HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 36-66 WE8~S, a petition was ft~ed wt~h the CounctX of City of Bakersfield on the 3rd day of jume~ X966~ requestimg ~ncoz~ora~ed within the C~y o~t~ker~fteXd, WI~ItF.~S~ said petltton~as stgmed by ~he o~mer~ of not less ~han one-fourth (1/4) of the area of ~he ~an~ in ~uch ~erritory, and represen~tmg not le~ =h~n oneofourth assessed value of such territory accordfmg to the last p~eceding equalized assessment roll of the Coun~ of ~em~ Annexation of Unlm~bi~ed Terrlto~Ac~ of 1939~ .~mded, BE ZT ~SOL~D by the Cobell of the Ct~ of .mS follows: 28 East, M.D~M~ 'bo~~ of amid sec=tom~ e~ld potm~ betmg im ~he currem~ 'bounda~ of the Ci~ of~ke=sfteld ms defined by OrdimsmCe No~ ~452D ~New Serles~ ~CE (i) sou~he~ly~ departing from the co~ora~e the ~o~thwem~ q~rter of ea~d Sec~om.22; '~C~ (2) ~erly mlong said north line to tm~ersec~ ~he southwest ~umr~er (S~W.1/4) of the northwest {N.W.1/4} of said T~C" ( 3 ) southerly alon8 said line o~ the sou~/~west (4) continuing southerly. aXeraG west qua=tar (~.~.174) o~ the sou~s~ q~rte~ ~o intersect the south tn~ereeetion be~g a ~ o~ way l~ne o~ County ~d ~cE liue to ~ntersect ~he of said Sac=ion conttnutmg easterly al~ the 45 feat of the sou~hwemt ~u~e~ Road, 209.47 fee~ ~o the be~~= of a taught cu~e ~n said ~t~rly rtgh~ of w~y ~c~ (7) for ~cs (8) T~CZ (9) line of u~d no=theas~ q~m~e~ ~oEol/~) of ~he me~hea~t quarter (N.E.I/4) of ~he ~out~e~ ~m~ez (~o~o1/~} of said section;. T~C~ (I0) easterly along said south Zinc to lnte=mec~: the ~em~ line of t/xe southeast qua~te~ (~ 1/4) of ~d ~ec~iom 22; TaENCE (11) northerly alo~ said ~uarte= (SE 1/4) of the mo~heae~ the west boumda~] of T~act ~oo 2846 ae ~howaupom a map recorded Ju~e 7~ 1963 ~mCo~ Records~ named (13) northerly alon~ las~/wee~ 1~$ ~e in~e~uec~ ~he ~ou~h line of ~he north ~5 fee~ q~rter ~ 1/4) of ~d Seet~em 22~ bein~ a po~n~ ~ the southerly ~ of ~y lime of the aforesaid Co~ Roed ~eo 2183~ named ~I~C~ (1/0 easterly ~long r~ghC of way 1~ and ~he e~e~ly proloCation ~he~eef ~o ~n~e=eec~ ~he ~for~n~oned Section n~d p~olon~lon o~ the no~h bo~d~ o~ ~r~c~ ~o, 23X~ Book 12, easterly along said prolongation and said boundsTy to the northeast come.= of ~ald come~. heine tm ~he ~st lime of the of the nor~qes~ q~r~er ~ l/~'> oE northerly ~lonS la~/eas~ line ~o line oE the north 55 feec of said Section nned cologne bo~~ as ~efined by Ordinance T~C~ (19> $ou~he=lyo westerly and northerly ~lomS courae~ (1> o as defined by ~he aforesai~ Ordi~nce Moo 1~52~ Ta~CE (20) wes~erly~ southerly and wes~erXy alemS last corporate boundary l:o ~he pein~ of be~l~In~ the Conoil of the C~ of Bakers field and ~h~ cause vhy such ~errl~o~ ~hould no~ be AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOLIN, HOSKING, PARK, RUCKER, STIERN, WHITTEMORE. ABSZNT CO'JNCILMEN: ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: