HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 36-56RESOLUTION N0~, __~._ RESOLUTION OF THE COL~Cii~,J 0F THE CI-~ OF BAKERSFIELD DECLA~i'NG RESULTS OF .SPECIAL ELECTION HELD IN THE CiTY OF BAKERSFinD. WH~REAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield duly and regularly called ~nd provided for the holding of a special election within the City of Bakersfield on Jm~e %, 19~6, for the purpose of electing a mayor for said City, and WHERK~S, by ordinance of said City and by.order of the Board of Supervisors of Kern Co~ty, said special election ~ras ordered consolidated with the State Consolidated Direct Primary Election and Presidential' Prim~y Election held within said city on said date, ~d said Board of Supervisors was authorized to c~nvass the rot~ns of said special election and to certify the results thereof to tMs Council, ~d W~EAS, said special election ~-~as duly hs!d pursuant to said orders of consolidation at the polling places prescribed for said State Consolidated Direct Pri~ary Election and Presidential Prira~ry Election, and the votes cast them=sat ~cro cmnvasssd ~nd the retorts thereof made as provided by la~-~ ~EREAS, the said Bo~d of Supervisors ~nd the Clerk thereof have duly canvassed the ~bsentee ballots cast at .said special election, and said Bo~d of Supervisors has adopted its resolution nstating the results of said special~ election end the Clerk of said Board has entered in the records of said Bo~rd a Statement of said results, and the Clerk has transmitted to the Clerk of this Council a certified copy of said resolution and a certified copy of said statement and. the s~s have been presented to this Council. NOW, T~REFORE, the Co~cil of the City of Bakersfield DOES ~EREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE, AND DEC~RE .~S FOLLOWS: 1. That from the results of. said special sleetion certified to this Co~cil as aforesaid, it appears and this Co~cil hereby finds and declares that the total number of votes cast at the respective election precincts established for said special election for electing a mayor for the City of Bakersfield, the total number of absentee votes cast ateaid electien~ and the total number of votes Cast in said city st said special election for electing a mayor for said city, are as set forth in that certain Resolution of the Board 'of Supervisors of Kern County, California, Stating Result of Canvass of Election Returns of Special Municipal Election of the City of Bakersfield, In Re: 'Election of a Mayor, held June ~, 19~6, a copy of which is on file is on file in the office of the City Clerk. Tinat the names of the candidates for the office of mayor for said city and the number of votes given in the city for each such person, are as follows: MANUEL J. CARNf~IS ......... FRANK SULLIVAN ............ 7884 2. That the Clerk of this Council is hereby instructed to enter in full on the minutes of this Council the results of said election. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Frank Sullivmn is hereby declared to be elected to the office of Mayor for the City Of Bakersfield and shall hold office from the first Monday following the 'filing with the Secretary of State of the approval of certain charter amendments, to wit: Sections 14, 20 (a) and 20~1 of the Charter of the City of Bakersfield, by the State Legislatbme~ ~ntil the first Monday after the ~irst day of January, 1961, and mntil his successor is elected and qualified, unless sooner removed from office by recall or otherwise. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed ~nd adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at an Adjourned Meeting thereof held on the 29th day of June, 1956, by the following vote: AYES: CARNAK~S, COLt~NS, ~ DOOL~N, EVELETH, SO~I',VEITZER, SULLIVAN. City Olerk and Ex-0fficio Clerk of the Cobmcil of the City of Bakersfield. MAYOR of t~ City of Bakei~s 'iel'