HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 7-55R .SOr.UT O 7-55 WHEREAS, P4th Street in .the City of Bakersfield, constitutes a portion of State Highway No. 178~ which runs in an easterly and westerly direction through said City, and WHEREAS, a Jog exists in said 24th Street between L Street and M Stree~ which projects 82½ feet to the north, and ~· Said 24th Street is one of the principal thoroughfares in the City of Bakersfield and iS one of t~s outlets for traffic to ·the urban areas on She west as well as being a through highway to East Bakers- field· and points east of the metropolitan area of Bakersfield, ~and Studies have recently been undertaken by the City Council in an effort to solve the so. called bottleneck existing in said 24th Street. 'NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, that the Department of Public Works of the State of Calif- .~j~rnia, through its Division of Highways, is hereby'urged te make a study of the cost Of realigning 24th Street between L Street and M Street .in 'the City of .Bakersfield~ and what procedUre is necessary for the straighten- ing of 24th Street. - .... 0o0----- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adepted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting there®f held on the 31st day of January, 1955, bY the following vote:' ..... Of d. AYES: CAR~ARIS COLLINS, C~, Council of the Ci~ of Bakersfield.