HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 59-56 RESOLUTION l~f~. A RESOLUTION AME~DING RESOLUTi'0N NO. 41-56 WHEREAS, on the 16th day of Julys 1956, this co~.cil passed a Resolution No. 41-56' making appropriations for the government of the 'City of Bakersfiel~ for the fiscal year beginning July l, 1956, and ending June 30, 1957, adopting a budget for said fiscal year and providing the necessary adjustments and transfers of appropriations within said budget, and WHEREAS, since passage of said resolution, it has been found necessary and advisable to increase the appropriations of certain accounts and to decrease the appropriations in certain other accounts. NOW, TEEFOE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: 1. That said Resolution No. 41-56, be and the s~me is hereby mended by increasing the appropriations of the accounts hersinafter listed, by the amounts set forth opposite each account respectively: FROM THE GENERJ~ FUND 11-030 City Clerk - Administration of Office ll-040 Planning Department - Administration of Office ll-070 City Attorney- Administration of Office ll-100 City Manager - Administration of Office ll-105 City Manager - City Hall Maintenance ll-ll0 City Manager - Cunningham i,remorial ~%rt Gallery ll-200 Purchasing Department - Administratiop. of Office ll-210 City Assessor - Administration of Office 11-220 City Treasurer and Tax Collector - Administration of Office 11~-2,30-Ci ty f~udito~~ - Admlnistrs.~ion of ~Offics~o. ll-300 Building Inspector - Inspection Division ll-400 Fire Department - Supervision & Fi~e ~ighting Force, Civil Service Fund (Fire),Puilding & Ecp. ipment Main- tenance 312 729 1~163 28o 1,007 1,266 337 633 17,011 11-450 Police ~epartment - Law Enforcement and Admini s trati on 11-500 Public Works - Administration of Office 11-509 Public Works - Administration of Field Office 11-511 Public Works - Street Maintenance 11-513 Public Works - Corporation Yard 11-525 Public Works - Sewers and Sewage Treatment 11-~80 Public Works . Pond Main~nancs ' FROM THE PARK FUE~ 21-570 Public ~orks - Park Maintenance 21-577 Public ~works - Tree Maintenance FROM THE RECREATION FUND 22-050 Recreation Department - Ad~Linistration of Office FROM THE REFUSE COLLECTTON AND DISPOSAL FUND 2~-540 Public Works - Refuse Collection 24-541 Public Works - Refuse Disposal FROM THE TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 31-543 Public Works - Street Cleaning 8,120 418 283 4,073 2,015 2,790 3,489 2,380 1,669 7,397 2,318 FROM THE MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FEE FUND 32-452 Police Department -Enforcemont of Traffic regulations 32-515 Public Works - Traffic Signals 32-516 Police Department - Traffic Signs and Painting 32-518 Public Works - Street Lighting FROM THE OFF STREET PARICiNG PROJECT 50-590 Public Works - Off-Street Par?~ng Project Constructi on Fund 11,969 123 686 g0 282,643 FROM THE FIREA~R ' S DZSAB'%LITY RETiRElvLEI~ T FUND 71-100 City Manager - Fire Department Disability and Re t ireme nt FROM TP~E EMPLOYEES-, RETIREME~ SYSTEM P~I~rD 74-230 City Auditor - Employees, Retirem3nt System 32,750 2. That said Resolution No. 41-~6, be and the sane is hereby amended by decreasing the appropriations of the accounts hereinafter listed by the amounts set forth opposite each account respectively: - FROM THE GEI~RAL FURUD 11-231 City Auditor - Insurance and Transfers 11-%10 Public Works - Engineering Division 18,824 367 FROM THE CAPITAl. 0UTL~3Z FUhLO 25--590 Public Works - Capital Outlay -General 21,750 ..... o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 27th d:y of Y~ugust 1956, by the follow- ing vote: Cotnncil of the City of ~akersfietd · 1,'L~YOR of the C2y' of Bakersfield.