HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 44-66 RgS0LUTION N0o 44-66 A RESOLUI~0N OF TI-IE CITY OF B~FIgLD CALL~N~ A SEP~ER, 1966, PER~I~G ~ T~ A~~GN OF PIERC~ NO, 1 TO ~ C~ OF ~P~FIELD, VOTING' P~CIMCT~. POLLING P~CE ~ OFF!CE~ OF E~CTIOM ~ SAID ~C~ON~ ~D P~SCRIBING TO BE PAID ~ SAID OFFIC~ OF ~CTXON A~ FOR SAID POLLinG [er~f~ory ~he=efn desc~fbed be annexed ~o [~e Cf~y of Bak~Fmff~ld~ ~MS, by ~solu~fom ~o. 32~66~ ~he Coumcfl of ~he Cf~y of Bak~rsffeld d~cl~red ~8 fn~em~fou ~o ~m~l a 8p~cfal ~ cer~afn fnhabf~ed ~errf~o~ contf~oum ~ safd cf~y p~o~o8sd be ~nn~xed [o ~a~d c1~y~ for ~he pu~ose of 8u~f~fng ~o or no~ said ~errf~o~ shall be annexed ~o ~aid city, and forth a t~e and place of hearing protests against said proposed eXeceion~ and I~BS~ ~ copy of said resolu~ion was published ~$ required by lav~ and ~BS, prior ~o end a~ ~he ~ime set for hearing proteat~ to ~he proposed election vr~t~en protests were no~ ~de by o~era of one-~lf of ~he value of the territory proposed '~o be ammex~d~ as sho~ by ~he lam~ equlimed assessment roll and no protesZ ~de by public and private o~ers eq~l ~ one-~lf of the value of said ~erri~ory~ end ~BS, ell proceedings have been ~d in accordance maid resolution and ~he ~mexstion Ac~ of 1913~ reference ~ereto hereby being ~de for ~rther NOW, ~UFO~ BE iT ~SOLVED by ~he Council of ~he City of Bakersfleld, as follows: SECTIOR 1o A special election is hereby called to be held on the 13th day of Septembers 1966~ in the territory heroinafter described and proposed to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield~ for 'the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors residing in said te~ri~o~] the question whether or not said territory shall be annexed to the City of Bakersfield and ~he pz~perty in the territory to be annexed be subjected ~o tazation after annexation equally with ~he property or c~letion of municipal i~r~en~=. SECTION 2o That said Territory is hereby desiSnated and identified for such election purposes and for use upon the ballots at ouch election as ~'PIE~CE Nee 1'"~ and is described ae follows: Description of a p~rcel of land ~o be annexed to the City of Bakers field and which is to be designated as ~ePierce Nee l'~ said parcel described am follows: A parcel of land situate in the County of Xezn~ State of CalifoEnia~ and being a portion of Sections 13~ 14~ 23~ 24, 259 and 26, T~enmhip 29 Sou~h~ Range 27 Eas~ M. D. M., and more particularly described as fellowe: C~encing at the most north~esteriy comer of Tract Nee 1387 as per ump recorded M~rch 26~ 1948~ in Bo~k ~ of Maps at page ~0~ in the office of the Coun~7 Recorder of said Ke~ Co~ thence westerly along ~he westerly prolon~aCion of ~he no~h llne of seid Trac~ No. 1387 on a bearln~ of N. 89° 44 15'~ W.~ 1154~753 feet to the t~xe poin~ of beginn~g~ said poimt of beginning berg a poin~ on the coverage bo~da~ as defined by Ordnance No. 1~79 N~ Series~ TaNCE (1) continuing ~esterly along t~e last named prolongation~ said prolongation also being the westerly prolonga~ion of the north line of 34~h Street~ of 82°5 feet in ~idth~ as said 34th Street is shorn on the '~Map of the City of Bakersfield~" recorded November 25, 1898~ in Book 1 of Maps at pages !3 and 14 in the office of the Bald County Recorder, and along'the corporate boundary to intersect ~he left or ea~ ba~k o~ the Kem River~ as described in the Charter of the Ci~ of ~hrefte~d~ ratified and approved Jan~ 23~ 1915; (2) line of Oak S~reet," of 82o5 feet on ~he said "~p of the City of ~kersfield"; ( 3 ) southerly along the said east llne of Oak Street and along the corporate boundary as defined by the said Cb~r~e~ to intersect Course (3) of Ordinance No. 1472 Mew Series; TMEMCE (4) $.52°01elO°~q.~ 249.43 feet along said Course (3); (5) $.32°11~20°~., 283.48 feet along Course (2) of said Ordinance Moo 1472 New Series to intersect the northerly right of way line of State ~igb~ay ~oute VX~er~58~ Tm cs ( ) $.73025~20"E., 360.61 feet along Course (1) of said Ordinance No. 1472 Ne~ Serie~ to intersect the afore= said eazt line of Oak S~ree~; mcs (7) southerly along the said east line of Oak Stree~ the e~tensions thereof and a~ong the corporate boundary as defined by that Special Election held March 21~ 1939~ and which results were certified by the Secretary of State of March 28~ 1939~ to ~te~sect the Ordinanee No. 1445 N~q Serte~ (8) along the following 12 conream of said Ordinance No. 1445 Mew Series: westerly along said ~outherly'boundary of Section 25 to the southwest corner thereof, being Course (38) of said Ordinanee~ T~E~CE (9) N.89°05ebe'~ 32.06 feet along the southerly boundary of said Section 26, being Course TBENCE (10) N.l°42'08"E., 47.88 feeC~ being Course (36); TME~CE (ll) along Course (35): N.81°33~4Y~o~ 172.19 feet to the beginning of a tangen~ curve; TMENCE (12) westerly along said cuz~e~ concave to the sou~:h having 4°Zl 04 a r~dius of 440 feet through a central angle of an arc dis=e. nce of 32o14 feet~ being Course TMENCE (13) from a tangent ~yhich bears ~o81°07~02"W., ~esterly along a cuz~,e~ concave to the south having a radiu~ of 440 feet through a central angle of e 6°57 07"~ an arc distance of 52.34 feet Co a point of tangency~ being Course (33)~ TME~CE (14) along Course (32): ~,88°04~09'~., 319o14 feet to che begi~ng of a nonotangen~ cu~ve~ TMEMCE (15) northwesteEly along said curve~ concave to the northeast havin~ a radius of 225 feet through a centrex angle of 43°27 01" an arc distance of 170o63 fee~ to a ~angemt which bears No44°37~08" W.~ being Course (31)~ o TMENCE (16)N,30°3e~00~o~ 102,77 feets being Course (30); TaEI~CE (17) No18°52~52"%~.~ 256.28 fee~ be~ Course ~CE (18) ~,22°1~11~.~ 335.0~ fee~ beL~g Course the southerly right of way line of ~he Atchi~on~ Topeh and San~ Fe ~tl~ay; ~E (20} N. gg°lOel~'~. ~ 282.89 fee~, being a pe=CLen aong lae~ ~ed $ou~he:/y r~gh~ of way 1Lne ~o ~nter~ec~ ~he ~en~e~ly :~ghc of ~ny X~ne of Sta~e ~g~ay ~I-~er~99) (formerly g~a~e R~e VX=Kero4=G} f=~ ~he corporate bounda~ along ~he folloe~ cou=~e~ of las~ ~med M~g~ay Reu~e: ~.15°53 313,24 fee~ ~o ~m~ersec~ ~he northerly r~gh~ of ~he A~chison~ Topeh and gmn~ Fe ~ilway; ~N~ (22) N.89°10~14'~t., 74.72 feet; ~Cg (23) ~.'15°57~26~. ~ 82,04 fee~; ~C~ (24) ~.17°31~01'~.~ 290.29 feet; ~C~ (25) M.g°23e59~.~ 175.89 fee~; ~C~ (2e) M.12°55~22"~.~ 184.67 fee~; MMCM (21) ~.6~26'55~.~ 307,80 fee~; MMC~ (28) ~5°48~W,~ 30~,44 MMCg (29) N.3°00=37~ 357,28 MMCM (30) ~0°28~25ng~ 551.93 fee~; ~C~ (3~) N.8~29~4~.~ 202.24 fee~; ~C~ (32) N.3°39'=07e~,~ 678.76 fee~; ~M~ (33) ~.6~°38~.~ 228.91 fee~; ~CE (~) N.f~ol2el2~.~ 186.04 fee~; '~C~ (35) ~.24°40~38~. ~ 540.38 feeC ~o a ~eim~ on a cu~e, 145 'MNCE (36) nort~es=e=ly along eald cu~e through a centtaX angle of 55°37e55,~ an arc distance of 14.0~79 feet to a point on the cu~e~ fr~ which the radial center bears S,6°29~46e~. '~NCE (37} N.85~03~24~. 364,94 fee~ ~.MM~E (38) M~86o12e12~q~D 30,20 feet; THENCE (39) N.0°53'08"Ro', 106.42 feet ~o inae=sect the noTtherly being the center line of [~osedale B~ghway~ of 85 fee= THENCE (40) N.0°28~II"Eo, 54.02 fee~; TMENCE (41) So89°06elb'~o, 154.94 feet; THENCE (42) N. 85°46 ~ 13uEo, 265.14 feet TBENCE (43) No45°48~OluE., 141.42 feet~ THENCE (44) N.27°42~50~E., 358.91 feeS; (45) NoB°16"12"Eo, 419o31 feet; THENCE (46) No3°.51~27uE., 300.66 feet; THENCE (47) N.5°ll~10"Eo, 502°03 feet; THENCE (48) N.0°02~36'~E.~ 300.00 feet~ TMEMCE (49) N.0°45e34"Eo~ 400.03 feet; (50) N.2°10e00uEo~ 800.09 feet 'to a po~nt on a curve~ from which point the radial center bears NoSS°31~47e~4o ~ (51) northerly along said curve, concave to the west, through of 0°43 21u an arc distance of 377.20 a central angle e feet to a point on the cu~Fe~ from which the radial center bears N.89°15'08~4.~ distant 29,905 feet~ (52) N.0°57~34~1'., 388°36 feet~ (53) ~.2°06~19~., 600.10 feet to the' beginning of a eul~e~ from which the radial center bears So89°02e26~o~ distant 740 feet; (54) north~em~e=ly along said cum~ve, concave to ~he wemtD through a cen~ra~ angle of 16°02u24u an a~c dimtanc~ of 207.16 feet to a point, from~yhich the radial cen~e~ THENCE (55) along a non-tangent course No17°52e57"~., 420.79 fee~ to ~he beginning of a tangen~ curve; (56) northerly along said curve~ concave to the central angle of 10°09~01°° an a~c distance of feet ~o a point on ~he cuEve~ from~hich the radial center bears N.82° 16e04"Eo, said arc being Cou~e of paTag~aph (b) of Parcel 1~ in a deed recorded October 23v 1963, in Book 3856 mt page 457 of the Official Records of said Kern County; THENCE (57) departing from the westerly right of way line, $.89°10ulBu~E°, 515.57 fee~ along a portion of Course (4) of last pamed deed~ to intersect the easterly right of way line of e THENCE (58) N.8°02e52'eEo ~ 17.10 ~CE (59} N.12°27~07;~E. ~ 222.~6 fee~ ~e $ ~o~ ~n ~he as P~e~ce ~C~ (60) alon~ aa~d westerly righ'~ of way lime ~he fol~ewimg coursem: S,88°17 00' , 78 76 fee~ ~8M (e2) S.10o03~lge~.~ 152.05 fee~ M~ (63} S~ 0°38 n 32~ ~ ~ 08 fee~ ~e ~m~e~eect the boun~ of ga~d Section ~g (~) S~89°10~t6'g~ 120.04 fee~ =e ~m~e~eec~ ~he M~CE (65) ~0°38~32~. ~ 2~8~18 fee~ to ~he beg~nm~mg of cu~e~ from which the radial cen~er bear~ N~89°21 distant 1020 feet~ cen~e~ beare S,61 28~32~ ~ d~n~ 1020 fee~; ~CE (67) N.28°3X~28"E.~ 106.19 ~CE (68) $.78~10~29~., 52.20 ~CE (69} N.28~31~28~'E,, 30.00 fee~ ~NCE (70) N.44°46~35~,~ 52020 feet; ~CE (71) N,32~22'"37~,, 90.89 fee~ ~o a point in ~he southerly -right of ~ay of State Mtg~ay Route 204~ following ? courses: M.44°57eO~sg, ~ t85~26 feet~ ~NGE (73) M.51°58~53~E., 303.49 ~MCE {7~) N.75°08~?~E~, 98.40 fee~ ~NCE (75) S.6~10~2~'E~ 300.67 feet~ T~ (76) S.67°50~03~'E~ 353.56 feet to ~he beEinninE of tanEen~ cu~e~ from which the radial center e dl~ ~ant 7000 feet ~ S~ 29~38 30~, ~CE {77) ~s~e=ly alone said cu~e~ concave to the ~hrough a central angle of 13°05~30's an arc of 1599,~5 feet ~o a point of ~angency, from which the radial center bears $.42°44 00'~., distant 7000 fee~ ~he current co orate boundary ss defined by sfors~sfd Ordinance No. ~79 Ne~ ~CE (79) $.55°50'50e'W., 591.96 fee~ along Course {3) of las~ named Ordinance~ r~NCE (80) S.19°04"40"W. ~ 9i7.898 fee~ along Course (2) of said last n~ed Ordinance ~o the pofn~ of beginning and containing 703.96 acres of land, m~re or less. SECTIO~ 30 ~e polls aC said election sMll be opened a~ 7 ooclGck A.M. of ~he day heroin fixed for ~he holding of said elec~fon and sMll be kept open ~17 ,'clock P.M., of the same day, when ~he polls shall be closed. SECTIOM 40 Upon ~he balle~s to be used ac said election Chore shall bs printed the ~ords: S~LL ~oPIERCE NO, i~ BE A~ED ~ ~ CI~ OF BA~BFIMD A~ M PROPER~ IN SUCH T~MTORY BE~ AFaR SUCH ATIOM= SUB~C~D ~ T~TIOM EQ~LLY WI~ ~ P~OPg~ WI~IM ~ CI~ OF ~~FIELD~ ~ PAY ~ ~BED I~D~BT= ED~SS OF M CI~ OF ~RSFIELD O~STANDIMG )~R T~ ACQ~SiTIOM~ CG~S~UCTiG~ OR CG~TIOM OF ~ICIPAL Opposite =hess words Chars shall be printed ~he words ~uYes and ~Mo~, and ~ the righ~ of each of ~heae lasz ~o wo~ds ~hs=e shmll be a voting sq~re. If an e!ec~or shall s~p a cross {+) in ~he vo~fng agate altar ~he printed wG~d "Yes~ the vote of such eXec~or sMll be ce~ed in favor of ~he a~xaCfon of said Ce~ ~o ~he City of Bakersfield; ~nd if am elector shall mCmm~ c~oss (+) in ~he vo~fng square after ~he printed ~6rd "~ ~he of such elector $~ll be coated against such annexation. In ~11 particulars no~ heroin recited said elec~fGm be held in cenfomf~y, as near as ~y bes ~ith =he la~s of ~hs of Ca!ifomfa conce=ning general elections and ~fCh said Ac~ of 1913. SECTION 5o (a) For ~he purpose of said elect~Lon ~hera ie ~sreby established in the ~errl~o~ proposed ~o be ~e~ed~ one p~c~nc~ c~n~ls~in~ of a pard ton o~ ~ec~c~ Fa~rh~ven, which ~11 ~nclude all of ~a~d ~err~o~ ~e folXo~n~ ~ ~he place of ~a~d elec~on precinc~ ~nd ~he ~oll~n~ n~ed pe~en~. hmreby hand o~c~ra o~ election and $~l c~n~tu~e ~h~ elec~on for such election XNSPECTOR~ Mrs° Annie Lula Ros~er M~so ~ret A° MeikleJohn $21~00each~ and the person in possescion of the polling hereln shall receive for the use of much premises said election the sum of $24.00° SECTION 6o outside the city, but in ~he county in which the AYES. COUNCILM~:N BALFANZ DOOLIN HOSKING, PARK, RUCKER, STIERN, WHITTEMO~. NOES: COUNCILMEN: .....