HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 74-56 ~/- ii, I a ,Ii ,,~ \'. RES017iftIOlf lfO 4_ ? 4-1)5 liESOLftIOlf Oll"O COUNCIL OF THE cITY OJ' BAJqmSFIELJ)'; ORDERING THE VACATION OF !BE UlUIlIlliG 20 FEET OF ifiIE EASTERI;!' AlfD WES!rERIIY ALLEY I1f BLOOK ,384, CIn OF BAltERSFIELD, STATE OF OALIFORlfIAe WHEREAS, on une 22nd daJotOetober, 1956, the Council of the Oity of Bakersfield, p1U'suaat to the provisions of the "Street Vacation Aot of 1941", .e1ngDlvlaicm 9, Part 3, of the Streets and Highways Code of ~. State of California, passed and adopted its ae.olution of Int..tion Vo. 728, 4eclaring its intention to order the vacation of ther....irdq 2() teet of the a"asterly and westerl.,. alley in Block 384, in th.. Cit;y of Bakera.t'leld, and ~S, said Council dld tix a time and place for hearing all persons interested ill or objeoting to said proposed vacation, which said he8.1'l:ag wa. held on the 13th day of Bovember, 19$6, after notioes were duly posted as required by law" and WHEREAS, thi. Council after duly considering the matter, does hereby find and resolve as tollowa: 1. That the remaining por1#ion of 20 feet in w1dth6 of that particular easterly and westerly alley of 33 feet in wldth, situated in Block 384, in the Oity ot Bakerstieldj County otKern, State of Oalifornia, as said alley, and said Block 384 is shown on DMap of the City ot Bakersfield", filed in the office of the County Recorder of Kern County, Xovember 25, 1898, in Map Book 1, at pages 13 and 14, mOl'e particularl,. described as follows" is unnecessary tor present or prospective public atreet purposes: Beginning at the aortnw..t corner of said Block 384; thence aouther1.,. along the w.aterly line of said Block 364, and along ~. prolongatioD thereat, a distance, of 122 feet,to'tbe true - PQint of be&lmrl.ng; thence- easterly parallel wi1;h ,the northerl,. - line ot sald Block 384, on and along the southerly line of the nor,therl,. parc.l' of fJ.S :teet in width6 as said alley is dimin- iahed in width, byR..ollltlon of Intention No. 667,ad0pted September 29, 1947, by ~e Counoil of the Oity ot Bakersfield, ~d whioh i. anti1. in the office of the Oity Clerk, of the 1. ,-_ : w" ',.. , I -~1'!"'~ ,It 0> .- \~.'.s .i;:- Oity of Bakerstield, to ta\ersectthe prolonga~lon oftha easterly line of said Blook 384;, thenoe southerly along last n.aaed prolongat!.on,'a distance of 20 feet; thence westerly parallel with tb.. 8011t8r1.,. line of said BJ.ook 384, on aad aJ.eng the aorth.rl'f llzt.8.(d. the southerly parcel of 6.5 feet in width, as sald alley is diminished in width, bY' said Resolution of Intention Bo. 667, to intersect the prolonga- tionof the .e.terly 11n.8 of said Block 364; thence northerly along last aaaed prolongation a distance of 20 teet, and to the true point ot beginning, retaining unto. the Cl ty of Bakers- tield, tor Publio Vtl11ti.s~purposes, all of the above described parcel of lancl. 2., That the remaining pert!on ot20 teet in w1dth ot said easterly and we.terly alley of 33 feet in width situated in Block 384 be and the .aa. i. .arab1 clo..d up, vacated and abandoned for public street purpose., subject to and in conformity with the reservations and exceptions contataea in and contemplated by said Resolution of Intention '0. 728. Reterence to said Resolution of Intention is hereby made tor farther partiealara. 3. !he Oity Olerk shall certify to the passage of this 1"880- 1.tiGD and shall ca~s. _ certitied copy hereot, attested b~ the Clerk under the .eal ot the Oity, to. De' reeorded in the Office of the Oounty aecorder of the Oounty ot l(.rn~ Oa11fcrnia. -~-~----oOo--~-~~-~ I REHEBY CliTIFI that the toregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Ooancilot the City ot Bakeratleld at a regular meeting thereot held on the 13th <<a1 ot Bovember, 19$6, by the following vote: A"": CARE" CReES, iJCOtl N, EVElEn'. S":WElTZER, SUlUVA., NOES: .-- . - .-- AB3ENT: ~--) -,~=..~~ .,...- 'uJ~ .'~ .~ ~ .~~~ Clty'blerk and Ex-Ofticio Olerk of the O.unel1 of the Oity of Bakersfield. ~~~13~"'ber. .195~ KiXORot theJClt7 ot Baker_tl_1d 2. '~""",:i:~....d.(.liI . .4., --.... .~.~