HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 47-66RESOLUTION NO o_ 47-66 WHEREAS, on July 18, 1966, a public hearing was held before the City Council in order to de~ezmime if the proper~lem in the City of Bakersfield, designated on ~e ~ached li~ "E~ibt~ A"s ~d beeo~ a public nuie~ce~ ~~S~ ~he ~ers of s~d p~oper~y were du~y ~o~Lf/ed of ~he =~e and place of said hear~g ~n accordance wi~h qutr~en~s of Section 8.80 of the Bake=sliced M~icipal Code~ and de=emined ~t ~he weeds existing on said proper~ are and constitute a fire ~zard which em~ngers adjoining 1. ~a~ the City Co~cil oZ ~he City of hereby finds ~hat a public nuisance ~i8~ on the properties 20 ~a~ ~he Superin~enden~ of Streets of ~he Cl~y of Ba~sfield is hereby directed ~o proceed w~th ~he work said public nuisance pu=e~nt to ~he p=evimieme of Section 8~80 of ~he Bake=afield ~lcfpal - ........ 000 ......... School Dist 1-18 ll I 3 13 1-3 Yl-ll 411 ---1-12 1 12 Parcel No. 146 020 20 162 321 15 162 230 15 7 391 03 5 241 05 14 169 !~-~ 14 240 06 15 380 14 17 400 11 & 12. 17 430 O1 18 062 09 18 123 24 18 150 04 18 180 I6 lrl <0~4 ~6 De scription Owner Address Strip along E side of Covina St. Darwin N. to Fulton Donald L. Lord 1616 Bel Air Rd. L.A. 24, Califor- nia Parkway along Mesa Grande & Frontage Rd. Parcel C of Altered Map of Tr. No. 2263 Pacific Motels, Box 2321 Ins. Palos Verdes, Calif. Strip along W line & along N.1tne of SE 1/4 Sec, 13 30/27 Lot. 3, Blk 1, Santa Fe Add"n No. 2 · Campos Dorados, Box 1590 Inc. Monterey, Calif~; \ Iohn Rocky - 1/2 3527 Pierce Karl Rocky- 1/2 S.E,, Calif. !.o~.s 1, 2 &-..%_-_jUi.*JJl,-Baker ........ W. R. naughe~y~-s/o-Iee gheridan. Homostoad.(Parkway along Q-St.) st al Co~, 1212 W. 4th St. L..A, t7- Lots 17--~,0-, .Incl, Blk 43, P~-sfd ..... F~rmorly Y~Drn · - Po~,-Milk Co, Laura ~qcuddor Div. 1525 N ,- East -St . Anahoim, Galif, Lots 31-32, Blk 53, Bksfd Formerly 'Kern P-I. McCar~, Et al 701 19th St. Bakersfield Lots 2.3-24,-Blk 60. Bksfd Formerly Korn Lots 24-27 Inc. Blk 216, Bksfd" Formerly Kern . .. Lots 15'16, Blk 231, Bksfd' Formerly Kern : Lot 97, Tr. ,1301 -',Eivip,-G. Boroh,K~ld Mercy Hernandez Curtis Johnson I.B. Mitchell' 330-F-,,- 1204 Ralston Bakersfield 101 "o" st. Bakersfield 1227 E. 9th St.+ . Bakersfield -Lot 80, TF. 1171 ........ Lots 41-42, B1}{ 2' Mayflower Add'n lots- 3-4 , Blk 5, Mayf. bwe~-A~l/n:= Beg. 390' E, &'230'S. of NW Cor. Lot 12 to P.'O. B,-E to apt. in c. 1, K.I.Canal-Swly to apt. 390'S. of N, Line of Sd. Lot. -VV. to apt. 390' E of Whline of Sd. lot.-N. 'to P. O. B. los Fa..~bre~i4gh Carl Wood Ray Charles Willie L. Darrett POOR ORiGiNAL' 9.24-2nd~t. Bakn:sfiold c/o Elmer F. Karpe, Inc. 920 Chester Bakersfield Bako~ofiold- 312 Priscilla Ln'. School Dist. 1-11 1-11 1-3 1-3 1-11 1-11 1-11 1-11 1-11 1-12 1-12 1-4 1-4 1-4 Parcel No. 18 260 06 07 08 18 370 16 15 440 01 15 440 07 19 162 02 19 162 04 19 132 03 & 04 19 091 06 19 102 10 19 072 01 19 082 06 24 020 03 24 541 13 24 050 31 -~gal Description Nner Lots 32-34, Blk 13, Mayflower kid'n Geo. D. Ztmmer Lots 30-31 " " " " LOts 25-29 " " " " Lots 16-17, Blk. 24, Mayflower' Add'n, Marie I. Brown N 1/2 Blk 172, Kern Div. lying so. '~f .Canal Lot 17, Blk 172 Kern Div.. Lots 5-6, Blk ,U; Sunset Tr. Lots 1-2, Blk {r, Sunset Louise Martinez Louise Martlnez Wm. H. Ford Cornelius Ford Lots 13-14, .Blk N, Sunset Tr. R.R. Cumby Lot 5, S. 10' Lot 6, Blk F Sunset Tr. Lots 29-30, Blk G, Sunset Tr. Alvie A. King H.K. Myles E.W. Williams Lots 13-14, Blk B, Sunset Tr. Ray Lobre Inc. N.25'of S. 175' Blk D, Sunset Tr. Record Searching Title Co. 10' strip along No. side of University Ave. - Dana St. W'; to Shopping Center Exc. por. in front of 7-11 Store at NW cor. Dana & University .! Lot 22, Tr. 2675 Chas. Howard Co. Rob't E. Thomason 10' strip along N. side of Columbus St. from Tr. 2290 to Shell Stn. thence N. & W. along property fence to Mt. Vernon Ave., thence N. along E side of Mt. Vernon tO a point distant 674. 047 ' N. of the N. R/'W line of said Columbus St. Wm. F. Whitaker, et al Addre ss VU~NAS Miram h2alif. 309 Clyde St. Bakers field 1600 Kentucky Bakers field 1600 Kentucky Bakersfield 147! E 78th. 2 LA 3, Calif. 1258 W. 80th L.A. 44, Calif. 825 So. Williams Bakersfield 531 So. Williams Bakersfield 111 "N" St. Bakersfield P.O.Box 527 Bakersfield 629 So. Hill St. L. A. 14, Calif. 9348 Santa Mon- ica Blvd. Beverly Hills, Calif. 2647 Niles St. Bakersfield 2457 Prince Albert Dr. ' Riverside, Calif. I HEREBY CERT~ that ~ssed end a~pted by ~he Co~cil =~ ~ollow~S vo~e: AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOLIN, HOSKING, PARK, RUCKER,.,S.~d~", WHITTEMORE. NOES: COUNCILMEN: ~ ABSENT COUNCILMEN: AsSTAININS COUNaLMEN: