HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 27-55 EESOLUTION NO!. 27-55,. RESOLUTION DECLARING RESULT OF CANVASS 0F' RETURNS OF NOMINATING MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD' IN THE CITY OF B~_wR. RSFFELD AND IN THE BAKERSFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT, RESPECTIVELY. WHEREAS, a nominating municipal election was duly held in the City of Bakersfl'eld on the 22ha day .of March,' !955, for the purpose of electing councilmen in the Second, Fifth and Sixth-' Wards, and in the Bakersfield. School District for the election of three members of the Board ~-of Education in said Bakersfield School District, and WHEREAS, after notice. duly gi*en as required by 'law said election was ·duly held and conducted on thei aforesaid date, and the returns '0f said election have been canvassed bY this council. NOW, THEREFORE, in compliance iwith Section 9919'of the Elections Code of the State of California, this Council does hereby determ_fne and declare the results of said nominating municipal election to be as follows: CONS, PreCSe In Preo · No. 1 2 3 6 7 8 Cons · Pro 1 and2 3 an~4 5,6 & ? 8,9 & 10 11,12,13 91 and 93 · Votes Cast 37 58 33 62 89 89 and 92 106 Total: 495 Absentee Votes: WARD NO. 1 Members of Board of Education BAISINGER WAKEFIELD WI,LLI.~YS 22 19 '18 32 51 31 . ~30 31 56 55. '68· 68 64 106' 106 102 'CONS. Precso tn Prec° No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Cons ~ Pre. z4 and ~5 16 and 19.' 17 and 18 20 and 21 22 end 23 23-A 25 & 25-A Total: Absentee Votes: VOtes Cast 69 !09 89 ~4o 7o 78 n5 945 8 WARD N0.'2 Co,incilmen'; SULLIVAN PARKER HAUK 11 : Z2 a3 13 i- 22 82 66 47 ll 37 15 26" 5 66' 81 33 5al 211 1 212 i,2smbe rs of BA!SIEC~ER !GO 2i6 69 lo4 8 Bo,L~d of Education 120 63' ?0 lo0 787 5a ~5 63 ~o7 63 67 !00 784 790 Cons.· Precs. In. Prec. No. Cons. Pre. 18 19 20, 22 ,26 and 28 . 30 and S1 32 and 35 33 and 34 V o to s Cast 36 26 21 W~RD NO.J= Total: .130 · · ~ ...... ':. .......... _" ? ..... L, Absentee Votes: EZeEbc'rs of Board of Education DA!SIZC~ER 35 28 20 !'IA}~PIELD i-LiLLI ,A~iS 27 z3 Cons. Pre c, No. 26 z7 Precs. In' Cons. Pre. 36 and 43 37 37'A 38 and 39 4o and ,4~ 4Z and 4~ 45 and 4e Total: Absentee Votes: Vote s Cast 1,7· 20 21 28' 35 19 159 · WARD N0. 4. Members of' Board of' Education BAISINGER 16 20 21 '19 27 19 WAKEFIELD 16 20 20 .. 19 28' 19 WILLIAMS 17 20 20 17 28 19 157 15e 155 Cons. Precs. In Votes Prec, No. Cons~._ Pre. Cast 30 47 and 48 3o 31 49 and 50 34 3s 51 and 52 47 33 53 and 54 37 35 57 and 58 Total: 246 Absentee Votes: WARD NO. 5 - C ounc ilmen SCHWEITZE'R 26 31 1· ~7 35 Members of Board of Education BAISiNGER 29 .3S 53 231 WAKEFIELD 28 33 39 5~ WILLIAMS 33 3~ 37 227 Cons · Prec, mo. 36 37 38 39 4o ~5 Pre c s. In Cons. Pre, 59 and 60 61 and 62 63 and 76 · ?6-A and 77 78 and 78-A Vote s Cast 16o 79, 79-A and 80 221 80-A,81 &' . 81~;A.-· 201 -~. 82 and 82-A 83 and 86: 86-A 86-B and 87 i73 a29 VEST 20 31 16 31 14 28 10 26 12 0 7 WARD NO, 6o C ounci lmen DOOL~N 9~ 36 69 16o 6i' 55 MADIGAN 18 13 .20 22 20 28 12 22 25 112 156 STELLMACRER 13 5 .8 32 10 10 4 1 9. TROGDON ~7 32 13 3o 38 25 9 39 65 10 2+ Total Absentee Votes,: Cons Pre c 36 37 39 ~o '1,823 2 825 Precs. In Votes Cons. Pre. Cast 59 an~ 61 and 63 and 76 91 76-A and 77 160 78~and 78-A 165 79,79-A and 80 221 m95 1 799: WARD NO:. 6~ ~d~8 .98 28O 1 Members of Board of Education BA~SINGER 136 '110 71 147: WAKEFIELD WILLIAMS 13o lo8 132 107 70 7o 135 133 145 149 188 190 ............................................. *?7 ....... 178 46 82 and 82-A 151 83 and 86 150 86-A 173 86-B and 87 229 Total: ABSENTEE VOTES: 139 131 157 2o4 123 135 189 136 139 186 1,5}, k Cons. Preos. In Votes Prec. No. Cons. Pre. Cast 47 e4 and 48 e6 and 49 68 and 69 38 5o 7o, 71 & 72 33 73 52 74 and 75 43 53 84 54 85,85-A & 87-A 23 Tot~: 225 Absentee Votes: WARD ;~0~,, 7. Members of Board of Education BAISINGEt~' WAIKEFiELD 21 28 33 ,3~ 3~ 22 202 20 26 · 3o 2o 32 x3 23 2oX 2O 28 3~ ~9 33 m3 22 200 Nos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL OUTLYING PRECXE'C;TS NOS. 1 - 6. Votes Cast 63 75 7o 5s 79 385 70 69 69 64 63 63 5x 5o 5z 78 7,h- 76 367 33 33 341 347 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following persons a~e hereby declared to be elected to the office of City Councilmen for a full term of four years,. as follows: : FRANK SULLIVAN - SECOY,~ WARD FRED C. SCHWEITZER - FIFTH W~]D and the following persons are hereby declared to be elected to the office of Member of Board of Education of the Bakersfield School District, for a full term of four yea~s:- . . L. F. BAISINGER~' CHAS. E. WAKEFIELD 0, D, WI LLI AI.B. I ~IEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution ~as passed and adopted by the Council of the City! of Bakersfield, at a rogulap meeting thereof held on the 28th day. of Ma~ch, 19~5, by the follo~-~ing vote: AYES: CARNAKIS, ·COLLINS, CI~OES, 'EVELETH, NOES: "'M ~ o:3 , ' ' !,~ari~n ~ Irvin 'City. Clerk and 'F~x-0fficio. C~ rk of the Co~cil of the Ci~ of B~ersfield. APPROVED this 28th day of March, 1955. .. MA~OR of the City or Bakersfield. 6e