HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 49-66RESOLUTION NOo 49-66 A PORTION OF CERTAIN TERI{XTOI[f DESIeN~TED AS "CASA LOMA NO. 1'~ AND SETTENS TNE TXlWE AND PLACE FOR HEA~/N~ OBJECTIONS TO Ta~ INCLUSION OF SAXD TERRITORY %qITHIN SAID DISTRICT. Ia~REAS, proceedings have been commenced for the annexation of certain unincorpora~ed ~erri~ory~ designated "Casa ~m No. 1", ~o ~he C~ty of ~B~S, $ portion of said ~e~f~o~ lies ouraide ~he Cr~er Bakersf~eld Separation of Grade D~tric~, and of ~he S~ate of California, pr~de~ ~erri~ory of a co~y which was no~ ~nd which subs~n~ =o ~he fo~m~ion of ~uch dl~=~c~ ~ ~exed Co o= o~he~ise included w~chin a cl~ ~lch l~ a pm=~ of ~uch dis~=tc~, s~11 ~e~ely upon such included within the dts~=Ic~ and of ~he district ~o ~he ~am exten~ ae such cl~y~ excep~ ~uch portion. or portions thetoo[ which =he City ~e~cil h~e ae~emined~ w~ll no~ be benef~=ed by inclusion tn N~, ~EFOE, BE IT ESOL~ED by the Cornoil of ~he City '6~[;'~akersfield, as follows:'~'' ..... ~"" 1. ~t $ description of ~he uninco~ora~ed ~errl~ery described in the s~e~tfon proceeding, i~ aa follows: A ~rcel of land 8i~ed in ~he Co~y of Kern, ~d bein~ a portion of ~he ~ % of Section 9~ To~ship 30 $ou~h~ ~nge 28 East, Ho~= D~blo Base and Kem Coun~ hnd Co~any~ filed fo= o= i 0 e u = e 1 s Beginning a~ ~he poin~ of in~ersec~ion Section 9 ~iCh ~he nor=he=ly ex~ensien of =he west bom~ llne of ~aid Lot Y~ THENCE (1) Southerly along said we~ bouuctmry line and northerly extension ~hereof to ~he ~ou~wes~ corner of Baid Lot 7; THENCE (2) Easterly along the sou~h bounce line oZ said ~ot~ 6 and 7 ~o the southeast ~CE (3) North 329 feet; ~CE =(4) N.42°00=I4, 988.8 fee~ ~CE (5) North ~ feet Co a po~n~ o~ Se~re~t~on line as s~O l~e ~ eho~ on the 'Official Plat of T. 30 S. R. 28 Febma~ 28~ 185~; poin~ of intersection ~i~h Section 9; ~NCE (7) DepaE=~ f~m ~he co~o~e t~ last ~-~d north line ~o ~ ~oin~ of boggling. 2. ~ unless any poreion ~1 be excluded ~ ~h~ Ci~ a~en~ion to the City of Mkersfiel~ b~ ~u¢ludad within eh$ ;reaeer h~refteld SeCretion of Grade wh~ end the place when, obJectto~e will be hMrd. I HEREBY CERTIFY ~hac ~he passed and adopted by the Council re~lar ~e~g ~hereof held on ~e ~he followtn~ vo~e: AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ,-Bee%4NT, HOSKING, PARK, RUCKER, STIERN, WHITTEMORB NOES. COUNCILMEN: ~j ' ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: