HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 28-55 RESOLUTION NO. 28-55 RESOLUTION CALLING A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1955, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A COUNCILMAN IN THE SIXTH WARD, AND ESTABLISHING VOTING PRECINCTS, APPOINTING PRECINCT ELECTION OFFICERS AND DESIGNATING POLLING PLACES FOR SAID ELECTION. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: That a general municipal election is hereby called to be held in the City of Bakersfield, on Tuesday, the 12th day of April, 1955, for the purpose of electing a councilman in the Sixth Ward for a full term of four years. The candidates entitled to have their names placed on the ballot are as follows:- NOMINEES FOR CITY COUNCIL - SIXTH WARD DON DOOLIN TODD ~MADIGAN That there shall be eleven consolidated election precincts as hereinafter designated within said Sixth Ward of the City of Bakers- field for the purpose of holding Said general municipal election. Said consolidated precincts shall 'Consist of the precincts heretofore last established by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern for the holding of general state .elections" and the same are hereby -consolidated into eleven consolidated election precincts for the purpose of holding said general municipal election. A majority of the Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby determines one inspector, ............ ona. Judge._. and -two. clerks-~ a:-.~.ufficient~-~pre cinct :-boar~d in-each 'consoil'- dated precinct, The numbers of the respective consolidated precincts and the officers to conduct said general-municipal election in each of said consolidated precincts, and the polling places for each of said consolidated precincts, are hereby designated as follows: . WARD NDT~BER Consolidated Precinct No. 1 Consolidated election precinct 'number one shall .consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers ~57 and 60. The officers to conduct said election' in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and .designated as follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE Mary He sen Pearl A. Giddings CLERK Gladys F. Powers CLERK Eul alie Mas sey The polling place shall be a~ H. H. Bales (Garage in rear), 2504 Dracena Street. ' Consolidated Precinct No. 2 Consolidated election precinC~t number two shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers 61 and 62. .The officers to conduct said election in and'for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR ~JDGE CLERK Opal G. Sutton Maggie B. Sears Margate t L. Lynn ' ,- CLERK Frances O. Raw!ings 615 Holtby Road. ..... o0o ..... Consolidated Precinct INo. 3 Consolidated election precinct nUmber three shall consist of precincts Bakersfield n~mbers 63 and The officers to conduct said~election in and for said last named p~ecinct are hereby appointed and designated as £ollows: INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK CLERK Henrietta D. Knoles Edna M. Ashe Ethel V. Durant ~ee M. Sears The polling place shall be at Mrs.* H.' D. Knoles residence, 608 H Street. ..... ooo ..... Consolidated Precinct No. 4 Consolidated election precinct number four shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers 76-A and 77, The officers to conduct said ~election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and !designated as follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK CLERK Pearl E. Bishop Hilda Edwards Grace M. Lane Roby I. Yoeman The polling place shall be at.. Mrs. Roby I. Yoeman'~ls garage, 310 Oleander Avenue. ..... 000 ..... _L~..I_ ........... Consolidated iPrecinct No. 5 Consolidated election precinct number five shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers 78 :and 78-A. 3, The officers to conduct Said election in and for. said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR+ ~nna B. GrOsS JUDGE Minnie M.' Price .. CLERK Opal J. Benson CLERK Bertha R' Harris The polling place shall be at~ M~s. Anna B. Gross,s garage, 2417 Buena Vista Street. '~ .... -0o0 ..... Consolidated ·PreCinct No. 6 Consolidated election precinct 'number six shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers 79, 79-A and 80. The officers to conduct said election in and for said.last named precinct are hereby appointe~ and designated as follows: INSPECTOR Vivian B. Shaw Street. THelma L. Moulton CLERK Willa M. Willisms CLERK Betty L. Gariott The polling. place shall be at Fred M. Shaw,s garage, 2901 Bank -----ooo-'- -- Consolidated Precinct No,.. 7 Consolidated election precinc~ .number seven' sh~l~l co~sist:.of precincts Bakersfield numbers 80-A,i 81 and 81-A. precinct are .hereby appeinted and d~signated as follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK CLERK 116 0akdale Drive. Lorraine E. Scheloski Dorothy 'M. Whitchurch Fay E. Redfern The lma St ant on The polling place shall be at Franklin K. Rhodes, garage, ..... 0o0 ..... Consolidated. Precinct No. 8 Consolidated election precin6t number eight shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers 82' and, 82~A. ~ The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and 'designated as follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK CLERK MrS. TrientJe Scheuer' Margaret K. South Mary Theo Barrows Miss Flossie E. Mills The 'polling place shall be at Mrs. TrientJe Scheuer's garage, Verde Street. ..... 0o0 ...... Consolidated Precinct No. 9 .' Consolidated election precinct number nine shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers 83 and 86. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR Dorothy D. Shelton JUDGE Eugenia Robertson CLERK Georgia M. D0nnel · .. CLERK Naomi 'H. Thomson The polling place shall be..at~Ostin Trogdon, s garage, 1525 Brundage Lane. , '-- ..... OoO---. - · -' .. Consolidated Precinct.~No. 10 Consolidated election precinct number ten shall consist of precinct Bakersfield number 86-A. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK CLERK Arleta·Bertrand Edith Legan Ruby M. Lowe Dessic May Olsen The polling place shall be at! the Chester Avenue Baptist Church (Educational Building), 1509 South. CHester Avenue. ..... 0o0 ..... Consolidated Precinct No. ll Consolidated election lr ecinct number eleven shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers 86-Bi and 87. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last· named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK CLERK CharlOtte M. Burton Julia M. Fabrian Geneva E. Covert Margaret S. Taylor The polling place shall be atethe Fire House at Planz Road and South Chester Avenue. ..... 0o0~ .... ordered to give notice of said election as provided by law. ..... 0o0~ . I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was' p.assed · and adopted by the Council of the ':,City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 28th day of March, 1955, by the follow- ing vote: AYES: CARNAKIS, COLLINS, CROES, EV~L~TH, R~JHW~lT~lii ~H~IV/~N, ~ - rk of the CeunCil of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this 28th day. of Marc~, 1955. · A ~f ~~~'~f' ' ~ '~' · M Y . . ~ake rsfie I