HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 21-56RESOLUTION 0]9 TD_>] COUi,IC:[L 0i4' T~ CITY OF BAIGRS~ FIELD, 0RDERINC~ 'finn2 VACATnS0~y O1~ i ZeORTION OF AN ~LEY IN TRACT i,]~O. 1788 iN TI~ CITY 0P BAI~RSF~LD, CAL!PORI~VA. ' !?~I{EPaEAS, on the 16th day of January~ 1956~ the Council of the City of Bakorsfiel~J, pursuant to the provisions of the ~Street Va- cation Act o','~ 1941", being division 9~ D~art 3, of the Streets Iffighways Code of the utate of California, passed an~ aaopted its P-esolution of Intention )!o. 719, 8eciaring its intention to order the vacation of a portion of an Alley in Tract No. 1788, in the City. of Bakersfie!c!, Ca! ifornia, ~nd W~P~REAS, said Council di~ fix a time and place for hearing ~L1 persons interested in or objectir~G to said propose~ vacation, which sai~ hearing was held on the 6th day of February, t95~6, after notices were duly poste~ as require8 by law, W!IEREAS, this Council after duly considering the matter~ hereby fin~ an~ re solve as follows: 1. That that portion of the alley in Tract No. 1788 in the City of ~a!?-ersfiel8, more particularly c]eacribe~ as follows, is unnecessary for present or Prospective puTolic 'street purposes5 All of the easterly 310 feet o~' that certain alley of 20 feet in width lying between the southerly line of Lots 77 throu[%h 86 an~ C'he northerly line of Lots 99 through 68. All of the aforesaia a:l_ley and lots are. shown and ~elineated on i~.Zap of Tract Nee '1788 recorded in the office of the County Recorder of if-ern County, California, on June 9, 19.~5 in Pock 8 of i':~aps, at page 197; 2. That said portion of the Alley in Tract i,,'.o. 1788 be and the same is l-~.ercby close~ up, vacate~ an6 aba~done~ for public street pur~ poses, subject to ane in conformity with sai~ l~eso_!ution of Intention 719. Peference to said ]~eso!ution of intention is hereby made for l'k~rther particulars. 3- The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Reso!u~ tion and shall cause a certifie~ copy hereof, attested by the Clerk under the seal of the City, to be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the Cm~nty of Ke~n, California. -oCo .......... 7 ~REBV CEEm~Pv that the foregoing Resolution v, Tas passed snd adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a reguia~ meet- ing thereof, held on the 2n5 Say of April, 1956, by the following vote: /,:U-~: [;AT~ .; ;~(, Y'LUNS, ,r,~u~S, DOOLtN, EV~LETH, S~,H'NEITZER, SULt~',- ABSENI': Council of the City of Bakersfield.. AI:PRC~ffED this 2nd day of April, 1956-