HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 64-56 RESOLUT_TON N0. '8~-8~ RESOLUTION OF PROPOSED ,~NNEX~TYON OF UNIh_rHABiTED TERRETOiRY ~,~TD SETTING TIME FOR EARING. WHEREAS, a petition was filed with the Council-of the City of Bakersfield on the 10th day of September, 1956, reques~in& ths. t certain uninhabited territory therein described be annexe~ to and include~ ~-~ith- in the corporate limits of the City of BakerSfield, and that said terri- tory be made a part of the Bakersfield City School District, and WHEREAS, said petition was signed by the om-~ners of not less than one'fourth (1/4) of the area of the land in such territory, and repre- senting not less than one-fourth (1/4) of the assessed value of such territory. according to the last preceding equalized assessment roll of the County of Kern. NOW, THEREFORE, in compliance with the provisions of the Annexation of tininhabited Territory Act of 1939, Chapter 297, as amended, BE IT RE- SOL~/qED by the Council of the City of 'Bakersfield ~.s fo!lo~s: That the boundaries of~ the territory so proposed to be annexes to the City of BakerSfiel~ and the Bakersfield City School District, are des- cribed as · follows: A parcel of land situated in Kern Coun'~y, California, and being a portion of Sections I and 12, Teamship 30 'South, Range 27 East, M.D.B. and M., more particularly described as followers: Beginning at the $. W. corner of the S. E. 1/4 of the N. of Section 12, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, I','i~ D. B. and h., a point on the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, California, the last named corner also being the 8~ I~]. coroner of Tract t~o. 17~8, as shown on map o!' said Tract _,'i~o. 1758, re- Corded September i6, 1954, in the office of the County Recorder of Kern~County, California, in Book 8 of Maps, at Pegs 161~ thence along the coreorate boundary of .the City of Bakersfield, as said corporate bo{~ndary is defined by that particular ~nnex- stion known as "P] anz Park No 5'~ a~opted :~.ug~st 2, 19~4, by Ordinance No. 1021, New Series, ~.~'hich ;~as certified Septembe~ 3, 19o5,4', by the Secretary of State, State of California, N. 0o 00, 52 W. along a Westerly boundary of said Tract l~o. 1758, a distance o~ 45%.50 feet; thence along aINortherl~ boundary.of' 's-aid Tract NO'. 17~8, S, 89° 5~' 22" E., o. distsJ~ce of 369.10 feet; thence along a westerly boundary of 'said Tract i~o.1758, N. 0° 00, 52" W., a dists3T.~ce~of 295.00 feet; thence along a SOutherly'boundary of said Tract No. 1758, N.89o 55' 22 distance of 369-]0 feet; thence along--a ~Vesterly boundary of said Tract No. 1V%8, N. 0° 00' 52~ IV., a distance of 170.00 feet, to the most southwesterly corner of Tract No.1785, as last named corner is shown on map of said Tract. No.1785, recorded February 3, 1955, in the office Of the said County Recorder, in Book 8 of Maps, at Page 184+~I thence continu- ing along the corporate boundary of the City-of Bakersfield, as defined by that particular Annexation known as "Planz Park No. 6" adopted October 3, 1955, by Ordinance ~o 1064, New Series, and certified November 4, 1955,'by said Secretary of State, t~. 0o 00, 52" W., along a Uesterly boundary of said Tract No. 178%, a distance of 390.00 fe. et; thence along' a Northerly boundary of said Tract ='!o. 1785, S. 89° 55' 22~ E., a distance of 369.10 feet; thence along a ~.~esterly. boundary of said Tract No. 1785, N. 0° 00, ~2~ W., a distance of 295.00 feet; thence along a Southerly boundary of'said Tract 'No.178~, N. 89° ~5' 22" W., a distance of 369.10 feet; thence along a ~.Jesterly b0undarN' of, and to the most Northwesterly corner of said Tract No.178~, N. 0° 00, 52" ~'~., a dietsrace of 290.00 feet, the last named Northwesterly corner also being. the South;- westerly corner of Lot 7, as said Lot 7 is shown on map of Tr-act No. 1788, recorded June 9, 195~, in the office of said County Recorded in Book 8 of Maps, at Page 197; thence continuing ~ along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, as fined by that particular Annexation known as "Benton Park:', adopted October 3, 1955, by Ordinance 106~, New Series, and certified November 4, 19~5, by said Secretary of State, N. 0° 00, 52" W., along a Westerly boundary of said Tract No. 1788, a distance of 447.%0 feet; thence along a No-~therly boundary of said Tract No. 1788, S. 89° %7' 22" 'E.,. a distance of 363.19 feet; thence along a Westerly boundary of said Tract 1788, and the prolongation thereof, N. Oo 00, ~': 'iV., a distance of 329-84 feet, to intersect the Northerly right of way line of 1.~,'ing Road, also known as Ming Avenue, the last named Northerly right of way line being parallel with, and distant 30 feet Northerly, as measured perpendicular to the ~tortherly boundary of said Section.12; thence N. 89° 57' 22~ U., along last named Northerl[~ right of way line of Ming Avenue, parallel ~-~ith, and distant 30 feet Northerly, as measured perpendicular, to said Northerly line of Section 12, end departing from the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, a distance of 1687.655 feet, more or less, to intersect the l',Yortherly prolongation of the ~.'jeste~:ly boundary line of the N. E. 1/4 of' said Section 12; thence S. 0o 01' 27" E., along last named Westerly boundary line, and the pro- longations thereof, and as said line is shown cn map of Tract 1896, recorded June 28, 19%6, in the office of said County f~ccorder, in Book 9, of Maps, at Page 79, a distance of 2702.~7 feet, more or less, to intersect the Southerly right of way line of 'iVilson lRoad, of 60 feet in width; thence Easterly along last named Southerly right of way line, parallel with, sn~ distant 30 feet Southerly, as measured perpendicular to the Southerly boundary line of the N.E.1/4 of Section 12, to intersect the '[!esterly line of the 1/2 of the S.E.1/4 of said Section'12, and to a point on the cor- porate boundary of the City of Bakersfield; thence N.0° 01' 07" Z'i., along last named V,;esterly line, and along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, as defined by. said Ordinance No.1021, Ne~ .Set_los, to. t,h,-D ,-¢,',.U.corner of.the S.2.1/4 of the-N,.~,.j./4-of said Section 12, a distance of 30.00 feet, and to the point of be- ginning, containing 89.92 acres of land more ,or less. That a designation appropriately identifying such territory is BENTON PA~RK ~2. That said territory shall, upon annsxati0n to the City of Bakersfield, be within and become a part of the Bakersfield 'City School Distr. fct, pur- suant to Section 2421.~ of the Education Code. BE iT FURTIT~R RESOLVED that Monday, the ~ 15th day of October, 19~6, at the hour of eight o'clock P. M,, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, l~01 Truxtun f:venue, Bakersfield~ California, is the time when and the place where any person owning real property within such territory so p~oposed to be annexed and having any objections to the proposed annexa- tion may appear before the Council of the City of Bakersfield and show cause why such territory shoul~ not be annexed. t HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ResolUtion was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the lOth day. of September, 19~6, by the following vote: AYES: CA~NA}',IS, COLLINS, Oi(OES: DOOLiN, EVELETH, SOHWE1TZER,~N. ABSENT: .... cityfc r YEx Council of the. City of Bakersfield. ~ S ' MAY~of the Ci~ the