HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 8-57RE S 0 LUT ION ~N O. ~ ~ ?~ ~_ WHEREAS,~ the Council of the City of Bakersfield, in the welfare and interest of the citizens Of said City and ~f the metropolitan area surrounding +it, has in recent years given much .thought ~o and has carefully ~tudied and considered the several plans for s nor'th-south freeway which have been submitted by the Stat~'Department~of Public Works,, Division of Highways; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Public Works, through its Division of Highways, has recently prepared, at the request of the State' Legislature, a plan and report on a' proposed high S~eed highway on the'lwest side of the San ~oaquir~ Valley from Woodland on the to 'Grapevine on the south, and WHEREAS, this Council has heretofore discouraged any higN~ay or freeway~ p'lan which would encroach upon the established residential or populated areas of this community, 0r which would deter or hinder the normal and anticipated growth o~ said ~community~ and WHEREAS, the residents of the Greater Bakersfield Metropolitan Area, as well as this Council, being cognizant of~+the heav~ traffic load being borne by Highway 99, are ~ullylaware of the .necessity for an additional valley highway t0'I carry the everyincreasing truck and passenger car traffic which has been and is being stimulated by the unprecedented population growth of the .State, as well as the annual increases in the number of visitors, and I~EREAS, the recently proposed high speed highway would provide a north-South expressway for through traffic between southern Cali- fornia and the metropolitan areas 0~ the Sm~ .~ancisco Bay region and Other northern areas, without detz, sc.ting from the economic we!f~re of the Valley cities, and _ WHERF~S, this Council believes that/the..propesed route. is in the best interests of the State of California.as~·well~as the City Of Bakersfield and the County d~ Kern, in' that it will permit expansion of residential areas and will p~evids additional inducement for industrial development and the access ~d outlots necessary and incident thereto, and WHEREAS, said proposed route will intersect State RoUte 178 approximately 12 or 15 miles to the. west of Bakersfield, End t~is Council further believes that it wtll be-..complementary to the p~oposed new route and in accord with good ~gh~ay planning, and, in ~act, liS a~very definite necessity due to the p~esent traffic load and the normal anticipated increase of traffic on IState Route 178, .that the Etate HighwayDepartment include in its Plans', or concu~ent therewith, the improvement of s~id State Route 178 to a ~6ur-lane highwsoy fro~ Ithe City o~ Bakersfield to its junction ~ith said proposed nort~.-south hig~ speed'highway. :· - · NOW,~'THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED byethe ·Coun0ii of t~ City of Bakersfield, that this Council goes o~"reCord as faVoring~the proposed plans of the Share Department of 'P~blic-Works', Division ·of HighWays, for the construction of a high speed high~'~syI~along the west 'side of the San ~oaquin Valley, ~ro~ Woodland' to G~apeVins. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said Stat~ .Department of P~lic Works, DiviSion.of Highways, is hereby'~vged to' give special considera- tion to the, request of ~his Co~cil, that.State Route 178~be improved tO a fou~-lane highway between the City-of BakerSfield and said 'p~0posed, high speed highway. . -The Clerk of the City of Bakersfield is.hereby directed to mail Director of Public Works, Mr. G. T. McCoy~'State HighV~ay Engineer, and th~ State Highway Commission~ : I B'EREBY CERTIFY that f'~he foregoing Resolution ~,xas passed rand adopted by the Council of:.the City of Bakersfield at a regular mesthg thereof heldon the 18th daylof February, 1957', by the follo~xing vote: Ci an E~j-Of_~Icio Cls.~k ~f ~he Cour:.cll o: ths City cf Bake~-s;?ield. APPROVED , MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield.