HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 80-55 ",~- ' , ~/. " . - ' \ ' - ' ~l~ .'iiIf&,") ".' .~. .: :,,' ,"", l~. ,. ... '" 'C' , RESOLU!ION NO. '89-55 A RESOLUTION DEOLARING ~HE. POLICY OF THE' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD IN RE" GARD TO THE UNIFORM SALES AND USE TAX. , , WHEREAS, the joint etfo~ts of ~ivic groups 'and bU$lnes~ associationsthro~out California" 'together with, ttle support, of Counties and Cities of the State, have brought about the passage, of the Bradley-Burns Uniform Local Sales 'arid Use Tax ,Law in 1955, which law is intended to rernedythe inequallt.l,es of :the sale,s 'and , ' use tax between merchants'inside and outside of cities " ,respectively. ,And, 'sald Aot 1s further 'intended to ,pro'vide 'to the 'Counties , of the state, additional' funds, where needed, thereby in 'some cases, , . ' preventing further increases in real property taxes, ,and 'WHEREAS, 'said "Uniform LO,cal Sales and, Us~' Tax taw'i reqUires the passageo~ordinance$ by the Counties and Citi-e:s~' respectively, in o:rderthat s,liid Counties and Cities may cooperatively bring about uniformity in the levy and collection of "said' sales and use taxes, wh1chlocal ordinances require preparation and a certain lapse of time between their passage and effective date"and ~EAS, it is to the advantage of the State, Oounties, Cities, busin,.ess firms, and all perso:n8 to be affected by ~'said: ordinances, , . -. . to ,p1:anand prepare t.henec~8sary steps'to' c,arry' out the collection and return of said taxes in ant'1cipatlon of ',the .effectlvedate of , ' said ordinances, and WHEREAS, it, is the desire ,of this Council to pubiiclystate its policy *,elative to thedistribut10nof the sales and usetaxe~ collected ',wi th,inthe C1 ty of Bakers.tield. , , . '.. . NOW,,' ~TKE:aEFORE,~BE !Tn~QLVElh'~ that the,~.oQuncll ,of ,.tho,Ql ty ,=, of Bakersfield makes the follo~ing statement 'of policy: ,'" 1. In JUly, 1955, this OOlmcilc1eemed it necessary to collect a sales and use taX of on~, perceIlt, instead of the one-halt of' ,one 1. ~. --"~ ,. 'f'I,. , "''I ~: ~ -~ (ilo.:. percent thencollecte'd, to meet the, expenses 01'- the oity-Iand the citizens, through their duly elected'representatives" haveacceeded , , ' , to such levy for the purpose~ herein set forth and shquld not be diverted to the use of any other political division of the state., It Is the conclusion of-this Councll that the revenue from said sales and use' tax as ~increased, ,ls ne'cessaryto effici$ntly carry out the functiQ,nsof'our municipal government as ~as stated by' this Council , . at the timE>. of 'the, adoption of the ordinance increasing, s8+d sales and USE" ta;i thus avoiding ,!'esortlns immediately to ,~ther sources of, taxation. 2. All, sales' and use taxes collected withiri the City should b~ used for necessarY,munlcipal expenses 'and 1mproveme~ts w~thin the ,City for -the benefit of'all its cit1zensand of all-citizens of other areas who,' by reason of business 1i:1terests, ,or otherWise, may come , into the City, either, permanently or temporarily, thus keeplng faith with the people of the City whom we represent. J. ,That inasmuch as th~ citlzenso,f this Clty already con" , , , 'tribute heavily toward the support of our County Government through 'property taxes colleetedby the County, 't:Q.isCouncil .f'ee~s~hat no portion of 'the sales or use taxes collected within the City should be palO. over to, the County. 4. The Council of the Oity of Baker~tleld respectfully requests the Board of Supervisors ot the Oounty of.:Kern to notify this Council, prior to Febrlia::y 20, 1956, of ftsintentlons of'adopting or, of ,not adoptj,ng a sales 'tax ordinance pursuant to the Bradley-Burns Uniform ,Sales and Use ,Tax'Law, in order that the City of Bakersfield lnay have, sufficient time wl thin which 'to prepare the neces,sary conforming 'ordiiianCes periUCtt:irig 'tlie. Stat-a to-~conecf't- '.sala taxes. " >--- 5. That a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Board of Superviso~s of the Countyot Kern. ' 2. " ~---~-~oOo~~~---~ j I / / l , I / -;-" p . ~-- , e, .'11{;' .~ ::f;.-. ... G-" I HEREBY CER~IFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 28th day of November, 1955, by the following vote: AYES: ~RNAI(IS,~s CROES DOOL'N ..., . ~,' , f , c:\ELETH, SCHWEITZER, SULLIVAN. NOES: -. . of ) ABSENT: t?~ ~ ~. ~ v '~ ~W'..,..~ ~~~ 01 Clerk and' "Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this 28th day of Nov~ber, 1955. 1Jl?(/~vVL-c.LJ- 4 ~-'L-~~et'\-o MAYOR of theVOity of Bakersfield.