HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 14-55RES0L ZON Z -SS WHEREAS,I.~the Council of the City of BakerSfield, by Ordinance No. 1033, New +Series, has adopted regulations pertaining to.the planting, maintenance,i trimming and remOVing of treeS'and shrubbery. in the qi. ty of .Bakersfield,.and ' +. ~WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined the types and varieties of tr. ees for planting 'along.~the streets of' said City and has filed. its.recommendation in writing to this Council in a report designated "OFFICIAL TREE PLANTING LIST, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA". NOW,. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED'by the Council 'of the ·City of Bakersfield, that the "OFFICIAL TREE PLANTING LIST, BM~RSFIELD, CALIFORNIA", be and the same. is .he'reby approVed and' accepted as such. · I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the' Council of the City o~, Bakersfield, at a regular ~'eet-. Ing held on the 14th day. of February, 1955, by the f:ollo~,ring vote: ci of the Councii of the City of .Bakersfield. APPROVED this 14th day of February, 1955' .. ~A~OH of. t~e/City of Bakersfield ' PLANTlq~G STRIPS -", ;= "i ~"f~ "OFFIqI, e TREE PLANTING ~-L-~ST, BAK~,~ -~ ELD 2c TO 47 ~rIDE Common Name E oT o 8 ~ra~er~ Tree Eo T~ Eo~le Brush Ye~ E oT o Oleander Ye ~ DoTo Rose of~Sh~ Ye~ Eo Win&i~l Pa~ DoTo Crepe N~le Yes E$ Pa~ M~YNG STRI~ 4~ TO 8~ WIDE Acacia Mimes ~'~i~e Birch Weeping Birch Cape Ches~nu~ Camphor: CaPoh Lequa~ Sil~r Dollar gum Red Iron Bark Hawthorn Shamel Ash Mode s to Ash Sausage 1 Tree Japanese Privet Flowering crab Magno 1 ia. Palm Chinese Pistachio Carolina Cherry Purple Plum Evergreen Pear Brazlism Pepper Evergreen Elm Li~ae chaste Tree CALIFORNIA" Yes Yes FL~;~I}~G $IZE Yes Yes Yew Yes Yes Yes Yes Small SmaXX Smal~ Tal~ Nedimm ~edium Nedium Medium Medium Medium Medium Sms, ll Medium Nedium SmaXl Nedium Nedlum Small Small Small Nedium ~edium Tall 'Small Small Small ~dium Nedium · Sinroll Ced~us Dealdora Ginkgo biXoba Llbdcedru~ Jeocurrens Pinus Attenuata Pious Canariensie Pinus Radiata Sequoia Gigautea Euealyp~u~ Roarrata PLANTING STRIPS J, S e TO 209 WIDE Eo California Chrishmas Tree E0 r,~iden hair Tree- Eo Incense Cedar E o Knob Cone Pine Ee Canary Island Pine Eo Nonterry Pine Eo Redwood Eo Red gum Euoalyphus E = Evergreen T - ~&s~ be t~ained to tree form D ~ Deciduous ~ Large Tall Tall TalI Tall 'Tall Tall Tall