HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 74-55 . e ... ~ ""~ ~ (.e.. ~~":'t'~. ~. l.'!4~ , RESOLUT;rON NO. 14=55 ., RESOLUTION OF' THE COUNCIL OFrrBE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, ORDERING TFIE'VACATION OF:THE ALLEY IN BLOCK 619 FR0I1I[ 33RD ,STHEET TO 'llHE S ~ P. ftAILUAY RIGHT OF 1^TAY" IN THE CITY CF BAKt:RSF;rELD, C.ALIFORNI!':. NHEREAS, on the 17th day of Oct.obe'r,. 1955, the Coun~il of the City .,of Bakersfield, pursuant to th~prbvi $ions . of th~ "stree t Va- c.atiO'n Act of 19l:j..l1t, being division9~Part'3, of the. Streets and .Highways' Cbde of the state. o'f California, passed and adopted its Resolution of Intention No~, .118, de'clarin:g'it~f i:ntention to o~der . . the vacation o:t the Alley in Block ,619 from .33rd street to theBe p~ Railway Right of ~iay, in the City of B3;kerst:iEl1d, California, and '..4 I l'\!BEREAS, sai d Council did fix a .tfme . and. place for he aring all .. persons.interested in or objecting to sl:j,i'd proposed, vacation., 'which said hearil1g was held on.the 7th daYbfN:avember,1955, aft.er.notices we,re duly. posted: as requ,ired by lal.J,~ and 'tHIEREAS, thi s Council. after duly considering the" matter" doe s ._ J he reby find arid re sol ve as follows:' 1. That the Alley in Block6i9in the 'Ci tyof .'Bakersfie Id, more particularly de scribed as foIl 0\>18 , : is .unnece,ss.ary. for pre'sent or pros- pective pub~ic street purposes: All' of that certain alley of 20;0.00' feet ltTidth, running northerly and s'outherly between the southerly right of way line of 33rd street" and the'. North- ee~sterly right of way line of .the Southern Pacific. . Railroad Company, in; Elock619, .as said 33rd street right of way lines, and Block 619 are shown on map entitle d "Map of the.: Ci t,y' of Bakersfield, . Kern County, Callforniatt; filed November 25, 1898, in the office of the C01lntyRecorderof Kern County', in Boolr I of TJlaps, at pages 13 and14~ .. A.~...~.:.. ._~~= .. . 2. That said Alley in Block 619 be arid the sarrie is hereby ~=clise-d~ up;'vaciaterct'''-~nd -11t5a:mlonEfcf--r-pr--:-PUb~l:i:~~"S-tree.t ~p~-r-pEH3&&,~S~~- :." 0'., ject to and in conformi ty wi th sa.idRe Sblution of Int~nti.on No. . 718 ~ Reference to said Resolution of ;Intention is hereby made for further particulars. .. ': - e .. ~ /4)~. << ,. f~ '" C_' ....,~?~ 3. The City Clerk shall certify'to the passage of this Resolution and shall cause a certified copy hereof; attested .by the Clerk ,ul1;der the se a:l of tJ:le Ci ty ~ to be re corde d in the" office of the County Re- corder of thecouniy of Kern, Calif9rniao --_....~-ooo...--_.- I JiEREEY CERTIFY that the foregoing Re sol uti on was pa$sEl'd and adopted by the Council of the City of Baker,sf:ielcl~ at a regular meeting thereof, held on.t,be 7th day of l\:ovember ~ .1955, -by the follovJing vote: , , AVES: CARNAKIS COWNS MIit. . . NOES: ~/ ' DOOliN, EVELETH, SCHWEfTZER,SUL~IVAN. t1. ~-----~ ABSENT: - '/7 ....~ d J ~,Jw~~ .. Ci ty blerk and :rEx-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED .this 7th Day of Nov.embe:r, 1955 0t~ ]\J.AYOR of the C JJU4 of--t-a-ke:r s'l' ie .1 d-~