HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 17-56RESOLUTION NO. 17-5~ RESOLUTION A~qCERTAINING AND DETERMINING THE PREV~ILING RATE OF WAGES TO BE RAID TO CER- TAIN CRAFTS AND TYPES GF WORKMEN EMPLOYlED ON PUBLIC WORK IN THE C:~_TY ~qF BAKERSFiELD, CI&LIFORi~IA, AND -~]IENDING RESOLUTION N0.96. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield did, on the 8th day of January 1951, pass and adopt Resolution Noo 96, ascertaining and determining the prevailing rate of v~ages to be paid to each craft and type of workman employed on pub- lic works in the City of Bakersfield, California, and WEREAS, since the date. of said resolution, the prs~ vailing rate of wages in the community for certain crafts and type s of workme n has change d. NOW, THEREFORe, BE IT Ri~SOL~fED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, that it has ascertained and does hereby determine that the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for the crafts and type of workmen listed in Ex- hibits A and B attached hereto, is as 'indicated 5n said Ex- hibits A and B which are made a part hereof as if set forth in full here in, and that said Resolution No. 96 be amended accordingly. WAGE SCALES FOR THE SIX BASIC TRADES The following wage scales were negotiated in accordance with the terms of the Master Labor Agreement by the Joint A.G.C., B.C.A., H.B.I., E.G.C.A., A.F.L. Negotiating Committee. The wage rates listed below cover the following counties: Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Imperial, Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Kern, Inyo and Mono. SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE FOR THE SIX BASIC TRADES: An addi- tional subsistence allowance is effective in several areas. To asccrtain subsistence allowance requirements, contact the Local Union or its District Council having Jurisdiction. RIGGERS and WELDERS FOR THE SIX BASIC TRADES: Same wage scales as crafts to which rigging and welding are incidental. TEAMSTERS Health and Welfare: 7:~¢ for each hour worked and paid for on all classifications. Foreman: Effective 6/15/55: Receives not less than 20¢ per ~our more than the hourly rate of the highest classification over which he has supervision. Effective 5/1/56: Receives not less t:han 25¢ per hour more than the hourly rate of the highest classification over which he has supervision. Driven of Dump Trucl~ d Less Than: 4 Yds. Water Level ................................................. 4 Yds but less than 8 Yds. Water Level (except Kern-Inyo-Mono Counties) .................... (Kern-Inyo-Mono Counties) .............................. 8 Yds. but less than 12 Yds. Water Level (except Kern-Inyo-Mono Counties) .................... (Kern-Inyo-Mono Counties) .............................. 12 Yds. but less than 16 Yds. Water Level (except Kern-Iayo-Moao Counties) .................... (Kera-Inyo-Mono Counties) .............................. 16 Yds. or more Water Level (except Kern-Inyo-Mono Counties) .................... (Kern-Inyo-Mono Counties) .............................. Drivers of Trucks Legal Payload Capacity: Less than 6 Tons ...................................................... 6 Tons to 10 Tons .................................................... 10 Tons to 15 Tons (except Kern-Inyo-Mono Counties) .................... (Kern-Inyo-Mono Counties) .............................. 15 Tons to 20 Tons .................................................. 20 Tons or more ..................................................... Drivers of Euclid Type Spreader Trucks ...................... Drivers of Dumpster Trucks ........................................ 9/1S/SS 5/I $2.305 $2.405 2.335 2.435 2.335 2.435 2.385 2.485 2.50 2.50 2.465 2..565 2.57 2.57 2.685 2..785 2.69 2.785 2..305 2.405 2.335 2.435 2.385 2.485 2.385 2.485 2.465 2.565 2.685 2.785 2.685 2.785 2.685 2.785 Exhib i t A o ,.. WAGE SCALES, FRINGE BENEFITS, LOCAL UNIONS AND THE AGENTS HAVING JURISDICTION IN THE KERN, INY0 AND MONO COUNTIES OF CALIFORNIA BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION TRADES COUNCIL ASBESTOS WORKERS - Local Union #5 - BUsiness Representative, Albert E. Hutchinson, 255 ~. 81st. Street, Los' Angeles, Phone~ Plymouth 8-1Vll. Rates per hour - Journeyman, $3.28. Effective August l, 1958 - Journeyman, $3.35 per hour. Overtime double time. If Labor 'Day is worked, triple time. Subsistence - Zone 4 $V.00 per day 7 days. Show-up time - 2, 4, 8 hours. Health and Welfare - 10~ per hour. Travel time and subsistence according to zones. Agreement expiration date, July 31, 198V. BOILERMineS - Local Union #92 - Business Representative Joseph Hudson, Los Angeles, California, Phone - Plymouth 5-118~. Rates per hour - Journey' man, $3.2V~ - Helper $2.97~. Double time all overtime. Foreman - $3.V7½. Assistant Foreman - ~3.82~. Subsistence - $4.50 per day on s seven day week. Travel expense - 10~ per mileo Health and Welfare Plan - 7~ per hour. Show-up time - four hours, if reporting for work - eight hours if worked into P.i~. Agreement expiration date - October l, 1958o BRICKLAYERS -Local Union #3 - Business Representstive~ I. W. Brooks, ll09 Miller Street, Bakersfleld, Californta~ Phone FA 3-2598. Rate per hour - ~3.55. Double time all overtime° Foreman - 25~ per hour additional. Subsistence - ~7.00 per day worked for jobs over 40 miles. Transportation under 40 miles, as per contract. Health and Welfare - None. Show-up time - 2 hours. Agreement expiration date - Dec° l~ 1956. BRICKTENDERS - Local Union #220 - Business Representative, '~alter Downs, P. 0. Box 501, Bakersfield, California, Phone FA 2-3460. Rate - $2.50 per hour. Overtime - double time. Travel time end transportation - over 25 miles up to 50, one hour travel time° Subsistence - Over 50 miles, ~6.00 per day. If sixth day worked, subsistence shall be ~42.00. Show-up time - 2, 4, 8. Health and V~elfare - 7~ per hour° Expiration date, April 30, 1956. CARPENTERS - Five local unions in the jurisdiction of this Council. Local #V43, V. V~. Munn, Business Representative, 911 - 20th Street~ Bakersfield, California, Phone - FA 7-1429 - - Local Union #1239, Bill Pengilly, Business Representative, i~ojave, California, Phone Mojsve 82 - - Local Union #907, John E. Vandenburgh, Business Representative~ Rto l, Box 197~ Bishop~ Calif- ornia, Phone Bishop 3912 - - Local Union #1774, Roy Keys, Business Representa- tive, 415 Warren St., Taft, California, Phone 5-2395 - - Local Union #2224, John Sands, Business Representative, 448 Ridgecrest Blvd., Ridgecrest, California, Phone Inyokern 8-9151. The rates applicable to these locals, see attached form'. Double time all overtime° Foreman differential 25~ per hour. Travel time and subsistence ss per attached form° Health and Welfare Plan, lO~ per hour. Show-up time - 2, 4 and 8. Agreement expira- tion date, May l, 1957. CEMENT MASONS - Local Union #lgl, Thoso Grifflth~ Business Representative, 26 Bernard St., Bakersfield, Cslifornis, Phone FA 5-0602. Rates per hour as listed on attached form. Overtime, time and one-half for the first three '1- Exhibit B hours after the regularly constituted straight time shift. All other overtime shall be double time. Foreman differential ss per attached form. Travel allowance and subsistence as .per attached form° Health and Welfare - 10~ per hour~ Show-up time 2, 4 and 8~ Agreement expiration date, Nay l, 1957. ELECTRICIANS - Local Union #428 - Ivan Beavsn, Business Representstlve~ 911 - 20th Street, Bakersfield, Californiso Phone, FA 5-0512o Rates per hour - Journeyman wireman, -~3.20. Double time ali overtime° Foreman differential - Foreman 40~ per hour - - General Foreman, 80~ per hour~ Travel time, 10~ per mile each day when job is more than 5 miles from.shop. Subsistence - .~8.00 per day worked. Health and Welfare, 7~ per hour° Show-up time, four hours, for reporting~ After four'hours - actual time worked. Agreement expiration date, July 1, 1956o ELECTRICIANS - Local Union #477 - Jack Csrney, Business Representstlve, 660 South Eye St., San Bernsrdino, California, Phone 5-5356. Rates per hour - Journeyman wireman, i~3.35 per hour° Double time all overtime° Foreman - $3.73 per hour - - General .Foreman - -~4oll per hour. Travel time and transportation - lO~ per mile up to the equivalent of subsistence. Subsistence - '~8.00 per day worked. Show-up time, four hours for reporting. After four hours - actual time ~orkedo Agreement expiration date, July l, 1956. GLASSWORKERS - Local Union ~132 - Lester Barclay, Business Representative, 2508 '~eldon Street, Fresno, California, Phone Fresno 7-3705. Rates per - '2 73m hour ~ · 2. Overtime - time and one-half for Saturday until 12 noon° Time and one-half - 6:00 P.M. to 10=00 P oN. Saturday afternoon, Sunday and holidays and all other overtime is double time. Travel time and transports. tion - strslght time the hourly rate, subsistence - board and room plus individual expenses. Show-up time, four hours° All other time, actual hours worked Health and V~'elfare Vi~. Vacation plan Agreement expira- tion date, June 20, 1956. IRON:~0RKERS - Local Union #155 - E.E. Goes, Business Representative, 631 Kearney Bird., Fresno, California, Phone Fresno 6-6288. II~0N~i¥0RKERS - Local Union #433, Structural - Robert Whelchel, Business fiepresentstive, 2057 South Atlantic Blvdo, Los Angeles 3, California, Phone Angeles 3-4183. IRON~i~0RKERS -Local Union #416, Reinforcing, Frank Vaughn, Business Rep- 914~ Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles 12, California. Phone Mutual resentative, ,~ . 5949. Rates, Structural - ,~3.25 per hour - - }-ke, inforcing - ,~3.00 per hour. All overtime - double time. Foreman differential, 25~ per hour° Travel time is straight time based on 35 MPH from basing point° Transportation - V~ per mile one round trip. Subsistence - ,~6°00 per day after 35 m~les from the basing point. Health and ?~elfsre - lO~ per hour. Show-up time - two hours~ four hours if work. All other time actual hours ,~orked, Agree- ment expiration date, August 15, 1956o LABORERS - Local Union #220 - ~i,Yalter Downs, Business Representative, P.O. Box 301, Bakersfield, California, Phone FA 2-3460. Wage Scale -Common Laborer -.~2.20 per hour. Additional classifications - see attached form.. -2- .i Overtime - time and one-half. Sunday and holidays - double time. Foreman differential - 20~ per hour more than the highest classification under his supervision. Effective ~ay l, 1958 - i'~oreman 25~ - all other classifica- tions 10~ additional per hour ss per attached form° Subsistence - j~5.00 per day. Health and ~elfsre - V~%' per hour° Sho~-up time - 2, 4 and 8 Agreement expiration date May l, 195V. LATHERS - Local -~:300 - C. H. Collins, Business ~epresentstfve, 911 - 20th ~3.37~- per hour. Street, Bakersfield, California, Phone FA 3-7957. ~ste - ~ Effective April 16, 1956 - :~3.50 per hour° Double time all overtime. Foreman differential - 25%' per hour. Travel time, transportation after 25 miles and up to 50 miles from union office - I hour's pay per day. Over fifty miles -. one round trip at straight time rate plus subsistence st -~i~5.00 per dsys worked. Health and V~elfsre - 10~ per hour° Agreement expiration date - October 16, 1956. OPERATING ENGINEERS - Local Union #12 - Manuel DeFlumere, Business Rep- resentative, 911 - 20th Street, Bakersfield, California, Phone FA 3-1929 - Charles Hsrbeson, Business Representative for 'Inyokern, P.O. Box 254, Inyo- kern, Phone V-2621. Rates - Crane, Shovel, Dragline, etc.- ~3o06 per hour. For other classifications see attached form° Overtime - time and' one-half. ~'~hen working ~ith a craft receiving double time engineers shall receive same. Foreman differential - 25%' per hour. Non-working master mechanic required on all jobs where five or more pieces of equipment are involved. Travel time, transportation - None. Health and Vjelfsre - 10%' per hour. Show-up time - 2, 4 and 8. 14%' per hour additional on tunnel work. Expiration date, April 30, 1956o Note: Field engineering rates - Party Chief~ ~i~3o20o Instrument man, 1~2o90 per hour. Rodman and Chainman, i~2.65 per hour° Subsistence i~5.00 per day a s per map. PAINTEF{S - Local Union #314 - F. E. Prince, Business Representstive~ 911 - 20th Street, Bakersfield, California, Phone FA 5-1825o Rates - Brush i~2.75 Spray - ~3.00. Overtime - time and one-hslfo Foreman differential - 25~ oar hour, Travel time snd transportation ~ 10~ per mile with s minimum of ~4.00 per day whichever is greater for each car used~ Travel time paid beyond 50 miles. Subsistence - Living expenses shall be paid by the em- ployer on members required to stay overnight° Health and ~,.;~elfsre ~ 10%' per hour. Show-up time - two hours. Agreement expiration date - June 30, 1956. Contractor is required to carry s.Shop Card - ~i132o00 per yesr. PLASTERERS - Local Union #191 - Thos. B. Griffith, Business Representative, 26 Bernard St., Bakersfield, California, Phone FA 5-0602° journeyman rate - :~3.50 per hour. Effective March 16, 1956 - .'~3o56~ per hour° Overtime - double time. Foreman differential - 25%' per hour° Travel expenses - one hour straight time pay on jobs over 25 miles and up to 50 miles. Over 50 miles, one round trip plus ~5.00 per day ~orked. Health and Welfare - 10%' per hour. Agreement expiration date, October 16, 1956. / PLASTER TENDEr~S - Local Union//220 - V, Yslter Downs, Business Representative, P.O. Box 301, Bakersfield, California, Phone FA 2-3460. Rate - $3°05 per [~;3.12.~ per hour. Overtime - double time hour. After January l, 1956 - ~ ..~ . Travel time and transportation - over 25 and up to 50 miles - one hour travel time. Subsistence - On jobs over 50 miles, one round trip plus ~5.00 per day worked. Health and Welfare - 7~ per hour° Show-up time - 2, 4 and 8. Agreement expiration date - July 15, 1956. PLUMBERS - Local Union #460 - Ray Conley, Business Representative, 208 0sk Street, Bakersfield, California, Phone FA 2-2656° Rate - f~3o30 per hour. EffectiVe January 1, 1956 - Journeyman, ~3.42.~o Overtime - Double time. Foreman differential - Foreman - 25~ per hour. General Foreman - 50~ per hour. Travel time and transportation - Jobs over 40 miles $7.00 per day for seven days. For other travel time and transportation allowances, con- sult existing Agreement. Show-up time - 4 hours - over 4 hours, 8 hours pay. Agreement expiration date, July 1~ 1960. Contract open July 1st. of each year for negotiating wages only. R00FERS - Local Union #66 - Ted Rsper, Business Representative, 6010 Norris Road, Bakersfield, California, Phone FA 2-0731, Rate ~:2 . 50~ - ~ .81 per hour differential for' pitch. Overtime - time and one-half. Sundays and bolldays double time, Foreman differential - 25~ per hour.' Travel time, transporta- tion - after ten miles straight time wage rate one way. Subsistence per day or suitable room and board. Show-up time - two hours. Health and ~elfsre - 7~ per hour. Vacation - 10~ per hour° Agreement expiration date - August 15, 1956. SHEET METAL - Local Union #152 - Leonard 0'Nesl~ Business Representative, 26 Bernard Street, Office #90, Bskersfield~ California, Phone FA 3-4461. Rate - ;~3.13 per hour. Overtime - time and one-half. Midnight to 8:00 A.M. Monday through Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holidays - double time. Fore- man differential - 25~ per hour. Travel time - 7~ per mile. Subsistence - 'all work over thirty miles - .97.00 per day or actual expenses incurred if higher. Health and ~Yelfsre - 8n~ per hour. Vacation fund - 9~ per hour. Show-up time - two hours. Agreement expiration date - April 30, 1956. STEAMFITTERS - Local Union #460 - Ray Conley~ Business Representative, 208 Oak Street, Bakersfield, California, Phone FA 2-2656. F~ste - ~i~3.30 per hour. Effective January t, 1956 - Journeyman, ~3°42~. Overtime - Double time. Foreman differential - Foreman - 25~ per hour. General Foreman - 50~ per hour. Travel time and transportation - Jobs over 40 miles $V.00 per day for seven days. For other travel time and trsnsportstion allow- ances, consult existing Agreement~ Show-up time - 4 hours - over 4 hours, 8 hours pay. Agreement expiration date~ July 1~ 1960. Contract open July 1st. of each year for negotiating wages onlyo TEAi~ISTERS - Locst Union #87 - A. L. Brsdley~ Business Representative, 3724 Pierce Rd., Bakersfield, California, Phone FA 7-8594° Rate - See attached form. Time and one-half all overtime. Foreman differential. - 20~ per hr. Effective May 1, 1956 - 25~. Travel time, transportation - see attached form. Health and V~elfare - 7~ per hour. Show-up time - 2, 4 and 8o Agreement expiration date - May 1, 195'7o TiLE LAYERS (Ceramics) Local #28 - Frank Bell, Business Representative, 4409 Joanne .~ve., Bakersfield, Cslifornis~ Phone FA 5-0843. Rate - ~3.00 per hour. After January 1, 1956 - ~.~3o21 per hour° Overtime - time and -4- one-~alf. Foreman differential - 25~ per hour. Transportation - over twelve miles and up to 40 - 5~ per mile each 'way.. Travel time - one hour's pay - over .12 and up to 40 miles., Subsistence - over 40 miles - :=~7.00 per day for seven dsys o Health and V~elfsre - None, Show-up time - 4 hours for less than half day work, Over six hours - full day. Agreement expiration date - continuing Agreement. -5- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield a a regular meeting thereof held on the 19th day of March, 19~6, by the following vote: AYES:. 'CARNAKIS, COLLINS, CROES, DOOLIN, EVELETH, SCHWEITZER, SULEIVAN. NOES: ~ ABSENT: ~,~ -j ~ C~eerk and ES~Tficio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this 19th day of March, 1'956