HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 75-56 .. ", (. _.0...1 ~<:J I ~- e s. .;:;0 (r ~L JI: ~.... 9 ~* ~- ,. ...' (" 'J ~..' . ..~ 0 ~" RESOLUTION NO .._J:!i=~ lfHEREAS, the Division of I:Iighways, state Department of Publio Yorks" through its Distriot Engineers, has submitted tentative plans for an East~est Freeway which would run "diagonally across the con- centrated residential areas of the Alta Vista Tract and Bernard Addition in the City of Bakersfield, and VBKREAS, numerous property owners in the area affeoted by the proposed location. of th.eEast-1fest Freeway have voiced their opposition to said proposed location to the Oouncil of the Oity of Bakersfield, and ~I this Council haa expressed its dissatisfaoti~n to any plan. which would bisect. the Oi ty of aakersfield 1n a diagonal manner, to the Distriot Ex1gineer, District VI of the Division of Highways of the State of Oalifornia, and VBKREAS, this Council believes that the proposed plan for the East-Yest Preeway as presented by the state is extremely detrimental to and inconsistent with good municipal planning, and would create a financial and zoning problem of suoh magnitude as to overshadow the benefits of an East-Vest Preeway, especially along the route as / proposed by the state, and This Council is firm in its belief that a route for an E~lSt..." I .r- Vest Freeway could be so located and planned as not to necessitate the unnecessary closing of established publio thoroughfares, and in - '.' faot could be routed along or parallel tc streets already in ~x1stence" and It is the desire of ta1s Council to make known to thf;) Division of Highway~, St~t.e Department of Public Work,s, 1 ts polioy regarding the proposed loeatien of the ~ast-West Freeway. NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Counoil or the Oity of Bakersfield, as follows: 1 r 1. :~ ~,",-,(. .,--..'~ . e ,e e .~ <?" . ~ .~ .... J' 41' -...}* ~ ._,~",~ 'f.~ 1. That this Council._!a d.efini tely opposed to the proposed routing of the East-West Freewa~ on a diagonal through the City of Bakersfield. 2. That this OOunoiL vill refuse to close any Oity streets if sllch a diagonal rout. is c~os.n. 3. !hat this resolution be presented at the hearing to be held on 'the East-Yest freeway the latter part of November and that oopies be forwarded. to the 1>lstrlot Engineer, Distriot VI, Division of Highways, State Department fd. Public Works, and to the state Highway Oommission, in order that the State may be made aware ot the position of this Council regarding said East-West Freeway. --~--~~oOo-~-~~~~ I HEREBY OBR!IFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Oouncil of the City of Bakersfield at a regular 'meeting thereof held on t4e 13th day of November, 1956, by the 'following vote: INES: Cl\RN,~KfS, ~, CROtS DOOLIN Ev-:' tl"r" "';""""t'\r7tro St'"' '\"N ~ " LL ".....,...ftW~L. I Cn, uL.LII.'/.\. NOE3: ....:...- '" ~~ ABSENT: ~ :;~. _=~--.==-"-' ._,. 'H'~_'.______ ------..---.--..:---.....--'--:---- -"~- 'w V';"" JL ~ ~ .. Oity'Glerk and Ex-Officio Clerk ot the Couneil of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this 13thlay of }(evember, 1956 ~~J?;~~ - . '. JfAYOR of the . it,. of Bakerstield. . 2.