HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 26-55 HESOLUTZON NO, ,2.%.:.qQ,,· ; ., EESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL 'OF THE .CZTY OF B,,~[ERS~IELD ORDERING THE VACATION OF A PUBLIC UTILITIES EASEMENT BETWEEN LOTS 8 AND 9, TRACT N0. 1710, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, on the 7th day of M~arch, 1955, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, pursuant to the provisions of the ~Public Service Easements Vacation Law", being SectiOns 50430 inclusive, of the Government Code [of the State' Of.California, passed and adopted its Resolution !of IntentiOn. No. 712', declaring its intention to order t~e vacati6n of a' public service easement between Lots 8 and 9, Tract No. 1710~ i'n the City of' Bakersfield, and ' WHEREAS,. said Council did fix a' time and place for hearing all persons interested in or objecting to said proposed vacation, which said hearing was held on the 28th :day of March, 1955, after notices were duly publldxed and_ .]~os~ea~laA P~qui.~ed by law, 'and WHEREAS, this Council after duly considering the matter, 'does hereby find and resolve as follows: 1. That said service easement' cannot be used as. a public service easement. 'L 2. That said public service easement hereinaf'ter described is unnecessary for present .or prospective· public service easement puP- poses: 'A parcel of land ten ~10) feet in width, more particularly described as follows: the northerly five (5) feet'of Lot 8 and the southerly five (5). feet of Lot 9, as said parcel of land of ten (t0) feet in width and said Lots 8 ,and 9 are shown on :---map- 0£ Trac$ -No~- tTt~-,-.:file d= -for :record-in -the office of the County Recorder of Kern County, California, December 30, 1954, in Book 8 of Maps at page 177. Tract No. 1710, be and the sams is ~hereby Vacated and abandoned for public-service easement purposes, subject to and in confor~i'ty with said Resolution of Intentionl No. 712. 'Reference' to said Reso- lution of Intention is hereby mad~ for further pa~ticuia~S.' · ' 4,~The City Clerk shall*certify'to the passage of this· Resolu- tion and .shall cause a certified Oopy hereof, attested by.the Clerk under the seal of 'the City, to.be !recorded in the· office of the County Recorder~ of the County of Kern, C~liforni a, -----OoO--.-- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolutions was pa~sed and adopted by~ the Council of ths City of 'Bakersfield, at a regula~ meet- ing thereof held on the ' 28th day of March, 19~, by ~he' following vote .-' Ulty . - icio Clerk of the CounCil of the City 'of Bakersfield. - :. APPROVED this 28th day of Ma~ch, 1955. ·