HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 31-55' RESO,. IOS 31-55 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF. THE CITY .. OF BAKERSFIELD~ SUPPORTING PLANS FOR. BRINGING SUPPLEMENTAL WATER SUPPLIES TO THE COUNTY OF KERN WHEREASs this City Council Of. Bakersiield,. California, 'is concerned with the fact 'that the~ mineral resources oi the County Of Kern are rapidly being depleted and that I the tax burden will of necessity be 'shifted-from minerai rights to other' industries and to owners of homes; and ' WHEREAS, agriculture-is of vital importance to our economy, which cannot be carried on without an .adequa~te supply of water; and WHEREAS, recent studies of.-the underground Water tables in Kern County indicate tha~ ]the WaGer sapply is not being replenished in proportion to the acre feet ~ecessary for the maintenance our present Crop production; and +WHEREAS',' there are various plans .~or the bringing-o~. river ~water t~' the San Joaquin .Valley; .'and, .according~to the Feather River Study prepared by State Engineer A. D. Edmonston, the development of the Feather River..Pro3ect would insure supplemental water supplies to the west side ~oi san- Joaquin' Valie~ approximately three years after start of construction'; and ." WHEREAS',. it' is the wish and ~desire o~ this CoUncil.-to support any and all plans deemed to be '~easible for' the. aCquisitiOn· of additional much-neededwater Supplies ior Kern COunty+~and the entire State o~ California, including but ..not limited to the Feather River Project; . .. NOW,~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the city Council of the City- of Bakersileld~ as follows: ~ ~ ... -.. 'l.. 'That-this Council give its support to ~Pians ~or bringing snpp reme~a 1-'wa~ er'~ s ~pp I i~" 't8; ~'~'C~d~t y Ib'~.'.K.~n ,..I ~.~e valley, and wherever additional water is needed in the 'entire State for th'e 'present agricultural indust. ry~'~nd its ~uture expansion;. and -.- 2, That since it has been found by"competsnt.engineering authority that the Feather River Project wiIl:provide more immediate and adequate water to this area than.any.other plan proposed,.this CounciI does recommend and urge that the Feather River project be begun immediately and completed expeditiously;.and 3. -That it be strongly urged~ and it'is hereby, that immediate action be taken to alleviate the water shortage in Kern County, and other areas 0f the State~ and'that such action not be allowed to be hindered 'by political or personal desires; and 4'. That copies of the herein resolut'ion be sent to Senator Jess R. Dorsey, Assemblywoman Dorothy Donahue, AsSemblyman H. W~ "Pat" Kelly, and to the Honorable Goodwin J. Knight, Governor of th~ State of. California, o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City ~of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 4th day of April, 1955/by the following vote: AYES: Carnakis, Collins, Croes, Eveleth, Sullivan NOES: None ABSENT: Schweitzer, Vest Council of the-City of Bakersfield APPROVED THIS 4th ' 1955 MAYO] the C of Bakers~ield