HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 23-55RESOLUTION' O., RESOLUTION' DIRECTING BAKERSFIELD TRANSIT COMPANY TO RESUME SERVICE ON CERTIN BUS ROUTES 'IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 789, New' Series, the Council of the City of Bakersfield did grant a franchise 'to the Bakersfieldand Kern Electric Railway Company, now known as the Bakersfield Transit Company, for a system of motor cOaCH lines for the transportation ofpassengers in the City' of Bakersfield, and WHEREAS, said Ordinance provides that said grant of Franchise shall be subject to the right of ithe City of Bakersfield to make all regulations necessary to secure fn the most smple.manner, the"safety~ Welfare and accommodation of the public,'including the right to pass and enforce ordinances for the extension, abandonment or modification of service and to protect the public·from danger lot inc6nvenience in the operations authorized by said ordinance, and the right to .make and enforce all such regulations aS shall 'be reasonably necessary to secure adequate, sufficient and proper service and accommodations for the people and insure their safety, comfort and convenience, and WHEREAS, it~ has come to the attention Of this Council that the.aforementioned Bakersfield Transit Company did, on or about the 20th day of February, 1955, abandon certain.of its nightly bus schedules, and. WHEREAS', the abandonment of~such nightly bus' Schedules has caused great inconvenience and discomfort~ to the.public. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by~the Council of the City of Bakersfieldas followS:~ resume its bus schedules on all routes as the same existed prior to February 20, 1955,.~ in accordance with theattaChed.·iiSt of'schedules, until otherwise ordered or directed by the Public'Utilities Com- mission. 2. In the event the Bakersfield Transit C'ompany fails and refused to resume its bus service in accordance with the attached schedules within ,~ days after service upon it of a copy of this Resolution, the City Attorney is hereby directed to file a petition with the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California, for such relief as it may deem proper. '3- The Clerk of the Council is hereby directed to cause service of this Resolution to be ~ade upon said Bakersfield Transit Company, by mailing a copy thereof to William Mickelberry, Vice President of said Transit Company. I.EEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meet- ing thereof held on the 21st day of March, 1955, by the following vote: .. Council of the City .of Bakersfield. MAYOR of the '~ity of Bakersfield , Schedules in effect prior to [' .mary 20,1955 Chester" 19th 18th Ba~ r Potomac King %Vilkins |! BAKERSFIELD BUS STOPS '- 19th '~: at ,, T ,, at "N" at "Q" at "T" at UniOn' at Sonora at Tuln re at 18th at Dblcres at CalifOrnia at 1Oth , at Potomac at Kina at Virginia at 3rd at Taxas at King at Augusta at i',.oz thrup STPi~ET at Clyde at 3rd at Virginia at DJ. at Eotcmac at Cla randon at %a_l ifornia ~t' O~%ns: ~ at Bak ar at Dolores at' Bakn _~ .nt Tulare at Sonoza at Dnion at; '~ll'I' at f'{" at f'N" at 'L'r at 19th { . Route: Box 744 BAKERSFIELD TRANSIT C0. ROUTE 1 MAYFLOVFER From the southeast corner 19th ~ Chester~ east On 19th~ o Telephone h-9671~ south on "L", east on 18th, south on Baker~ east on Potomnc~ Wilkins, north on Lakeview, west on Cai~fornia~ 18th, north on Chester tO l?~h Street, 19th & Chester EAST 6:11 *6:26 ' 6:ht *6: 56 7:11 *7:26 7 :!~1 *7: ~6 8:ll *8: 26 8;41 *8:66 9:11 *9:26 9:hl *9: ~6 1O:ll -10:26 10:41 !1:11 11:26 7':41 8:11 8:hl 9:11 9:hl !0:11 10:41 11:11 11:~1 ]DAILY SCEDULE 18th & Wilkins & Baker. Lakeview SOUTH NORTH *5: hBs *6: 04 6~i9 -6; 34 6~ 7; oh 7:19 '7:34 7; 49 8 *a; 34 8:a9 9.19 *9 9 *lO: Oh lO: 19 *lO: 34 lO: ~9 ll :0~ ll: 19 ll: 3~ and every south on King, east on north on Baker, west on 7 C:19 9:19 9:49 lo ,: 19 10: 49 11: 19 lm: ~9 *5: 56a '6: 11 6:26 '6:41 d:5 6 *7: ll 7:26 '7:41 7:56 -8: 11 8:26 *8: 41 8:56 *?: !1 9:26 :~9:~1 9:~6 *10: !1 lO: 26 *].O: hl 10: %6 1]: 11 1i: 26 ll:hl !8th & Baker ~EST' -6~04a '6:19 6:32 *6:49 7~04 '7:19 7:34 *7:29 8~04 '8:19 8:34 9:02 '9:19 9~34 *9~49 10~O4 *lOzi9 1c:32 *1c;~9 13.;0~ 11:19 ll:3h ll:h9 19tb Chester ,EAST *6:lla' *6:26 6:hl *6: ~6 7:11 *7:26 7:41 '7:~6 8:l! *8:26 8:41 -8:~ 9~ll *9:26 9:41 '9: 56 10:1! -10:26 10:41 -10:56 1!:11 11:26 11:21 11:56 15 minutes until 7~5 6 8:26 8:56 9:26 9:56 10:26 IO: 56 11: 26 12: 06a * Not operated on Sunday & Holidays 8:04 8:34 9:04 9:34 10:02 10:34 11:04 11:34 !2:!4a 8:11 a:41 9:Ii 9:2I lO:ll 10:hl ll:ll 11:41 ROUTE 2 BUS STOPS La CPESTA SU ',I'~SET OgT IN STREETS bUT !.~V Chester at 19th " at 21st !'iE 21st at I ~ " :'.t Iq T~ . at 0 )% " at Q PS " at Mill Ditch ~I!E " at Union 1,3E " at Sonora NE " at Tu Lwre ~/~ ~:aker at 21st V.~ " at S.P. Depot -,~ ,, ~,- at K~:'utusky SVr " at ~Tg ~ncific at P~ker " at T,~iare Alta ?ista at i acific , ~ Ftov;er " at Lincoln : " a t .~e " at , C o :',dman " at Ir~:Y e " a'b H ~' COl ilf~bliS " at " at balsam 202d A!ta Vista M~nnlia at i:Lnden " at E1L~rood : " at Skyline at Cbo~stnut Poplar " at baker Sakcr nt Ca.!umbus " at .T/ab~:r " at J'~ffrcy " at Cood~man " at Bernard " at Jefferson " at Jeffrey st Baker " at Riw~r B!w~, Height at" " " at Berkeley " at i,7elson " at Ber~er " at Hay IIa!cy at Kuotts " at " at F nar~ Pearl at " at Gage Beal~ at Bc:rnar~ Bernard at Bak~r STREETS at 19th at 17th at Truxtun at 16th at Santa F~ at Celttort::'.: at H at F at Oleander at Califon' at C e.t A at Pin,~ at Sunset ~ nh"~stu-r. T' at Drac enn at Palm at ~u~=na Vis~ at Fan!~ at , at Veras at Br~ndz~e at Cypress at at OaKdale at !Vet~erly at Verde at .at Oa>dale at Oak at Oliv~ at C,',Tress These steps mad? once an hour, P. O. Box 7hh BAKERSFILtD TEiFSYT CO. . , Rr;ute 2 T,:.lenb,~ne ALTA VISTA-ZA C.~ESTA-O..FNOi,T O3RDEI,!S 3.auto: North cn Chester Ava. frr,m 19tb , ~zs'b on 2ist, north .}n Baksr, Pacific, north ,m A!ta Vista, .north:~ast on La qr~sta, southeast tl%th & i~lta V'Lsta , Chest:!r~In Cr.'stR no]ia and S;r,4ine, south ~n ~nker~ H~:4 Fbt~ sou'N, on '.~ay A. Halcy~ west vr.sk o~ 2ist, sc:'~tb on Ch~st~r~ ;~est :'n Ca!ifsrnja~ south ,.m-C-, w._st 'on Sunset~ south ,.m i.]~Tt]c ~: 8~ecb Brundage, ~v::st cn ]?rundnFa, north h~cch & )'iT/rtlc~ .::ast on Sunsct~ n .rth north on Ch:star t;'~ l?tb Str~.et. IONDAY TP.~!X SATqr~DAY P: rr, nr~ !gth &[ B~.:ch ~ (run~agc~ ..... , . ~:~,~ch &-[ ].'~th 6:3h'2 7:3h 8:3h. ilc :3h 12: 3h 1 f - 6: ].C;~ ~: !~0 7:10 P: 9 0: 1C,~ 1C: hO tl:lO 11 :~0 12: 10p 12 :kO 1:10 2;10 2; hC ~: hC h: 1C ~:10 6:27a 6:~7 7:27 7:57 3:27 8:57 9:27 9:57 10:27 lo: 57 11:57 12: 2 7p 12: 57 1:27 2:27 2:57 ~:k7 3:57 k:27 5:27 5:57 a:27 0:57 .% Bah<-r Cb..,star , l:ar.'..: V. ctnerly Bank SOL ?q SOI;TH '.,,T(iRT,N l':(;RT.-~ 7:02 7:37 8:02 9:02 9:37 10: 02 1C :37 1l:02 ]-1:37 t2:02p ~2:37 l:C. 2 ~:37 2:02 3:02 3:37 h:O2 h:37 F:o2 6: C,2 6 7:02 7:3-5 7:50 8:3.5 8:50 9:mF ? :.:~c 10: % ~Z:15 11: 50 12: ~0 1:~0 2 :FO h:5o ~: ~.,~ SC,U'fi-T 7:0o 8:00 8:25 O:C.O ].O:OC. 10:25 !1: 00 12: OOp 12:2~ 1 :O0 !:25 2 :O0 2:25 3 :OO 3;25 h: O0 ~:CO ~:OC 7 ~ 6:27a 7:27 e:27 9:27 10:27 1!: 27 1~:27 !:27 3:27 h:27 5~27 6:27 6:30a 7:00 7:30 8:0o 8:3o 9 :CO 9:30 10: O0 10:30' 1.1:00 11:30 12: OOp !2: 30 LL:OO 1:~o ?: OO 2:30 3:00 3:30 b~:CO i~:3o'. ~;OO ~:30' ,_, ~ ;~3s' C:-!. :'% }' ::ill? :cti'<.'~ 3/22/53 ROUTE ~ BUS STOPS OILD:-iiZ OU.T IN. STPEETS OUT' N~ S~ Chester .fit igth SV SE lqT " nt 21st SE ET " at 2hth SE P].f " at 26th "~T SE l'Pg """ ~% 28th ' SE GV{ " at Circle i6 FZ " at Circle SE i~,'j " at S.P. i,CT SZ BFr " at 3hth SE Er.j " at 36th BKV SE y~n.~ ,, at ~Cth SE iZ'; " at h2nd' NE ~a7 " ~% Bt. ards icy K..: f L~c C o r d a t C h s s t a r NE " at Plymouth : I',Wi NE Oildele Dr, at i.~cCord SE " at R<iberts Ln SE " .. at B~d.le SE "' .at V;arren. SE " at Lincoln 'I'JE SE " at '/jrmdrc.w SE SE " fit El Tejon SE" SE " at F8rris Rd. SE SE MaCray at L~nda Vista SE' SE " " at Arvin SE " it . ~i gh lm nd SET :Hi~land at: Hurrl5 SW " at sv; ,, · at Howard .. SW Chester ~t Hi~'hland ~nff ,, at ~rvin haft ,, at Linda Vista '~y.v " : at -Norris ~. S?: t, at E1 T~jsn i',~f~ " at ~'f " at LS.nc'oin : Y;j " at V'jarrcn hn.V " at F,V " at R.sbqrts .~. F.V, " at MCCord Additicnal stops~ night.s add Sundays-7 RE SW IVoodrow at Yr~Semlte ~VE Z Si? "' at Sequoia BiJ . El' Tejon : at" : . NE " at Grant NE " at Lassen ~ " at Muir . NE " at Sanford ~ ~ " at Sacfield STi Toodrew at" STj " at Sanford SVJ " at Muir $~V " at Lassen SW " at Grant SOUTH CHESTER RE Chestsr SE SE r, II SE"" SE " Sl* " SE* SE* " ., SE~ " SE* " SE* " SE* ,I Es,'- iqE* " ~.:r-h'- II II H II .. II B:~-ll~ r.. STREFTS : at 'lgth at 17th at Truxtun at 16th at S.F. T~acl<s at California at lOth -' at 8th at 6th at bth at 3rd ?-t 2nd at Brunda at ilidd]e of block at Tc rrac. e. at Belle 'T,'-.rr~.ce at 1013 S.'.Ch::st~r at la France .-".t ~! Rn~cho at Casa Loma at" " at T~ !isman at Cqcil Brunn.or at La' France dt It '.:dd'.Ltilqmal st~ps ni.~hts 'and Sunday ! LFf Tcr.~,.. TFay at Kern Is!.Rd. j I',TE " at Houchin Rd. ~,T: ,, : at Olcar:der .. "' 23.12 T:~rra~s FE H~ghe~ at Terracd .7,:zy .. SE " · .SE. -,i KrE SE. " SE· ,, SE " SEZ ', SE' " SE " FE SE. SU S!V' SV.f SE .. G SE Ca]if. g.V " SVf " at Brite at Brund~ e at at ]Verde at Bank at .Buena Vista at Palm at Dracena at Chester Lane Chester L.at Pine j Z.'~?~tle at'Ohestrer Lane Sunset at f.i, EFtl. e " at. Pine . ,r at'TA " at C . · at 'Cs. lifor~iZ at Olas. nder at F at H P. o. Box 7ha BAKERSFIELD TRANSIT CO. ROUTE ' Tel%phone h-987h Route: North - From 19th &: Chcster~ north on Chester~ west on HzCord~ north on OildaleDrive and RcCray, ~ast on HiFhland Drivc~ south on Chester to ]_gth. South - From 19th 8. Chester, south o~ C~.astcr, wqst on Case L~ma~ north on -H- Street, east o~ Beliu 'Perfect, north on Chester to 19th Str.v~et. 19th & Chester .... 5:hea ~:16 6:h6 h:h6p q:16 6:16 SCHEDULE 'O!.ldal:u Drj .& Vbodruv~ f FOkT H 6:29 6:29 l'.,[lcCray ] Chestmr 19th & 6:COa 6:!Oa 6:21a 6:33 6:40 6~51 7:03 7:10 7:21 Aad every~ 30 minute~ until ! 5:33 ~:'40 ~ .5:51 6:03 6:10 ~ 6:21 6:33 ~:hO 6:51 Case LomaZ ].gth ~' "H" Sto ! Chester NORTH .~ NORFH 6:33a t 6:~6a 7:03 i 7:16 7:33 ! 7:h6 6:03 I 6:!J 6~'33 I 6:h6 7:03 j 7:16 'Evc,~ing, Sunday~ arid Foliday Schedule i~ '>': t e: 19th .Che~ter NORTH North - From lgth & Chester, north on Chc:ster~ w:st on i'ffcCord, north on Oildale Dbive~ . west on Uocdr,~v:,. north on Sequoia, west on E1 Tejon, south cn Scofield, cast on :'bodr,~w, nzrth cn Oildale Drivc~ and HCCray~ cast on'H!.~.hland~ south on Chester to lQtb Street. South - From 19th Ar Cbester~ snuth on Chester~ w=st on Case Loma Drive~ north cn "H" St., west on Terrace i':aF~ north on ~ruW~s Lane and "A" St., w&st on Chester LnAe, north an }/Ty.~rtlc, cast on Sunsct~ north on "C", east 'on California~ north on Chester to 19th Street, 7:foodrow ~ MeGray & i V.~o,~drow lgth & j Case Loma t C~ester 19th & Scofield Himhlandi Ch'?stcr Chester i Cr "H" St..~ & "A" 8t.,LGhe_ster SOUTH .... Eii~T [" ]s'(_Vf~'Z" SOUTH h NORTH . NCPmH t NORTH 6:16a 6:29a 7:16 7:2o 8:16 .j 8:29 9:16 I 9:29 '7:16p 8:16 9:16 10:16 11:16 ]2:lla 7!29p 8:29 9:29 16:29 11:29 6:33a I 6:hoe 7:33 { ?:LO 8:33 t 8:~0 9:33 i 9:ho 6: 7:51 9:51 12:2ha 12:27a I ................. ,And every hou~ until 7:33P 7:l,Op 8:33 8 :hO 9:33 9:1~0 10:33 10 :hO 11:33 { 11:35 12: 303. 7: 5-~-p 9:5m IO: gl l].: h6 '1 7:Ola} 7:lOa 7:16z 8:01 ~:10 ~ 8:16 9:01 9:10 . 9:16 10:01 10:10 ]0:16 8:Olp 8:.lOp' 9:01 9:10 !C:O1 10:10 ll:C1 1]:iO il:F5 12:O~a 8:16p 9:16 10:16 11:~6 12:lla Issued h/9/53 Effective h/19/53 ROUTE BUS STO~ NILES OUT IN SE NW 19th SW NE " SW NE " SW k~E " SVj E " SW NE " ' SW NE " SW NE " NE BRV Baker NE NW " SE ~;~ " SE SW Nile s S'W NE* " SW E~- -" SW NE * " SW NE* " SW Nff* " SW ME* " SE ~ " SE ~,W " SW - " Opp · i~ " SV~ - " S'W NE " SW ~ " ' SW Opp." SW ~ " SW NE " SW NE " SW ~E " SW " STREET STREETS at Chester at L at N at Q at $ :. at ~nion Ave. at Sonora at Tulare " at 19th at 21st at S. P. Depot at Kentucky at Baker at Beale at Gags at Miller at Brown at Williams at Lest Drive at Palm at ]~. Vernon at Locust Ravine at Webster at Camino Primavera at Camino Sierra at Barlow at Catalpa VYay at Pentz at Descanso at Vista at Oswell at Tare at Isabell at Peaante at ~terling Road Alternate stops at nite, Sunday & HoliAays SE Mt. Vernon at Pacific NiT Flower at Mt, Vernon West Gate Kern Gen Hospital * Board 'buses outbound at nite, Sunday and Holidays. ;Flower I! ~aker STREiTS at Virginia at Brc.nn at i iiller at Gage at Reale at Flow;~r at Pacific BAKERSFIEKD TFAiTSIT P. O. Box 7~4 Telephone ROUTE FLOVJER ST RE ET Route: From 19th & Chester, east on 19th, north on Baker, east or_ Flower to Vern~, turn around, west on Flower, South on Eaker, wesb on 19th to Chester Ave. 19th & ~ Chester ~ Niles & Baker EAST NORTH 6:00a 6:17a 6:22 6:32 6:42 6:52 7:02 7:12 7:2? 7:32 7:h2 7:52 8:02 8:12 ~:22 4:52p %:02p ~:i2 %:22 F:32 F:52 6:02 6:12 6:22 6:32 DAILY SCFffDULE 'Flower Xt. Vernan Y~ST 6':08~ 6:30 6: 5o 7:10 7:30 7:5o 8:10 8:30 Yi!es & 16th Baker Chester SOUTH EAST c;1,ra 6:25a 6:3~? 6:52 6:58 7: 12 7:13 7:32 7:38 7:52 7:58 8:12 8:18 o ~:32 9:39 ~:52 and every 20 mi:ratcs until 5:lOp 5:3o 5:50 6:30 ~:32p 5;!2 6:32 0:52 7:12 BUS Oi/T IN STPEETS O g ? I SE - 19th at Chester SE C V NE" at L 3W NE" at N $W NE" at Q Sl.' f.W NE" a b S Si c f }~" at Union ."'::': NE" at Sonora S'.',' :O,i NE" at Tulare - ~]~f" at Baker SE i,%: - Baker at 19th ~:'..~ at 21st ~7:] SW" at S. P. Depot o-r ~V" at Kentucky S',f Baker at P,','" at Facific Sr'" at P tower IN Flower at B. eale t:E" at Cage NE" at l{iiler N'...'" at Brown NE" at Virginia -" at Orange Drive -" at Palm ~"est Gate Kern General Hespital - at ~',{t. Vernon See Reverse side for Sunday, Evening, &Holiday Sched~.tle 6/~ · BAKERS~YELD FRAi,TSI'F CO. P. C,. ecx 7~, Talephone Re tTE 6 OILDAL!r - Route: From 19th & Chastcr~ nc. rth sn-Cbsster~ w~st m '~o~dr.w, nc. rth ~n SeqUoia, wbs~ ..~n E1 Tcj~m, so,~.h ~n Sc~fi~].d~ e.~st on "7.~.~drc,w~ s:utb ~n Ch~stcr '- west ~m C~lif'~r~ia, s-ut~ on O!~an~r~ w~st cn ~err~cc iaTr~ n.~rth Lain and "A" east on Ch;~star K~na ncmth ~n Oleander, cast qn and nnrtb on Cboster to i~th Sbre.~t. DAYTI!..ffZ SC dFDU!.E Ch,:st~r i Chestcr 6:10 6:20 ~,:tC 6:20 6:he 6:50 Sc fi.:!ld !EAST Wc~adrn. w · . ':~ e Chest?f__r ~:~7a, 6:Oha ~ 6:!5 6:27 6: 57 ? :Oh ; 7:i~ And ev. rv ~C minutes until 5:!-5o ' 5:572 6:n~ ' 6:27 <:! ~ 6:57 7: F , , .~ ~-: Nc. rth cn Cb.:;st~.r ~ v; .~st on ,,,!cU'md, n?rth ~n Gil-~!e Dr. vms% ,:.n ~'c-dr.,v.:. nopf, h r.n Suquc;ia. w.:~st 'm ~]. Tejon. s '.~f,l. '.n Sc.7'C_~:i:i~ .as:. cn !Tmdrr,w, '- on Cash. L,~ma~ n:rth on "H" west "A" St . .~ t, est :>n Chester I,a~m-, north ,-,n "C" ~'ast mn CaliF;rnia~ and n',rth Chester ',Sc.fialtd Chester ' Chester ]Tt~race ".'v ~C'taster i 5:t5a ~ 6:29a 6:bOa 6:51a i 7:C3a 7:lda 7:16 , 7:29 7:he 7:kl 8:18 ~ ~:29 B:ho ~ 8=<1 ~ 8:c3 8:16 And ew~ry haur until ~ (Ee]w~ ~;venin[' sche~ul.:: 7 date a week) 7:l~p ~ :99~ J 7:hOp .... ~ 7: , .3: C'3p 8: ? 6p °:16 ~:29 8:l;O 8:C1 ~ 9:C3 9~!6 ! 9:m6 o:ao 9:Fro J zo:o3 mo:16 I " ""' i 10:16 10:29 lO:hO , 10:51 I 11:03 11:16 I ms:me lz:a5 ms:as · 59 Issued h/9/53 Effective ~. o. Box 744 BAKERSFIELD TRANSIT CO. ROUTE 10 VIRGINIA COLONY Telephone FA4-9874 ROUTE: From southeast corner of 19th at Chester, east on 19th, south on -L-, east on 18th, south on Broken, east on California ave., south on Quan~ico, west on Potomac, north on Washington, west on California, north on Brown, west on 18th, north on Chester Ave. to 19th St. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY & HOLIDAYS ' 19th & Chester ! Potomac & Quantico 19th & Chester 6:15a 7:15 8:15 9:15 10:15 i1:15 12:15p 1:15 2:15 3:15 6:30a 6:45a 7:30 7:45 8:30 8:45 9:30 9:45 10:30 10:45 11:30 11:45 12:30p 12:45p 1:30 1:45 2:30 2:45 3:30 3:45 4:3O 4:45 5:3o 5:45. 6:30 6:45 Note: BUS STOPS OUT IN STREETS SE SE 19th at Chester SW NE " at L SW NE 18th at N SW k~ " at Q S~ NE " at T SW NE " at Union SW~ NE " at Sonora SW NE " at Tutare SW NE " at Baker Other than as designated above, bus stops will be at every corner. Effective, ~/1/54 }. O. Box BAKERSFIELD TZ~i,TSTT CO. R 0U TE 7 SOiiTH UNION AVL!'.!UE Telephone FAh-9'~7h ROUTE: From southeast cerner of 19th at Chestc:r~ east on tgth, south on L, east on 18th, south on Union Ave. (Nivmy 99), west on Case Loma to P, east on Case Loma, north .on !..iadison, v~est on Adams, north on Lomita, west on Belle Ter- race, north on Union, west on ]Sth, north on Chester to 19th Street. DAILY EXCEPT SUb:DAY 8.-. HOLIDAYS 1Fth & _Ohgs t~_e~r 2kST Ave · SOUTH 5:~9a 6:h9 10 :h9 1]: h9 12: hgp i:h~ 3:hQ !.~ :h? Casa ~K & -P- Sts. r'*ST NORTH 5:5~a 7:59 8:59 c~:~9 3.0: 11: 59' i:~ 2:50 3:59 6: ~<,~ Casa Loma & Nadison · 6:02a 7:02 "8:02 .9:02. 10:02. 18th & Uni on Ave. !'rEST 6:lla 7:11 ' 8:11 9:11 10:11 11:02. Z2:O2p'.' -1:O2 2:02 9:02 h:O2 5:02 6:02 7:02 11:11 12:llp l:ll 2:ll 3|ll h:ll 5:1! 6:11 7:11 19th & Che.~: ter E.;SU 6:!5a 7:15 a 9:i5 1o: i5 n: l~ i2:i.9 i:35 2:!5 h: t5 5:i5 6:i'5 7:1~ BUS STOPS OUT iN S'.rF, ELT3 SE SE tgth at Chester St;' ljg " st L St/ NE lgth at !.] 55 FjE " at Q S:j NE " at T S!'j }~; " at Union N'.~ SE Union at California Ot~er than as designated above, bus stops will be a~ every corner. Effective, FcOUTE 8 ~US STOR.S NILES STREET STREETS 19th at Chc-'s'ber " at L " at N " at Q " at S " at Union Ave. "f at S. onop--3. " a. ts. T~alare . Baker at 19th " at 21st " at S. P.. Depot " at ~sntucl, y Nile s at Baker " at ~eale " at Gage " at Xil]er " at Brown " · at Vfilli. a~s " ~at ~sst Drive " at Falm " at i.it. Vernon " at Lotmat kavine " at [~etn. ster '~ at Camino Pr~mave~s at C~ino Sierra a b Barlow at Catalpa 7ay at Bentz at Descanso at Vista at Os~vell at Tote at Isabell at Beeante at Sterlin~ Road ObT Alternate stoos at nite, SurdaX & Holidays SE i.,4t. Vernon at Pacific' ~', Flower at ~t.. Vernon West Gate Kern Gen Hospital * Board buses outbound at hi'be, Sunday an6 tloliaaTs. IN STREETS ~]E ~iowsr at Virginia NE ' at Brown NE " at t,Xller }~ " at Gage ~ " at Beala .~S Baker at Flov~er LW " at Pacific ':'~ST 19th STREET C L% 19th at Chester !l " at H I,TE ~' at ~ iZ P at 18th f.;J " at Truxtun ~'.~ Truxtun at D NE " at B 1'3 " at A ~.~ a'b Fine i'CE . at i'~yrtle bE El at Truxtun 6E ' at idth SE :' at i9%h ~:r 19th at A;ZTtle ~= " at S Tuce iE (SWpm)Cedar at !~'th SE '" at 2ist SE " at 2hth SE ' at Lavm on ,~ at Aspen SE " at Drake SW Hubbard at' Cedar SV~ " at Bay Si~-~ 28th at F B~ff F at 26th ME " at 2hth 1,~V '~ at 23rd ~nr ,, ~t 2!st ~ 19th at F c,w ,, at H S'.ff " .at Chester Alternate stops at nit'e, Sunday~ and Ho!iday~ SiV !gth at B S17 " at D Issu~.d F/13/53 Route: From 19th & Chester, east on 19th, north on Baker~ east on Rd., west on Piles, south on Baker, v,~est on 19t~, aorta on "U?~: ',:eat cn Truxtun, 'nor6h on Elm, east on"'lgth, north on Cedar, east o:n ]~'ubbard south.:On ".F", east on igth to Chester Ave~ DAYTib~ SCHEDU~ 1 tn & Eiles.& Niles & !' Niles & Chester Baker Sterling Baker ~.AST i D~ST VYZ~'~7 SOUTH .' 6.:O~a 6:lF 6:3F 6:4~ 7:05 7:~F 6:0Ca 6:054 6:25 6:35 6:f.~5 .7:05 7:2F' ?:3[j kgth Chester ~ Truxtun iMbbard V,~ST ,:--L NO~DH EAST d~'i !%'.. ~ 6:22s. ' ~,'~ ' 6:~2 6:57 7~ L, 5~ · 7 ~ F2 ?: F? ..... :_ >/'7'} 4:3~P t h:hSp 6:05 t 6:1~ 6:Dj? ZVEi,TING, Rou~e; Z&s% ZPom ~9~h & St, ett2n~ Rd.~ weE% on NiZes~ noet, h ..:n ~:'4' ';i~:mczz~ :',as';; an '~Zov.'az~; sou'bTn an BakeP~ weE% on Z9'bh %o Chester avenus. WeE% from Z9%h & Ghes%er~ on Elm, east on 19th to Chester i~ver.ue~ Chester Paker Sterlfing Hospital ] Eakez' t Chester ~, Ti"uz~tu'j. ShEstar EAST" "EAST 5: 5oa 6:35 7:20 8:05 8:5o 9:3~ 1C, :20 11:0~ 11: 50 12:35P 1:20 2:o~ 3 :oo 3:35 4:2o. 5:o~ 5;5o 7:20 8:0~ 8:50 10:20 11:15 1t: ~O 6: OOa 6:h~ 7:30 8:i5 9 :O0 9:45 10:30 11:1~ 12: OOp 12:1~ 1:30 .: 3:07 3:45 4:3o 5:15 6:o0 6:45p 7:30 8:i5 9 :co 9:h5 10:30 11~22 ii 57 WEST 6:tOa 7:4o 8:25 9:10 9:55 10:40 11:2~ !2:lOp iz:55, !:4o 2:2F 2: 3:55 ,. 6:.10 6:13a 7:O3 T NOR H 6~[..a 6:354 l - 7;09 ?:20 [ - 7:48 7:5~ 8:33 5;39 9:18 9:24 10:03 10~09 10:48 !0:54 11:33 11:39 12:18p !2:24p 1:03 I 1:09 ]-:48 1:54 2:33 ' 2:39 3:20 3:24 4:03 4:09 h:48 5:33 5:39 6:18 6:2~ ·8:5'0 i0 = 20 ]i 1i: SO 12 2:oF 3:11 3:35 4:20 5:o~ ~:~o 6:35 - Below Evening Schedule 7 D.aT/.s a Week - 6: 55P 7 :O3p 7:09p 7:20p 7:~0 7:48 7;54 8:05 8:25 8:33 8:39 8:50 9 .:10 9:18 9:24 9:35 9:55 10:03 10:09 10:20 - - .,, 10.:.41 10:~0 10:48 10:54 11:05 1!: 30 11: 35 11: 39 1i: 50 12:05a 12 :lOa [ 12:t5a 2:55 3:!6 10:46 -1!:10 BAKERSFIELD TRA?]SIT CO. P. O. Box 7~4 ' Telephone ~-987~ ROUTE 9 OILDALE---HGUAKER---STH STPj/ET Route: From 19th & Chester, north on Che~ter, east on 24th, north on ,,Q., west on 3~th, north on Chester, east on Bancroft, south on Olympic, west on China Grade Loop, south on Chester, ~ast on 3hth, south on Q. west on 2hth, south on Chester, east on 3rd, north on N, east on 8th, north on T~ west on Cali- fornia, and north on Chester to 19th Street. 19th & i3hth & Uoodrow Cbes%er -Q- Chestdr i,.'O~TI~ NORTH I'~ORTH d:Z6a 6:31a 6:39a 7;26 7:31 ~:26 ~:31 ~:26p h:Jlp h:39p 5:26 5:31 5:3'9 ~:26 6:31 6:39 Bancroft t Y/oodrc;v [3b. th & 19th & ' 8th & Clymsic Chester L__-Q7. . Chester -,~- ;C · ' " -- ., ____ 'a .... !__ :f" ~. ..... SOUTH SOUTH SOUTH SOUTH !IF7 :!'~ OILDALE IN __ SW Ches 1W,' " NE 2hth NE " ' ~'nA' Q ],,,.npf L~'V " BP**,; " - 3hth SVI R~f/ Chester I'qbz N~V " iW! " bW " NV, " tqU " EV " ~'~ ,, ~RV " B~V " NV[ SW " ~'FOga 6: i~a ' ~'; 2'c~" 6:h7a 6:55a' 7:03a 7:09 7:18! 7:2d 7:h. 7 7:~;5 8:03 8:c9 8:!8~ 8:h7 8-~r-~ i 9:03 9:09 9:18; ?:26 , and every hour until I 5:h7 5:F~ 6~03 6:09 6:18] 6:26 6:lfi 6:55 7:03 7:09 7:18t 7:~6 BUS STOPS ST!~EETS SE - Chester at Circle Drive SE - " at Brighton at 19th SW - Bsncroft at Peer]sss at 21st S!U - " at Worthington at 2hth - SW Olympic at Bancroft at M - ~/'f " at Circle Drive at 0 - I'C: China Gr. at Olympic at 2hth at Hiwa~ 99 EIG,'-t~H STREET at Railroad Tracks Nl;,'" SE Chester at 19th at 28th KKi: SE " at 17th at 30th - SE " at Truxtun at 3].st i$ff - " at 16th at 33rd bWf SE " at Santa Fe Track at 34th i'Y,'.r NE " at California at Fc:rward Br[r -. ~' at lOth at Panama i.r./ - " at 8th '.-~t, J'ewett i,F: - " at 6th at L I\UZ - " at 4th at Chester SE -. 3rd at Chester at 36th S'.V - " at L .at 38th - NE N at 3rd a.t l~Oth - SE " at 4th at 42nd - SE " at 6th at Beardsley - SE " at 8th at racCord - SW 8th at P at Roberrs La, rm - S!7 " at R at Belle - ~ T at 8th at Uarren - SE " at 1Oth at Lincoln - SE " at CaD. iforn~'~ at l.roodrow - NE Calif. at S at E1 Tejon - ~E " at R at Norris Road - NE " at P at LinUa Vista - ~[E " at N at Arvin -- i~Z " st L at Highland at Uhina Grade 5. O..Box 7hh BAKERSFIELD TRAI,,~SiT CO. ROUTE 7 Telephone FAh--9']7h ROUTE: From southeast corner of 19th at Chester, east on 19th, south on L, east on 18th, south on Union Ave. (Wiway 99)~ west on Casa Loma to P, east on Casa Loma, north on 1Hadison, v~est on Adams, north on Lomita, ~est on Belle Ter- race, north on Union, west on 18th, north on Chester to 19th Street. 19th & Chester LiST DAILY EKCEPT SUNDAY & HOLIDAYS ].Sth & ~ Casa Loma Unio~ .a~G. ~ & -P- Sts. S06TH ~ST 6:59 7:59 8:59 9:59 10: 59 n: 59 2: 59p l:59 2:50 3.:59 h: 59 6: 5~ Casa Loma & Nadison NO~TH 6:O2a 7:02 8:02 9:02 10:O2 ]=1:02 12:02p 1:O2 2:02 "~:O2 ':' h:02. 5:02 3:02 ...i. 7:02 .,-; i8th & ~ni'on ~ve. UEST 6:!la 8:11 9:11 10:11 11:11 12:llp i:11 2:11 ~:11 h:il- ~:11 6:11 7:11. t9th ,';- ~ 1 · ___~heste~/__~ E.;S:r 6:-qSa 7:15 9:i5 tO: 15 n: l~ ~2: P-:15 3:15 .h.'15 ~:15 6:15 BUS STOPS OUT E,[ STREETS SE SE 19th at. Chester Sff NE " st L SI'j NE 18th .at i,.; .5?d I\iE ' " ..at Q S:.J 1,FE " at T SV/ NT " ,- a% Union Nj. SE Union . at ZCalS. fornia Otb~.r than as designated above~ bus stops 1,~ifl be at every corner. Effective, 9/1/54 F. o. Box 744 - BAKERSFIELD TRANSIT CO. Telephone FA4-9874 ROUTE 10 VIRGINIA COLONY ROUTE: From southeast corner of 19th at Chester, east on 19th, south on -L-, east on i8%h, south on Brown, east on California ~ve., south on Quanzico, v~est on Potomao~ north on ~Vashington, ~est on California, north on Brovm~ west 18th, north 19th & Chester EAST __._ 6:15a 7:15 9:15 10:15 11:15 12:15p l:15 2:15 3:15 4:15 5:15 6:15 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY & HOLIDAYS Potomac & Quantico 19th & Chester WEST EAST 6:30a 6:45a 7:30 7:45 8:30 8:45 9:30 9:45 10:30 10:45 11:30 11:45 12:30p 12:45p 1:30 1:45 2:30 2:45 3:30 3:45 4:30 4:45 5:3o 5:45 6:30 ~ 6:45 Note: BUS STOPS OUT IN STREETS SE SE 19th at Chester SI~r NE " at L SIV NE 18th at N SVY K~ " at Q S:'/ NE " at T SW NE " at Union SW - NE " at Sonora S%r NE " at Tu!are SU NE " at Baker Other than as designated above, bus stops will be at every corner. Effective, 9/1/54