HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 10-55RESOLUTION NO. lO'"",.,..-~ A RESOLUTION AND ORDER ESTABLISHING VOTING PRECINCTS, APPODITING PRECINCT ELECTION OFFICES A~YD DESIGNATING POL- LING PLACES FOR TE MUNICIPAL NOMINAT- ING ELECTION AND FOR THE ~v~ECTION OF THREE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EDUCA- TION, TO BE HELD ON TPE 22nd DAY OF MARCH, 1955- BE IT RESOLVED by the Cobmcil of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: That for the purpose oZ holding tho noninating election in the City of Bakersfield, sr_d ~or the elec' tion of three ~erabers of the Boa~'d of Education in the Bakersfield School District on the 22nd day of March, 1955, the following voting precincts srs heroby ostsb- lished, election officers appointed, and polling places designated: Consolidated election preeI:~t ~ officers to conduct prechlc~ are hereby appo~t~a7, l,~onte~ey Street. " , . Oonsoli~ted election preo~,~st. prec~Cts ~akersfield n~be~s ttb~O The officers to cmduct protect are hereby appoint3~ ~e ~11~3 place sh~l Gara~e, ~.~9 l~.ontePey Street. : ' Consolideted'j~aof]:~o~ 6onso!idated election ~ed pree~ct ~e he~eb~ appo~tod ~,oo~'o~e~A~ ~SP~C~OH ;/ o~ preCinct~ B~cerSfteld n~rS O~>~uO ~ml ton.... of prec~cts B~ersfield n~be~ o~ho~c,n~ ~e-officers' to conduct Said Cnnsolidated ~ectnct i;o. G e.eaSolida~ed election precinct. ~2~ber six s~ll consist of pX~m~tn~;s B~~Ield"~sFa ~e~y--one ~d ~ety-~hree. ~e offle~s te e~~ zai~ e!.ec~ion ~ ~d for ~d last INSF~CTeR ~UDGE CLERK CLm~ Genevieve B. i.;storba ~:Zay ?. Bagsby Tiny ~ompson The pelling place ahall be at t'hc Y~,iberty Baptis~ Church, 210 OlAftin Street. Conscl~ate~ Precinct l~o. 7 Consolidated elee~ton p~ectnct number seven shall consist of p~ecinets ~akersfield ntwabers. ei~ty-ei~ht and ninety. The officers t~ cC~du~ sai~ election in~anfi f~ said last named px~eci~nt a~e ~e~ a~poimte~ and ~]esi~ted as ~ollows: CLERK Annie ~verleF ~lven Gesry Juanira Price- C~ Pja~ie Louise 'Mollwell The polling plaCe shall be st the ;~lmo WillJams Hesidence, A26 ~outh S~o~n -----OOO= .... Ccasolida~ed ~reoL~ct l~o. ~ Consolidated electline p~ecinct n~mfn~ ei~ $~B' consist : ~ offices to c~S said election ~ ~d for $~d l~t md Fe~$ m heeby ~po~tor~ ~d desi~te8 as follows: Clinton ~-~nie. ~, Parker Susotta ~. Allen' The polling place ahall.~e ~% ~e: I*iayfl~:~-rer Clubhouse. 1215 Ymrdoek Street. INSPECTOR ~F~GE CL~K CLERK pollinS mlaee shall 521 E. 18th Sties%. CoaSolidated l~ccinct No. 10 Consolidated electic~x pNc~ct n~iber ten sh~ cc-,nsist of pm~m ~~le~ m~s m~,tt~sn ~nd, ~teon. ~ offi~s %o e~d~S ~l~::r election ~ ~': for said lest INSPECTOR Stella Glauser Laura M. Tillotson Ida M. Oi~as Pran~ye A. ~ndrews at the Ho P. Yitzen GsraEo ~DGE CLERK CLERK The polling place shall be (faces ln~o Street), 329 Nilera Street. Ceusoltdated P~ecinct No. 11 Consolidated election precinct number oleven shall consist of precincts Bake~ef~eld tombere seventeen and eighteen. The off~oePs te o~ng~e~ eels election in and for ssid lest named pre~hXc. t a~e ha~b~ appoimte~ and designa~eU as follows: INSPECTOR L~.L. Welton $1~XIE /.~ae L, Saf£ord Nellie O. Brewster The polling plaee 604 Lake Street. Aliie ~. Calla~Ty shall be ct the !ml.~.~ts of Pythias Hall, Con_solida%ed Frecinct No. 12 Consolidated elee~Aon~ecinct number twelve shall consist of precinets Bakersfield numbers ~wenty and ~wenty-one. The offtoe~s ta e~n~et sold election in and for said last med-preeine% are hea~./appointed Herrlet W, Long i~.uby C.' Bayless PauLine Hatton CLERK JeSsie J. Greene Thepelltagpla:e shall be at Lr~. Pauline Hatton, s Garage, 1600 Kem Street. Ccnsoli~ate~ Precinct No. 13 Consoll~atee'elec~ionprecLnct n~u~be~ thirteen ~all consist of prec~cts B~sfield nmber~ tWenty-t~o ~d. ~e offices to sonduet '$~ electi~ ~ ~d'for said last meal pPe~ct ~e ~'eby appo~tsO. ~C desig~ted. ~ follows: ~E i,~Ts. Gertrude ~azer CLERK CLERK Gertrude-~-, Flo F, Z. im~_erman INSFECTOR CLERK CLERK Ell 9en C c!e~an N~r~erlte F,. Lipke A~a L o Brmnton The pollinS plaee shall b~ at X~s~ Zfleen Coleman' s Garage, Z13~ Sacramento $~eet. Consolidated PrccLn~t Ku. 15 Consolidated election lx~ecinct ntuuber fifteen shall consist of precinct Bakerafield rmmnber Z4. The offi. Ce~s to conduct ssic~ election in an~. for said last named precinct are hereby appo~te~-? ani! designated as follows: INSPECTOR ~'JDGE CLERK !-:ildred B. Bn~d Be~te Ann i,~cses i~!~Im~le Lo Douglas The polli~4 place shall be at i:'r~.' ~Ym. N. Y[isenho~er'$ garage, ~ ~ Mesa ~lve. C~solt~d: electi~ WeaLnet nnmber sixteen sMil consist of precinct Sakersfield number 7~ The offleeds te e~x~ Bald elect!'an Lz and fo~~ said last INSPEC~jR ~E CLERK CLERK The pollin~ place shall bc at Grace iZlcicT. an's enrage, 3101 Buc~ell S~eet. Co~cll~s~ ~ccluct i.~c,. i7 Consoli~d election prec~*~ m~abor s~ven~ee~ s~tl cunslst ~f pre~ts B~er~ietC nm~ra 2~ end ~S offieer's to emd~t saiC eieeti..~n In-~c~fc, z~ said last reed Fec~ct e Mraby ~po~{i ~q<~. ,~eslgn~-to~ as follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE C!;~K CLERK The polling plase shall WARD Ccnselidated Precinct Consolidated election precinct m~m~ber el~J~t. eon sl~tl consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers 26 The offiee~s te c~ct ssL} oleotitan ~. ~d for seld last n~ed p~c~ct ~e here~ ~pc,~to,{~ ~-d, {itssial%ted ~,s ~o!!cws: ,, ~SPECTOR JUDGE CLERK Clm~ The pelling place shall.be st the ~. ~'. Strasn~v G~rsge, Causolidajed Precinct ~,~. 19 Consolidated election ln~eci~c~ m~:~'~o~ nineteen sY'mll c~.nsist p~ee~ete ~e~dield jera 27 and ~. ~ e~e~e ~o e~~' s~d election in ~.d for said last CLERK Elsie N, Cow The pollAn~ place s~l be ~t .'..':'.v'~..~:lsle !~. Ccx's Y::esi~ence, 2831 K Steer. "~-O0~ ...... 'Caclt~ted ~ecL~ct N,~. 20 C~c~dat~d alecti~ ~ecinct n~ber t-~en~ shall con~Ist of precincts B~e~s~eld m~r~ 3:f~ and b offices to ecn~t aai~ election in sm~:~ for sai~ l~st md p?ec~ ~e h~e~ appo~tsd and Street. east The polling place shall be at Y!~,~g i,%!n g ~Iail~ 2i!0 L C~x~tidat~ ~k,ec~ No. 21 ConSolidated ~leetien Fecinct n~aber twen~y-~,ne shall con- of proctors ~ke?sfield n~,~ers 32 ~n,L'~. ~e officers ~ c~t '$~d eiectl,~,n ~x ~,~ f,~r s~,Id last ~e named precinct are hereby iESPECt%i~ CLE~j~ The poll~mg place shall be ~t 'the :~. ;;.;. ~iui<es ~am~a~e (in ~}, ~ 17~ ~eet. C~Joli~ted ele~on proo~let n~'~ twenty-tw~ ~a!! consist of prec~ts B~e~sfield n~ers 31) ~ ~e offices ~ c~ct sni& 5!ectic~ ~ an~. f~r sai~ last INSPECTOR CB~K Violet L. Dct~a Shutto WARD ~'~ Consolidated h"~.~c.t ~;~. a3 Consolidated election p~.cinct n,~n~hor ~en~-t~eo simll c{nl- east of protects ~rsfield n~oe~ 36 and ~e ~ficers ~o co~ct sail: election ~ ~.n~, ~'c~~ s~id last n~d p~ee~t m hereby ~poLntoo an~, ~,:ic~ignatc:~ ~JD~E CLERK C~ERK The pollin~ place shall be ,: t j';r~:, i<illi~ ~]-. ij::::~n>y's residence, 1826 ~s~ S~, C~cli~d elec~ ~ci?:~;b nv~<~er t,'c:~'~t~--,f~;m~ sMll con- sist of prec~e~ $~sflel~ ~bm~ 37~ ~ offlc~s ~ cm~ said el~ion In ~n~ fr~ ~mi~ las~ JUL~E CI~n~E CLF~ji The polling lmla~e shall ~e at ?al '~. itcC].~=,~, S <-~:'a;~Xa, ~4'25 ~ Street. .. . ,. ~SP~R jane &.Bell' CT~ Ua~llls B. Htu~s~icu'tt polling plase shall be at the ?~.:y Zm~i~u~t d:arage:, 2600 Consolidated P~'~.,+:In¢~' ~;[o, 26 The officers to conduct Sai~ e!,~ct:',on in s~ fc~ ~ai~ last ~ed p~ec~c~ ~e h~e~ ~npo~tcd s~nd ds~i,ff?~ate~ a~ follows: INSPECTOR ~E Cr, ER~ The pollln~ place ~OOe Co~eli~d P~c, Lnct 'l'~ ~7 Co~clida~d eleeti~ preclnc~ n~,nh~r twenty-seven sh~lt e~ist of p~el~te B~ersfield ~n-~b~ ~0 ~n,~ 41. ,~e offices to con~e~ e~i~ ~!oction in ~ f~r sai~ last INSPECTOR CLFJ~X 2130 Ced~ ConsolidAted election pPecin~,5 ~T~,?~i~ ~,4c~t,~-ei~]~t shall ~e office?$ to conduc~ si~..3 ~O~.d;:L'~a j?.~'~ .,'r~d fo:~ ~,?.~! last I~SPECTOR The polling place shall be at ~.. V- Xlc6u!t~n's residonc~, 19%9 2ldar Street. CmSollds~d ~ec~mt ~be~ tw~:'~'3~-nhs ~alt con~!~t ~'.:f p~ec~cts B~e~s~teld ~be~$ ~ ~:,;, 4~. ~ offlce~s ~o o~t S~:id .~leotion In ~d fo~ said las~ CLA~K WARD N~{ FIVi; Consolidated Precinct i~o. 30 C~soll~d ~ec~t n~be~~ tnirt~ stroll consist of '~e offle~s te c~d~ Said election in m~ for s~d lass ~ed p~c~ct ~e ~Pe~ ~po~cd and. desi~atc~i ~s f~l!~ws~ INSPECTOR SlE~E CLERK CLERK The polling place sixall be at C~soll~d Pz,~ainc. t C~olidated ~c~Ct ~bo~:. 'tj~nrty-;.nc shall e~sist .of JUDGE JUDGE The polltug place shall b~ ~. :;has° ~?, :jili~ri's ~-~csidcnc~, C~so!idated p~c~ct ~fo'e~~ ~l-~tT'thr~c :~!~ll ~or~ist of p~ec~cts Bakersfield nmbers 53 ,.ci~c 2,=:-~ ~e officers to condor ~:~ .~i~-~ti~n i?~ ~'~'~ for ~ai:~ lest ~ed privet ~e r~r~by ~o~.to~ ~. ~i~ate~ as follows: C~ Cc~sel/da~d Festaet nnmb2~ 'ti:.~.r'.,b:r-liv-~ prints ~~a mere ~7 ca:~,~ The office~ '~ c~t SaZ4-~ e!~cti,~; ~-~ .?c:f. f,-~r said Rest ~d p~e~ m ~by a~o~te:<;. m~ desi~ated is follows: ~~ Sadie aen¢o (Den in ~ea~), 30,00 CLERK . -:- Y CLERK Lpa! G. Sutton Liaz,,~etL. Lynn The polling plm shall bo at '1. T, rear) 6:1~ Hol~b~ aoa~. Oonsulida~d p~eei~ ~s~ thi~,ty-eight shah consiat of px,ee.tne.~,s ~ake~te~ nmb~s ~3 ~n;~ 76° said election in an8 for said last 'Ethel CLERK The polling place shall be a~ ~bs. H. Do boles' · 608 ~ S, treet. Cemaolt~at~ i~oeinct ~o., 39 Consolidated px~ecinct n~b~P ~lr-~y-Dl~e shall con~ist of prec~cts Ba~sfield nms 76~, ~d 77. ~e of~ee~s to c~d~t 5~G election in ~nd. ~z, said l~st ~ed prec~ct ~e ~re~ ~p~~d amd des~ted as fol!ows~ INSPECTOR CLERK Pearl L. Bi~op Hil{3a l~;dwarSs Gz~acs ~-~j. Lane ii,~by Z. Yoeman 310 01e~de~ Ave. Co~oli~ted ~:~c~nc~ No. 40 Consoli~ted p~c~ nunb~r f~r~ 'sh~l cor~is~ of ~e officers to ~ct 'naid otcc~ion ~ end for said last INSPECTOR ~0DGE CLERK CLER~ The polling place shah be at l:Zrs. Anna 'B. Gross' gee, age, PAl7 Buena Vista Street. ""'cOo- ........... c~n~~~~di~e~ .i~s~Inct N~, C~olida~ed prec~C~ m~Bo~~ fi>~-one prints B~rafield ~be~s 7~, 79-Y~: and ¸i7o reed p~c~t ~e he~e~ ~po~ted ~a d~si~ted as fol!o~s: CL~K ~he polli~ place shall be aT; i~red EL. Sha~'S ga~e, 2901 Bank Street. INSPECTOR CL~K The polllag plaee shall 116 O~d~e ~ive. Oo~oH~ed P~cci~ct ConsoH~d prec~c~ m~bcz ~e o~ieere ~o conduet sai~ election L~ ~u~ f,:=r s~dd last ~SPE~R U~s. ~ient Je Scheuer ' Eiss PlosSiS Eo The ~1'~ plaee shalX.~e !~t Ba~:~tt a, Bala-~ln,-s g~age, ~e~ ~e ~by appo~t~i. ~nd designted as foF~ows: CL~K -.----eGo: C~oll~ Wec~ct n~bcr f.~'.n:~ty-fiv-e shall consist of. CL1ER~ The polling plaee ahall be ~t th,'~ Cheste~ ~.Vemic Baptist ......... ' .... C~OH~d ~dcinct Y.~;~, 74.6 ' ' ........ C~o~-~ ~-~et ~be~ .forte-six ~h~l ctnslst of INB~C~ The pelltng pla~e shall b;~I ,~r.t 4;he Fire I~SI, ECTOR ~D~E CX~K CL]ERK Jams s H. kay z,ea~), 1~26 n S't~eet, -- b 31IDLE ~ O~'~'~nelia ~ Pifer .'. precfixcts Bmk~mr, s~ield mambm~s 70, 7t. ~a~ 72. 'k Cc~solAda~ed l~2~act *~-~ 5~ Consolidated, precinct m~5,~;~· ~f:~fft:7~;c sh~!l ~::!nslst cf CT~?K alenee, 1301 Cheate~ Place. precincts named pr~e~,n~% are The poltJa2 plXe. shall be au ~L~s. ;{~att~'-TM Ciark'~ .~ags, ~ ~A~. // ./ / ./ Eas%, Skyline West, Sk'ylL~e $~.Uth, Re~a~;-r~, Besrdsley. The officers ~o conduc~ Sai~ e!so~cn in ~; fo~ saia last JU~E Beatsdee 2. CostOre .'The polling plaee shall be at th:,'~' :?~'lver ;'k'ulsvard Sch~u=l, · RAVeP ~~] a~ Co'lmbus r~ive. " C~y~ Preempt No. 3 ~Ii c~mslst cf precincts Adobe No. 1, Adobe No. 2, C~l~.~st, Casalcm~a '~lest, Jastro East, named precinct'are hereby, appointed sn~. Oesit~IatsC as follows: Drive. East, Stine North, Stockdale No. l, Stockdale No' 2, Fairhaven. The officers toconduc~ said election'in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed' and designated as follows: iNSPECTOR ~anet Dickinson JUDGE CLERK Jessie Kopper Betty..L. Hannags~- Annie A. Hankins The polling place shall be at the Castre Lane SchOol, 2600 Rose Marie Drive. ..... O00 ..... · Outlying Precinct No. 5 Outlying.Precinct No. ~ shall consist of precinctS.Descanso No, l, Descanso No. 2, Descanso No. 3, Descanso No. 4, Descanso No. 5, Greenhorn, Kern Canon, Magunden No. l, Magunden No. 2, Magtbnden No. 3, McOu.r~,~.No. 1, McCttrdy No. 2, McOurdy No. 3, M~'6=~rdy.No. 4, MdCurdy No. 5, McOurdyNo. 6, Primavera, Primavera East, Primavera South, ~l·FrimaveraWest, Vernile, Walkers Basin,.HillCrest~No.·l, Hillcrest No..2. The officers to conduct said 'election in and for said last named'precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE OLF~qK CLERK Margaret'Minetti Erna A. jones Ida M. McClain Verna Bennett The polling place shall be at the Sierra Junior High School, 3017 Oenter Street. 0utlying;'Precinct No' 6 ':"" 0utlyingPrecinct No. 6 shall consist of precincts Borgwardt. Nor~h~ BOrgwardt West, Garden EaSt, Garden West, Meats, Virginia, East, Virginia~Eazt No. l, Virginia west and Virginia West No. 1. · 25. The effi. ee~.s ~ .c~~ said election in and for said last pr,ein~;t are hereby appeinted and designated as follows: INSPECTOR Dorothy L. Cross jUDGE CLE m Melba Dykes Edith Wright Erena LemuCchi The. pollLunge:place ..shall be at the Mount Vernon Elementary I~chool, 2161 'Potoma~=Street. The Bakersfield Californian, a .daily 'newspaper of general circularice, iS he~y designated for the publication of all notices to be gSven by ~$he.Oity Clerk pertaining-to this.election. I HEREEY.' CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed ands:adopted by the Co~u~cil .~f' the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on t~ ~;..Tth day of Februa~, 1955, by the followi~ vote: , -- ~ -- . Marisat S; ir~vin . CiTY Clerk and Ex-0fficio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield.