks MEMBERS OF BOARD OF EDUOATION MOSS pRINCE RIEBER 3.0 ~9 53 12 13 29 12 32 46 ll 24 30 6 3. 13 7 13 3 11 15 9 22 22 _/~ , 1, 13~ 909 " 529 98 ~50 258 Number 1 Number 2 17z 16 · 166. 38 228 23 132 30 180 26 77 10 ~5 93. 13 82 8 !~2 3.8923 . 9 · 8 TOTALS u~o2 ~88 891 PB~OPOSITIONS ABSENTEE VOTES: lo3 ': 39 113 · 60 85 50 .3. 8 52 28 26 Number '3 -Yes No 99 [t~ 165 21 102 66 168 85 5o.. '13o. 31 137 54 226 23 112 50 177 26 '~g 24' 79 8 30 86 15 Number, 4 Number 5 168 165 127 222 79 88 27 ~1 30 81 9 83 l~ :_ Z30': ....... h}, ....1.94 .........8-0-3.95 4015 ;'~864 [l~5 1383 195 1380 18 26 8 7 1i ......... :, % 200 Coxis · Prec o OO]~S, Prec o ! 63 and 67 68 and 69 70 and 71 ~9 72 and 75 6o 73 61 6~ 63 e5 64 85A & 87A TOTALS AI~I~TEE VOTES: Total Votes OaDt 218 1.65 173 z54z 56 57 58 59 61 62 63 64 ' TOTALS ABSENTEE VOTES 9O 123 94 62 57 89 865 WA~,n :~o. 7 co~cn~A~ CROES 117 ~5 133 i29 129 · 133 64 '72 loe~ Z029 2 ko3~' M~sms qF ~0~ OF mOUCAT~O~ a3 22: t4,3~ 3o 33 37 PRINCE 12 15 16. 12 7 132 10 18 26 22 14 21 12 160 23 38 18 18 'I6 9 22 SMITH 37 zo4 35 33 463 . 1 T~&TE 69 129 100 87 86 55 43 ~t~DDLE 15 12 '12 ~5 284 723 181 PROPOSITIONS Number 1 56 57 59 60 61 62 63 64 TOTALS 1.288 ABSENTEE · VOTES: ~ GRAND · TOTALS: 91~9 177 199 93 80 ......... 'L' 191 Number 2 Y~A ~o 15 76 35 89 33 139 23 77 ''8 '100 13 72 19 46 22 53 ?42 23 3~ 36 32 26 ~287 5303 2q5o Numbe~ 3 Yes, N_Ao 75 26 lo6 ~7 89 7 S8 42 99 38 eo 35 .38 39 Number 4 Number 5 11~ 13 i:L~ 13 36 Z 43 200 34 .207 36 161 22 155 29 139 22 140 21 15o 13 1~ 16 91 22 22 59 20 82 21 78 23 709 390 1266 199 1253 221 2~ ~o "s~ ',5 .s~, 6 5~97 2533 8939 '!3~7.8859 z~37 · Out. Total Prec. Votes No. qas~ i z07 -z 331 6 1~9 TOTALS 18 11 .ABSENTEE VOTES: GRAND TOTALS PRFq'CRCT~ MEMBERS OF BOARD .0F EDUCATION .7~ 977 30 6971 71 228 MOSS PRINCE _ RIEBER TATE FEDDLE 10 66 30 94 22 16 75 73 140 102 24 50 37 92 32 -26 72 .153 171 140 - · 32 105 112 221 128 -- ~ ,_JS. _ 19 .,..5.1 ...16 131 403 42~ 7vl ~o 26 13 5563 22o4 2o13 911 1441 ~95~ BE IT FURTm~RRESOLVED that the following persons are hereby declared to be elected to the office of City Councilmen for a full term of four years, as follows: HENRY H. COLLINS - FIRST WARD MANUEL $. CARNAKIS - THIRD WARD KEN CROES - SEVENTH,WARD and that the. following person is hereby declared to be 'elected to the office of City Councilman for ~he .unexpired term of Councilman of the Second Ward, as follows: KATNRYN W. BrALFANZ - SECOND WARD ex.d that ,the following. persons are hereby declared to be elected to the office ofI Member of the Board of Education of the 'Bakersfield School District, for a full term of four years: VIRGINIA C. BELLINGER . W. P. TATE BE IT FURTNER RESOLVED that from the results of+said election this Council finds and declares thatat said election a majority of the qualified electors voting thereat vo~ed'in favor of the following charter amendments: " ........ ~ ' " MEASURE NO. 1: PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES: Shall' the Charter of the 0ity of BakerSfield be mended by adding thereto Sections ll3.1 to ll3.10, inclusive.,. creating and providing. for a department of said 'city ~o be known e ~aa, the "Transit A~.thority of the City of .Bakersfield" and to have control of and Jurisdiction over public transportation facilities owned or operated by said' city, creating a I Commission to govern m_nd control said department, providing for the powers and du~ia. of said Commission and .said depar~m~t and providing for the funds and budget therefor?. KEASURE NO. 2:']"VShall Section (210) 3 of the. Charter of the City of Bakersfield be mended to provide for the-appointment by the Civil ..~ Service Board of one of its members as "Secre~ary~;-$o said Board, and requiring the City Manager to provide the necessary clerical or secretarial .services to said Board or its secretary? · NEASURE NO. 3: Shall Section (217) 10 of the Charter --of. the City of Bakersfield. be amended by de:le~ing: therefrom *~he present provision requiring ~he Mayor and one membe~ of the 'C~ty' Council to be members of the Trial Board for the Miscellaneous Departments, and bY providing ~hat the T~lal Board shall be composed of ~he members of the Civil Service Board to hear ~nd determine charges made -against officers or employees of the Mis- oellaneous Departments? I R~REBY 0ERTIF~ ~hat ~ foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a meeting ~hereof held onethe )~ day of March, 1957, by the following vote: Council of the 0ity of Bakersfield.