HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 68-56ESOLUTION N0. 68-56 ~ESOLUTION OF ~?~A!RD OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~!~ CITY OF BAIGERSFiELD, CfiLIFORNIA, AZK~IDING TI~2 CONTRACT FOR THE DOING OF TI!E d~ORK IN THE M~TTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CURBS .~ND GUTTERS AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 0N B~K~( STREET, L STREET AND N STREET ~YTHIN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 724, Ill SfiID CITY. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Bakersfield did in open session on the 1st day of October, 1956, publicly open, examine and declare all sealed proposals or bids E~doing the following work in said City, to wit: The construction of curbs and gutters along the north and south side of Bank Street be- tween L Street and N Street, including the removal of certain existing curbs and gutters located thereon% and the construction of curb returns and cross gutters at the intersection of Bank Street with L Street and N Street, City of Bakersfield~ and WHEREAS, all of'said bids having been duly considered by said City Council, and it appearing to the said City Council, and said City Council hereby finds that the lowest regular responsible bidder for the doing of said work is NOWCON CO., 2016 Manley Ave. ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, that said City Council does hereby reject all of said proposals or bids except the next herein mentioned and does hereby award the contract for the doing of said work and said improvement to the lowest regular responsible bidder, to wit: MOWCON COMPANY at the prices named in said bidder's proposal or bid. That the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield is hereby directed to publish said notice t~ice in the "Bakersfield Californian", a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in said City of Bakersfield, California, hereby designated for that purpose by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, all in the manner and form provided by lawo -- -o0o I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 8th day of October, 1956, by the following vote: AlToS: ~:;~e~.NAKIS, COLUNS, CROES, DOOLIN, EVi~LI~'fH, 8(~HWi~i'r~Fj~ 81]LILBV~t~o Ci rk of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, California APPROVED: This 8th day of October, 1956. California NOTICE OF ~,~YARD Pursuant to statute and to .the resolutio~~. of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, Ce!ifornia~ directir~ thi~ notice, notice is hereby given at the said City Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, in open session on the let day of October, 1956, publicly ope~d~ ex~nined and d6cl~red all sealed proposals or bids for the doi~S of the v~ork a~d the making of the i~vements particularly referred to sad den- Bribed in Resolution of Intention No. 724 of the City Council or the City of Bakersfield, California, duly ~n~ regu!~ly adopted by said City Council, to which said Resolution of In- tention No. 724 reference is hereby ~n~de for f~ther and full particulars and for $ full p~rtlcular description of said work and i~rovements and of the assessment district proposed to be assessed to pay coots and expenses thereof. Notice is further given that after publicly opening, exa~ni~ s~ declari~ said proposals o~ bids, ~$ afore~cid, and efter continuance of the mattor for one week un~ the 8th day of October, 1956, it appeared to said Cit~~ Cou~li City Council found on said 8th day of OCtober, I~6, that the lowest regular and responsible bldd~r for doin~ said ~ork was ~ and tl~st said City Council thereafte~ and on the said 8th day of Oetobe?~ by resolution duly and regularly adopted~ awarded the contract Of said wo~k and improvement to the lowest regular and reSpon- sible bidder, to wit: MOWCON COMPLY St the prices named for said wo~k In the bldde?'5. proposal or Item APProximate quant~t~ 12 122~ 23 Item with Unit Price W,ritten in Words Cubic Yards, removing existing P. C. C. at Ei~ghteen Dollars 'per cu. ydo' ' Lineal Feeto Class "B" P. Co Co curb and gutter at One. dollar'and s~ve~y cents Cubic Yards. Class ~B" P. Co C. sidewalk, driveways, curb returns and cross gutters at Thirty e~ght dollars and fifty.cents ~er'6uo yd, Unit Price 18.00 1.70 38.50 Total 218.00 2080.80 885.50 TOtel 3182.30 DATED: This 8t____h_h day of October, 1956. MARIAN S. IRVIN Cfty Clerk and EX-offic'io Cler~ of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, California