HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 30-55RESOLUTION'NO° S0-55 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CONCURRING WITH THE RESOLUTION 0F THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS IN SUPPORT OF THE APPLICATION 0F SOUTHWEST AIRWAYS COMPANY FOR AN EXTENSION OF AIR ROUTES IN KERN COUNTY. WHEREAS, on the 29th day of March, 1955, the Board of Super- visors of Kern County, California,; passed 'and adopted a resolution urging the Honorable William F. Knowland, United States Senator, the Honorable Thomas H. Kuchel, United States Senator, the Honorable Harlan Hagen, United States Congressman, and the Members of the California Delegation to the House of Representatives, to intervene on behalf of all the communities of the County of Kern for the purpose of securing additional air service, which is so vital to the economic development of the said communities. A copy of said resolution is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof~ and , It is the desire of the Council of~ the City of Bakersfield, after due consideration, to support the request of Southwest Airways Company for route extensions in the case now pending before the Civil Aeronautics Board, and to concur with and to join said Board of Supervisors in supporting the request of said Southwest Airways Company in urging adequate intervention in. its behalf. NOW, TEEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: 1. That this Council urges due.consideration of the resolution of the Board of Supervisors of Kern County, and respectfully requests our Senators and Congressmen to take such steps as are 'necessary and adequate to intervene on behalf of Kern County and all of its com- ~munities,__and to lend their support to Southwest Ai~!i~neS COmpany in its application for route extensions as set forth in their petition. 2. That the Clerk of this Council is hereby requested to mail copies of this Resolution to the said Honorable William Fo Knowland, United States Senator, the Honorable Thomas H~ Kuchel, United States Senator, the Honorable Harlan Hagen, United States Congressman, and the Members of the California Delegation of the House of Representa- tives. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing R~soiution was passed and adopted by the Council of· the City 'of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 4th day of April, 1955, by the following vote: 'City Clerk and Ex-0fficio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfieldo MAYOR of the ~'ty of Bakers field'' In the matter of: BE~FORE TE BOARD OF SUPERVISOPS OF KERN, STATE OF REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL AIR SERVICE FOR COUNTY OF * KERN 'AND RECO~-~NDiNG CO]vSIDE~°J~TION OF APPLICATION OF SOUTH!~J~ST AI~VAYS COMPANY FOR ROUTE EXTENSIONS * 29th day of March, 19~, Book 102, page of Official Minutes. I, VE~RA K. GI5SON, CountZ Clerk and ex Officio Clerk of the Board of Super- visors of the County of Kern, State of California, do hereby certify that the following resolution~ proposed by Supervisor Salzer, seconded by Supervisor Holt~ was duly passed and adoptedby said Board of Supervisors at an official meeting hereof this 29th day of March, 1955, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Woollomes, Holt, Webb, Salzer ~ NOES: None ....... 6~] .... ~ ''~ ~'_y~Z/ ~__ (SEAL) County Clerk and ex Officio Clerk of the ABSENT: Ming Board of Supervisors, County of Kern, State of California RES OLUT ION Section 1. ~EREAS: (a) The County of Kern, a political subdivision of the State of California, has attempted to secure adequate air service for the said County and for a 11 of the communities within said County, since 19h6, which air service is vital and absolutely necessary to the welfare and economic development of said communities; and (b) The Bonanza Air Lines, Inc., hereinafter sometimes referred to as "Bonanza,"'and the Southwest Airways Company, hereinafter somet~nes referred to as "Southwest," have applied to the Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington~ D.C., herein- after sometimes referred to as the "CAB," for route extensions which would provide said air service. Said applications are included in the Bonanza Renewal Case (CAB Docket No, 5773); and (c) Said applications which are included in said Bonanza Renewal Case are as follows: Application for route extensions as made by Bonanza: (1) Las Vegas, Inyokern, Bakersfield, Los Angeles. Application for route extensions as made by Southwest: (1) San Francisco, San Jose, Monterey, Bakersfield, Inyokern, Las Vegas (2) Bakersfield, Palmdale, Lancaster, Burbank, Los Angeles. (3) Burbank, Inyokern. (d) All of the evidence in support of said applications for route extensions and establishing the need for additior~l air service for the communities herein- after named, has been submitted to the Examiner for the Civil Aeronautics Board and is now a matter of record~ and EXHIBIT "A" (e) The~County of ~, the City of Bakersfield,' th, ~rn County Board Trade, and the'Greater Bs field Chamber of Commerce, ~ubmitted voluminous data, statistics and testimony which unequivocally establish the need for additional air service in order to serve the public welfare and in order to safeguard the economic development of all of the communities hereinabove named, without any attempt Whatsoever to suppqrt the application of either of the said airlines~ and (f) It is the wish and desire of this Board of Supervisors to respectfully request the Honorable William Fj Knowland, United States Senators the Honorable Thomas Hi Kuchel, United States Senator~ the Honorable Harlan Hagen, United States Congressman, and the Nembers of the California Delegation to the House of Representatives., to intervene on behalf of said County for the purpose of stressing to the CAB the importance and necessity of additional air service for a large number of important communities of th~ state of 9alifornia, and which is so vital to the public welfare and to the economic development of said communities; and (g) It is also the wish and desire of this Board of Supervisors to support, at this time, the application for route extensions as made by Southwest~ in preference to the application for route extensions as made by Bonanza, and to respectfully request the said Honorable William F. Knowland, the Honorable Thomas Ho Kuchel, the Honorable Harlan Hagen, and the Nembers of the California Delegation, to join with this County in supporting said application for the following reasons: l~ An examination of the past decisions of the CAB indicates that the CAB, in granting or denying an application for route extensions, has bee~ influenced by the number of new air terminals which would be requi~ed to serve said additional routes~ In this respect Southwest would be required to install only two new terminal stations, one at Bakersfield and one at Las Vegas~ to serve all of the new routes requested bySouthwest, and to serve all of the communities designated in said routes. On the other hand, Bonanza would be required to install two new terminal stations~ one at Inyokern and one at Bakersfield~ in order to serve the new routes requested by Benanza and in order to serve a far lesser number of communities of the State of California. 2~ The extent of the air service requested and the number of communities to be served thereby is an'important factor to be considered by the CAB in granting applications for route extensions. In this respect the application for air route extensions, as made by Southwest, are far more extensive than the application made by Bonanza, in that said air route extensions not only provide additional service for Inyokern, Bakersfield and Los Angeles, as do the route extensions requestedby Bonanza,lbut also provide for ~ervice for San Francisco, Sa e~ Monterey, Palmdale, Lancaster, and Burbank, al.1 of which are important communities of the State of California. Furthermore, and most important, the request for aLr route extensions, as made by Bonanza, if granted, would provide absolutely no additional service between Bakersfield and San Francisco, which is so essential to the welfare of the City of Bakers field and the communities of this County. 3. The request of ~Bonanza, if granted, would provide for what is tantamount to a direct route from Bakersfield to Los Angeles and would substantially compete with the air service which is already being provided by United Air Lines. On the other hand~ Southwest has not applied for a direct route between Bakersfield and Los 'Angeles, but has applied for a circuitous route between Bakers field, Palmdale, Lancaster, Burbank and Los Angeles. This latter route, if granted, would not constitute a direct competition with the service ~hich is already being provided by United Airlines and does not violate the established policy of the CAB~ Section 2. NOW, THEREFORE, RE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern, State of California, as follows: (a) That this Board of Supervisors hereby finds and determines that the additional air service requested by Southwest .for the communities named in paragraph (c) of SectiOn 1 hereof, is essential to the economic development of all of said c cramunities. (b) That the data, statistics and testimony introduced by this County, the City of Ba. kersfietd~ the Kern County Board Of Trade~ and the Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce~ during the hearings before the Examiner for the CAB, which is a matter of record in the Bonanza Renewal Case (CAB DoCket N~o. 5773 ), clearly and unequivocally establish the need for said additional air service in order to serve the public welfare. (c) That for the reasons stated in Section 1 hereof, the Honorable William F. Knowland, United States Senator~ the Honorable Thomas H. Kuchel, United States Senator, the Honorable Harlan Hagen, United States Congressman~ and the Members of the California Delegation to the House of Representatives, be and they are hereby respectfully requested to intervene on behalf of this County, and on behalf of all of the communities mentioned in said Section 1, for the purpose of stressing to the CAB .the.importance and necessity for additional air service for a large number of important communities of the State of California, and which is so vital to the public welfare and to the economic development of said communities. (d) That for the r stated in paragraph (g) of ~ion 1 hereof, this BOard of Supervisors does hereby give its s~pport to the application of the Southwest Ainvays Company for the route extensions requested by said Southwest Airways Company, which route extensions are iparticularly set forth in paragraph (c) Of Section. 1 hereof, and hereby respectfully request the Honorable William F. Knowland~ United States Senator, the Honorable Thomas H. Kuchel, United States SenatOr, the Honorable Harlan Hagen~ United States Congressman, and the Nembers of the California Delegation to the House of Representatives, to join with this Board inlsupporting said application., (e) That the Clerk of this Board is hereby authorized to fo~vard certified copies of this resolution to the 'said Honorable William F.. Knowland, the Honorable Thomas H. Kuche~, the Honorable Harlan Hagen, and the Nembers of the California Delegation to the House of Representatives.'