HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 27-56RESOLUTION NO. 27-56 WHEREAS there is now in progress a campaign to ~-;eld the greater Bakersfield community into one' mighty City, and ~, WEREAS this City Council has maintained a position of neutrality, in the belief that the matter must be decided by vot- ers in the unincorporated areas, without interference from our City Government, and WHEREAS the suggestion has been made in good faith that after an affirmative vote shall have been cast by proponents living outside, then the ~nnexation ordinance should be referred to the vo- ters of the present City for their acceptance or rejection, and WHEREAS the law permits this Council to make a determination by passing the necessary ordinance ~;ithout calling an expensive special eiectio. n,, and WHEREAS it appears to this Council that the benefits of consoli- dation will not accrue exclusively to people of unincorporated areas, but that the benefits will be shared by people of the present City, and WHEP~EAS it further appears that the time has now arrived for this Council to make a commitment to those who are unselfishly work- in~,~ for a dynamic community through consoldiation: NOW, TEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TE CiTY OF BAKERSFiELD, that if the' qualified electors shall vote affirmatively on the question of consolidation of the Greater Bakersfield A.rea on June 5, 1956, this Council will pass an ordinance approving the annexa- tion. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution ~.~as passed and adopted by the ~ouncil of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting ~'thsre0~ held on 'the 7th day of May, 1956, by the foll~ing vote: APPRO~D this ?th day of May, Co~ncll of the City of BakaPsfield. 19~6 · ' RESOLUTION NO. 28-5~ RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF TIT~E~,~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, ORDERING THE VACATION OF AN ALLEY IN BLOCK 220, IN THE CiTY OF B~d~{ERS- FIELD, CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, on the 16th day of April, 19~6, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, pursuant to the provisions of the ."Street Vaca- tion Act of 1941", being Division 9, Part 3, of the Streets and High- ways Code of the State of California, passed and adopted its Resolu- tion of Intention No. 722, declaring its intention to order the vaca- tion of the northwesterly, southeasterly alley in Block 220, Kern, situated in the City of Bakersfield, State of California, and WHEREAS, said Council did fix a time and place for hearing all persons interested in or objecting to said proposed vacation, which said hearing was held on the 7th day of May, 1956, after notices were duly posted as required by law, and WHEREAS, this Council after duly considering the matter, does hereby find and resolve as follows: 1.That the Northwesterly and Southe-~sterly Alley in Block 220 in the City of Bakersfield, more particularly described as follows, is unecessary for present or prospective public street purposes; All of the said alley of 20.00 feet in width, in Block 220, as said alley and said Block 220, are shown on "Map of Bakersfield, Kern County, California" showing "East .Bakersfield, formerly Sumner", filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, January 12, 1889, lying between the southeasterly boundary line of "ulare Street, of 80.00 feet in width and the northwesterly boundary line of Kern Street, of.80.00-feet in ,~;idth. 2. That said Alley in Block 220 be and the same is hereby closed up, vacated and abandoned for public street purposes, subject to and in conformity with the reservations and exceptions contained in and contemplated by said Resolution of Intenti0n 'No'. 722.. Refer- ence to said Resolution of Intention is hereby made for further particulars. 3- The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this resolu- tion and shall cause a certified copy hereof, attested by the Clerk der the seal of the City, to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of the 6ounty of Kern, California. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution ~as passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 7th day of May, 1956, by the following vote: AYES: CARNAKtS, COLLINS, CROES, DOOLIN, EVELETH. SCHWEITZER, SULLIVAN. NOES: ABSENI': ~ity Clerk znd Ex-Officio Clerko~'6Y' the Council of the City of Bakers- field. MA of the Ci of Bakersfield.