HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 80-56 , ., '0 . ':- RESOLUTION NO.. gO-56 RESOLU!ION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DECLARING RESULTS OF SPECIAL MmTICIPJ.L ELEC!IOB HELD IN SAID CIfi OW NOVEMBER 6, 19$6. WHEREAS, this Council duly and regularly called and provided ~or the holding o~ a speoial eleotion within the City of Bakersfield on Bovember 6, 1956, ~or the purpose of submitting to the qualified voter. of said City, the following propositions: ~ROPOSJ;~IOJT NO.. 1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD REFERElfDUJ.1: An ordi1'lanoe anti tled It AI . ORDINANCE ALTERING THE BOUlfDARIES OF EACH OF THE SEVElf WARDS OF 'l'HE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA." '!'hi. ordinance will alter the boundaries o~ the wards in order that eaoh ward anall contain as nearly as possible, an equal number of qualified registered eleotors therein. IFor the jOrdinanoe i 4 Ii I' 'I I Against the~ lordinance I PRO~OSr.rJON NO.. 2 CIn OF BAKERSFIELD INITIATIVE ORDI- NANCE: For the .~. Repealing j Ordinance ~ ~ ~ ~ i A proposition entitled "AI ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDDlABCE NO. 754, NEW SERIES OF THE CIfi OF BAKERSFIELDtt;' . ~ said Ordinance'No. 754, I'ev Series, I Against the (; now imposes a tax and other regulationsjRepealing upon places of amusement and entertain- Ordinance ment in the City at Bakerstield. , and WHEREAS, by ordinances o~ said City and by order ot the Board ot Supervisors ot Kern County, said special eleotion was ordered , - consolidated with the State General Election held within said City on said date, and said Board o~ Supervisors was authorized to canvass the returns ot said special eleotion and to certify the results to this Council, and 1. t'.,.. . , WHEREAS, said special eleotion was duly held pursuant to said orders of consolidation at the polling places prescribed for said state General Election, and the votes cast thereat were canvassed and the returns thereof made as provided by law; and WHEREAS, the said Board of Supervisors and the Clerk thereof have duly canvassed the absentee ballots east at said speoial election, and said Board of Supervisors has adopted its resolutions stating the results o~ said speoia1 eleotion and the Olerk of said Board has entered in the records of said Board statements o~ said results, and tn. Olerk has transmitted to the Clerk or this Council certified copies of said resolutions and certified oopies of said statements and the same have been presented to this Council, and WHEREAS, said Propositions Bos. 1 and 2 appeared on the ballots used at said election, as Measures (B) and (C), respectively. BOW, THEREFORE, the Council of theCi ty of Bakersfield DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DE'fERMIlfE, AliD DECLARE as ~ollows: 1. !hat from the results or said special election certi~ied to this Council as aforesaid, it appears and this Council hereby finds and declares that the total number of votes cast at the respective eleotion precinots established for said speoial eleotion upon the propositions stated in the reoitals hereof and for andagalnst said propositions, the total number of absentee votes cast at said election upon said propositions and for and against said propositions, and the total number of votes cast in said city upon said propositions and for and against said propositions, are as set forth in said Resolutiol1s of the Board of Supervisors of Kern Oounty, California, stating result of canvass of election returns of special munioipal ~lection of the City o~ Bakers~ield held November 66 19566 copies of which resolutions are on file in the office of the City Clerk. That t~e total votes cast on said propositions are as follows: 2,. ~)~ . . -, ~';... .-:- ,~, (. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD REFERElD'DM Proposition No.1 (B) For the ord1~nce 11, 7 Against the ordi6~ce 5, 2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD IlII'l'IATIVE ORDINANOE - Proposition Be. 2 CC) For the Repealing Ordin~&ce 13,21 Against the Repealing Ordinance 4,933 2. !hat from the results of said election this Council finds and declares that at said election a majority of said electors voted in favor of the ordinances hereinabove set forth as Propositions Nos. 1 and 2,respectively. 3. That the Clerk of the Oouncil is hereby instruoted to enter in full on the minutes of this Council the results of said election. ---~~-~oOo---~~-- I HEREBY CER~IFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the lOth day of Deoember, 1956, by the follow- ing vote: ."C:-~ C""'l".I,lS CJLLlNS CROES, DOOlll'l: EVEWl;, SCI-:WElTZER, SUI.,UVP,i':. Hil t:.~~ .'1J\ '1.nhl $' . '"""'..... . - -.. -~~ ~~"'-'-- NI'lES' ..-'z__,h, r --.-.-.-. -~--_...- A;SE~;: ..)r ~ -~ ---- . ---- ~4?;9.."A__''\ ..j. JA~.. : u City Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this 10th da,. of Deeember, 1956 . '1Jlc~ 9~~ MAYOR of th17City of Bakersfield 3.