HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 09-56sessio~ o~ the Legislature for the purpose of studying the ~ats~ problems ss they exist throughout the State~ of equ~liz~ the distribu'~ton of the ~omte~ supply of the State where ~eeded~ e~d Et appe~s that the Legislature m~y be c~lled for the purgose indicated ~b~ve ~ud that ~ defi~te pl~uhas been p~oposed for study by the Legisl~tu~so ~d after further conside~ation this Council desires to su~t certain suggestions to the Governor for possible l~clu~ion i~his ~essage to the Legislature ~hen it c~venes at the speei~ ~essie~ NOW~ T~ORE~ BE ~ RESOLdrED by the Council of the Oity ef B&kersfield~ as ~l~e~sa ThAt the Eerierable Goodwim ~o l.~might~ Governor of the State of Oalifoy~Im~ be s~d he is he is hereby respectfully~equested to e~ll for ~ speci~X ez~raerdtnsr7 sessie~ of the Legislature te be devoted to the ~ter problems of the State~ that recommendations ~e m~de to L~elude our ~ater problems as .a~ important factor. in our 19~6~? b~dget~ mnd that the follo~ing su~gestions be included the Gevernor~s call f~r ~ ~Special Water Session~ Ce~sidermtion of the construction of the Feather River Project~ p~rticulavly immediate State acqui~ sit~e~ of the property ~d right ef way interests for ~he Oresills Dam sa~d Reservoir end ~or the Sau Luis Dam ~d Reservoir~ ~ith their appur~enant ~mclli t~es~ ~oquisit~on of rights of ~ay for the aqueduct from the Ds~ta to Pmstoria Creek tn Kern County~ ~u~d for devele~ent of engineering desiga for the project Putther consider~tion and study of the ~Cou~ty of Origin and other related m~tterso Consideration of establishment of s State Department of Water Resources~ with appropriate director and membership~ c~pable o~ coordinating the work of the mm~y w~ter agencies of the State in order to a&minis~ trate the'overall water problems in a manner consistent ~ith the best interests of the people of the State° o Co~,sidsration of finmnci~l policy relatLug to development of the States s x. ya~sr Peso~ces~ such aS State General hd Contributions m~d hchdi~ the possib!s assi~ent to such development of ~t portio~ of special L~iooms av~l!able to the State~, ~s fo~~ tnstsmcs~ tidsl~d end off~sho~e oil income~ .......... o0c .............. I -HEHEBY C~T~f that the foregoing Resolution ~as pessed ~d ~d~p'hed b~' t~.s Cou~cil of the City mestL~ the~eGf hs~d on ~d~e 13th day of f'ello~f~ veteg AYES: CARNAKIS, COLLINS, CROES, DOOLIN, EVELETH, SCHWEITZER, SULLIVAN, ABSENT: ~ 9 · Co~a'lctl of the City of Bakers.field°