HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 25-55 WHEREAS, Section 25643 of the Government Code of the State of California provides a procedure. under which the County of Kern con exempt all property within the limits of the City of Bakersfield from county taxes levied for structural fire protecti. on of areas in the County, and = WHEREAS,. the City of Bakersfield_.has a highly efficient fire department* capable of furnishing fire protection to all structures in the City of Bakersfield, and WHEREAS, .it has been proposed that this Council petition the Board of Supervisors of the County ~of. Kern that all/.property ~lying within the COrporate limits of the C_ity. 0f- Bakersfield,.be exempted from the levy of county taxes for sftructural fire p.rotection areas within said county during the fiscal _.ye. ar 1955-1956, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED .by..t.he Council of the 'Ci._ty Bakersfield, that the Mayor of _said. city be and. he is.hereby author- iZed and direc.ted to sign the above~ mentioned petition and cause the same to be presented to· the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern. - ..... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the for&goi'ng ReSolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City Of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 21st day of MaPch~ i95~, by the following vote: UI~y~C~ ~. r~ of the Co~cil of the City of Bakersfield, APPROVE March 21, 1955, PAAYOR of the City~ of Bake rsfiel~, ' PETITION TO THE HONORABLE B0~RD OF SUPEHVISORS OF Tt~ C0U~Y OF ~ir'N, ST~~TE OF C~IFORNIA: ~.sU~ to the Provisions of ~ction 25643 of' the ~ver~ent 'Code of the .State of California, the City of. B~:ersfield does'hereby. ~tition yo~. Honetable'Body that all property ~ithln the corpcrate li~ts of said city be e~epted from the lo~ of ~y ~d all. co~ty t~s fop struct~ fire pro~ctien of ~oas~in the Co~ty of t~rn fo~ the Fisc~ Ye~ 1955-1956.- .. In support of tMs ~tition, '.tbm fol!o~ng i~omation is here- by s~mitted: 1. The City of Bakersfield has a modern ~m~icip~ ment, and is rated by ~e National. Board of Plre Unds~rltsrs ss a Class 3 City relative to the qu~ity of' fi~s p~otection and. suppres- ~sion~ t~s is equlv~ent to the highest ~ating stt~ined by s~y city in Califor~a, ~gardless of size o~ location.' Om~ fi~s dep~tment itself ts ~aded as 'a Class 2' ~partxnsnt, ~ith oi~y ~t~-~enty-si~t cities' in the enti~ U~ted States holding .equal o~ ~~ ~s~!~. There cm be no q~stion t~t t~ City of B~e~sfis!d supplies, t~ou~ itS~ own organization end by ~&ns of within the city, a mas~ of struct~ fi~s p~otsction ~hich ~e- qu~es no ~contin~ support~ from any othe~ ~gsncy. 2. T~ Couty fire departrant .has ~sspondsd to ~s ~ithin the corporate li~ts of the City on Lonly fou~ occasions since its org~ization, except for protective L~ssponsss ~-~ch' ~s made by both t~ city ~d co~ty when the exact loc~tion of s fi~e is m~own but lies close tO' the boldly line· Of ~he C~i~y'. 0n~ ~ons= o~ tho fo~ occasio~ in tMs period of over fifteen yoars has the city fifo dep~tment reque steal such 'assist~ce. 3. During this fifteen-year Period, the city fire department .has responded on eighteen occasions to~suprsss firs in publicly own- ed structures lying outside the city, ~-~kich included fi~ss in road district. yards, elementary schools, East ~B~ersfield High School, and Kern General Hospital. In fact, by agreement betuesn all interested parties, the city .fire department has accepted chief responsibility for the conduct of fi~e fighting operations'at the Ke_~n General Hosp- ital. A~. Any conceivable benefit derived~by the City of B~k~rsfield through the ability of the Ccunty Fi~s Department to~Icombat structural fires, is highly theoretical. 0nly in the instance of a majo~ con- flagration occurring in the county territox~~, immediately .adjacent to the city boundaries. would the county department be of direct advan- tage to the city. Such a situation is extremely ~Anlikely due ~to the type of construction in the adjacent suburban areas, the prevailing wind conditions, and other similar factc~ s. The recent r~po~t~ of the Board of Fire Underwriters regarding the City ma~c no mention ~hat- seevet of an conflagration potential existing adjacent to the city.. Dated March 21, 1955. CITY COUNCIL +OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFZELD By Msnuo! J. Carns~s ATTEST: Marl an S, ~Ir~j. in Ui and =-0fncio Of the Council of the City of Bakersfield.