HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 42-55., RESOLUTION ~NOo ~ ..... .. ~i~RE~.S, the Imraigration and Naturalizatio~ Service of the United States has'recently ordered the closing of its Bakersfield . office, effective July 1, 195~, and For many years the Bakersfield' office of the Immigration and Nattu~alization Service has been of invaluable service and Convenience to the aliens residing in Kern County and the City of Bakersfield, and Due ~o'the expansion of agricultural development 'in this vicinity, the influx of alien farm labor has in:creased tremendously, creating a far greater need for a local office of the Immigration' and Naturalization Service in order to more efficiently and expeditiously handle the many' problems involving'law violations by said aliens° That heretofore, the problems of law,enfOrCement involving said aliens have been facilitated by the cooperation of thelaw.enforce- ment agendies of the city and county with the Immigration Department to which said matters were referred for investigation 'and' deportation, when necessary, and There is also in the County of Kern and vicinity-a great number of legally admitted aliens who are seeking naturalization as a result of concerted effort on the part of private citizens who have been encouraging the naturalization of 'said eligible al'iens~ and in this respect, the discontinuance of the imligration and Naturalization Service Would cause a great hardship, inconvenience and expense to the people attempting to become citizens of. the United States and would disrupt'the programwhich.has'been set up to.extend the benefits of citizenship,to said aliens. That~ this vicinity. is located. more ~han one hundred.miles'from. the nearest~-office of the I~migration and Naturalization Service and 'the means of transportation between said places areinadequate and requires from three to six hours travel time between said points. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED· by the COuncil 'of the City of Bakersfield, that the Honorable 'Go0dwin J. Knight, Governor· of the Stat'e of California, be and he islhereby urged.to join with the City of Bakersfield in requesting the continuance of the Bakersfield office of the Irmmigration and Naturalization Service. oo0 I HEREBY CERTI~T that the fore'going Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City'of Bakersfield at .a regular meet- ingthereof held on the 27th day of 'June, 19~, by the following vote: AYES:. CARNAl{IS, NOES: ..... Marian S, __Irvin~ City Clerk and Ex~0fficio Clerk of the Cobmcil of ~he City of Bakersfield UL07' city clerk Pro=Tern ~OR oZ t'~ity 'of' Bakersfield;'"