HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 77-56 -," ~~ , , P3S0I.UTION NO. 17 -515 ~~SQLTJTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 02 BAID1~3FIEr~, CALIFORNIA, DSTE::':U.lINING THE GENERAL PREV~ILING '~1AGJ:: :11\TJl:3 APPI,ICABLE TO 'l'HE M.;:.TTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CURBS AND GUTTERS AND OTlmR. Ir,1PI10VEMSNTS ON DOLORES 3T~i3ET, mJENJ STfu-::;::;T, GAGE STREET, ROBINSON STHEST, B~3.f,LB J\ VENUE }"'iND MILLER STREET CONCE~NING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 726, IN SAID CITY. The City Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, pursuant to the provisions of Bection 1770 of the Labor Code of the 3tate of California, DOES RESOLVE as follows: That the City Council of the City of Bakersfield does hereby ascertain and determine that the general prevailing rate of wages applicable to the work to be done on Dolores street, Owens andlGage stree~, Robinson street, Beale Avenue and Miller street concerning Public Improvement District No. 726, in said City, are as follows: Classification Rate Per Hour Carpenter-----------..---------------------------------$3.02 Cement Finisher--------------------------------------- 2.925 Concrete Mixer Operator - paving type and mobile mixer----------------------------------------------- 3.06 Concrete Mixer Operator - skip type------------------- 2.74 Drivers of Transit Mix Trucks - under 3 yds.---------- 2.585 Drivers of Transit Mix Trucks - 3 yds. or more-------- 2.705 Laborers - General or Construction-------------------- 2.30 Operators and Tenders of Pneumatic and 31ectrical tools, vibrating machines, and similar mechanical tools not separately classified herein-------------- 2.51 Pavement Breaker Operator----------------------------- 2.81 ~'Jatchman--- -- --- - --.- ----- .~-- - ---------- ------- --- ----- 2.10 Tractor Operator - bulldozer, temper, scraper, drag type shovel or similar type=------------------- 3.05 Motor Patrol Operator - including any type of power blade----------------------------------------------- 3021 Any classification omitted herein not less than------- 2.10 Overtime not less than one and one-half (1-1/2) times the above rates. Sundays and holidays not less than one and one-half (1-1/2) times the above rates. The holidays upon tAJhich such rates shall be paid shall be all holidays recognized in the collective 10 ...: ,,~~~ , , , -, ..~.. bargaining agreement applic~ble to the particular craft, classifica- tion or type of 1"1orkmen" employed on the project. - - - 0 0 0 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 19th day of November, 1956, by the following vote: AVES: CAR;;p,:I,f:;, c/Ju.:r:s. ':1 '.~S, r J':L I;';, F'i~~t-lIi, 3C'.",.::: ;-ZER, SULUVAN. i\:OES:.._~..;.. __.... ____.... .. _ ....___.___~ ABSENT: ._~.. -'-'-_'__ .....___,. __.__.-~._.' C"~~~'~ ~\~.~~ ~ C' er an Ex-o c 0 Clerl.c of the City Council of the ,City of Bakersfie~d, California APPROVED this 19th day or November, 1956. d, " ", 2.