HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 32-6632-66 SPEC~ E~CTXG~ X~ CE~X~ ~~D ~TO~ FO~ ~ PU~OS~ OF SA~D TE~~Y T~ Q~STXON ~~ SAID CO~8IL ~ S~0%Y CAUSE ~ SUCH NOT BE SO A~D~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield; SECTION l, That it is the intention of the Council of ~he City of Bakersfield to call a special election to be held in certain inhabited territoz~' contiguous to said city, proposed to be annexed ~hereto~ for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors residing in said territory the question whether or not said territory shall be annexed ~o the property in the te~itory to be annexed be subjected to taxation after annexation equally with ~he proper~y vith~ ~he Ci~ of ~akersfield, to pay the bonded indebtedness of the City of Bakers~ field ou~standin= for the acquisi~ien~ cons~c~ion or collation of~nicipal ~provemen~s~ ~ a description of said ~rked Ez~ibit A~ and~de a par~ SECTXOM 2~ ~at said ~erri~o~y,is hereby designated and identified for such e!eetion pu~oses and for use upon ~he a~ such election as e~XE~CE ~0o SECTION 3~ Notice is hereby of July~ 196e~ a~ ~he hour of 8:00 PoMo~ the City ~all~ t501Tr~t~Avenue~ Bakersfield, Califo~ia~ any person o~ing real proper~y vi~hin said ~erri~o~ so proposed be a~exea and ~viug any objection to ~he p~posed annexa~iou EXHIBIT "A" Description of a parcel of !and to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield and which is to be designated as "Pierce No. 1", said parcel described as follows: A parcel of land situate in the County of Kern, State of California, and being a portion of Sections 13~ 14, 23, 24, 2o, and 26~ Township 29 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M., and mere par:aicularly described as Commencing at the most northwesterly corner of Tract No. i387, as per map recorded March '26, !94& , in Book 6 of Maps at page 104 in the office of the .County RecordeF of sa~d KeFn Cou:~ty, thence westerly along the westerly 'prolongation of the no~h line of said Tract No. 1387 on"a bearing of N.89° 44' 18".~V., 1154. 758 feet 'to the true point of beginning, said point of beginning being a point on '~he corporate bcundary as defined by Ordinance No. 1479 New Series;. THENCE (1) co?:mnuing westerly along the last named prolongation, said prolongation also being the westerly prolongation of the north ' line of 34th Street, of 82.5 feet in width, as said 34th Street is shown on the "Map-of ~he City of Bakersfield" recorded November 28, 1898, in Book 1 of Maps at pages 13 and 14 in .the office of the said County Recorder, and along the corporate boundary to intersect "the left or east bank of the Kern River", = '~..>~.as described in the Charter of the City of Bakersfield, ratified and approved Ianuary 23, 19 15; THENCE (2) "'~hence meandering southwesterly along said east bank of ~he Xern River to its intersection with the east line of Oak ..... ~=~, of 82.5 feet in width, as shown on the said "Map :'=of ihe .City of Bakersfield"; (3), THEleE .southerly along the 'said east line of Oak S~creet and along the corporate boundary as defined' by the said Charter, ':o intersect Course (3) of Ordinance No. 1472 New Series; -. % 1' u 249.43 feet along said Course (3); i'~"W., THENCE '!'HENCE (S) THENCE (7) S.32~"'i'20"W., 283.48 feet along Course (2) of sa:~ Ordinance No. 1472 New Series to intersect the northerly right of way line of State Highw-ay Route VI-Ker-58; S.73~25'20"E., 360'.61 fee: a2:' ~g C.;~,-se (I) of said Ordinance No. 1472 New Series to intersect w.~- aforesaid east line of Oak S~eet; souzher!y :._c. ng the said east line of Oak Street and the e~ensions · : .... ~ and along the corporate boundary as defined by that Special h.~ .... on held March 21, 1939, and which results were ce~ified z ~.; by 'one Secreta~ of State on March 28, 1939, to intersect the southerly bounda~ of said Section 25, said ~int of intersection being a point in the corporate bounc~ as defined by Ordinance No. !445 . New Serie.s; ..... ' L.. T ENCE (8) THENCE (9) THENCE (10) THENCE (11) THENCE (12) THENCE (i3) THENCE (i4) THENCE (ls) 2'HENCE (16) 'tHENCE (17) 2HENCE (lS) THENCE (19) THENCE (20) >ng the following 12 courses of said Ordinance No. 1445 New Series: westerly along said southerly boundary'of Section 25 to th~ southwest corner thereof, being Course (38:} Of said Ordinance.; N. 89°05 '56"W. ,. 32.06 feet along the southerly boundary of Jaid Section 26, being CoUrse (37); ' ' N-l°42'08"E., 47.88 feet, being Course (36); along Course (35): N.81o33'43',~r. , 172. i9 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve; Westerly along said curve, concave to the south having a radius of 440 feet through a central angle of 4°11'04'', an arc distance of 32.14 feet, being Course (34); '~ from a tangent which bears N. 8t°07'02"W., westerly along a curve, concave to the south having a radius of..440 feet thro ugh a central angle of 6°'57'07" ; an arc distance of 52.34 feet to a point of tangency, being Course (33); along Course (32): N.88°04'09"W'., 319.14 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent curve; northwesterly along said curve, concave to the northeast having a radius of 225 feet through a central angle of 43°27'01'' an arc . .. distance of 170.63 feet to a tangent which bears N. 44037'08" IAr., being Course (31); N-30°36'00"W., 102.77 feet, being Course (30); N-18°52'52"~Ar., 256.28 feet, being Course (29); N.22°14'll"IAr., 335.04 feet, being Course (28); N. 19°00'23"W. , 10.66 feet, 'being Course (27), to intersect' the southerly right of way line of the Atchison~ Topeka and Santa Fe Railway; N-89°10'14"W., 282.89 feet, being a portion of Course (26), along last named southerly right of way line to intersect the westerly right of way line of State Highway Route 99 - (VI-Ke:.--99) (formerly State Route Vi-Ker-4-G); northerly along last named right of way line, departing from the corporate boundary, along the following 36 courses of last named Highway Route: N. 15°53'20"IAr., 313,24 feet to intersect the northerly right of way line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway; ,/4 . -2- THENCE (22) N.89°10'14"V~. , 74.72 feet; THENCE (23) N. 15°57'26"~r., 82.04 feet; THENCE (24) N.17°31'01"W'., 290.29 feet; THENCE (25) N.8°23'59"~Ar., 175.89 feet; THENCE (26) · THENCE (27) THENCE (28) N. 12~55'22"W., 184.67 feet; N. 6°26'55"W., ~07.80 feet; N.5°48'W. , 306.44 feet; THENCE (29) THENCE (30) THENCE (31) N.3°00'37"W., 357.28 feet; N-0°28'25"E., 551.93 feet; N-8°29'14"~r. , 202.24 feet; THENCE (32) N.3°39'07"W., 678.76 feet; THENCE (33) N.6°16'38"W., 228.91 feet; THENCE (34) THENCE (35) N.4°12'12"W., 186.04 feet; N.24°40'38"~V., 540.38 feet to a point on a curre, from which point the radial center bears S. 62°07'41"W., distant 145 feet; THENCE (36) northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 55~37'55'' an arc distance of 140.79 feet to a point on the curve, from which the radial center bears S. 6~29'46"~Ar., distant 145 feet; THENCE (37) N.85°03'.24"W., 364.94 feet; THENCE (38) N-86°12'12"W., 30.20 feet; THENCE (39) N. 0°53'08"E., 106.42 feet to intersect the northerly boundary of said Section 26, said northerly boundary being the center line of Rosedale Highway, of 85 feet in width; THENCE THENCE (40) N.0°28'll"E., 54.02 feet; (41) S-89°06'15"E: , 154.94 feet; THENCE (42) N.85°46'13"E., 265.14 feet THENCE (43) N.45°48'01"E., 141.42 feet; THENCE (44) N-27°42'50"E., 358.91 feet; THENCE (46) N-8°16'12"E., 419.31 feet; · -3- THENCE (46) N.3°51'27"E., 300.66 feet; THENCE (47) N.5°ll'10"E., 502.03 feet; THENCE (48) N-0°02'36"E., 360.00 feet; THENCE (49) THENCE (50) THENCE (51) THENCE (52) THENCE (53) THENCE (54) N. 0°45'34'E., 400.03 feet; N.2°10'00"E., 800.09 feet to a point on a curve, from'which point the radial center bears N.88°31'47"~Ar., distant 29,905 feet; n, ortherly along said curve, concave to the west, through a central angle of 0°43'21'' an arc distance of 377.20 feet to a point on the curve, from which the radial center bears N.89° 15'08"W., distant 29,905 feet; ' N.0°57'34"W., 388.36 feet; N-2°06'19"W., 600.10 feet'to the beginning of a.curve, from which the radial center .bears S.89°02'26"W., distant 740 feet: northwesterly along said curve, concave to the west, through a central angle of 16°02'24' an arc distance of 207.16 feet to a point, from which the radial center bears S. 73°00'02"W., distant 740 feet; THENCE (55) along a non-tangent course N. 17°52'57"W., 4-20.'~9 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve; THENCE (56) THENCE (57) northerly along said curve, concave to the east, through a central angle of 10°09'01'' an arc distance of 146.15 feet to a point on the curve, from which the radial center bears N. 82° 16'04"E., said arc being Course (3) of paragraph (b) of Parcel 1 ~ in a deed recorded October 23, 1963, in Book 3656 at page ~57 of the Official Records of said Kern County; departing from the westerly right of way line, S. 89 o 10 '16 "E., 515.57 feet along a portion of Course (4) of last named deed, to intersect the easterly right of way line of said U. S. Highway Route 99-Bypass; THENCE (58) N.8°02'52"E., 17.10 feet; THENCE (59) N. 12°27'07"E., 222.46 feet to a point in the westerly right of way line of County Road No. 2385, also known as Pierce Road; THENCE (60) along said westerly right of way line the following 12 courses: S.88°17'00"E., 78.76 feet; THENCE (61) S.43°45'32'E., 46.72 feet; THENCE (62) S. 10°03'19"E. , 152.05 feet; -4- ' ' THENCE THENCE (64) THENCE (66) S 38'32"E., 84,08 feet to interse e of said Section 14;' sofitherly boundary S. 89 °10' 16"E., 120.04 feet to intersect the easterly right of way.line of said County Road No. 2385; N.0°38'32"W., 268.18 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve, from which the radial center bears N. 89°21'28"E., distant 1020 feet; THENCE (66) northeasterly along said curve, concave to the southeast, through a central angle of 29°10'00" an arc distance of 519.24 feet to a point of tangency, from which the radial c~nter bears S.61°28'32"E., distant 1020 feet; \ THENCE (67) N.28°31'28"E., 106.19 feet; THENCE (68) S.78°10'29"E., 52.20 feet; THENCE (69) N.28°31'28"E., 30.00 feet;. THENCE (70) N.44~46'35"W., ~.2.20 feet; THENCE (71) N.32~22'37"W., ,c, 0.89 feet to a point in.the southerly right of way line of State Highway Route 204;' THENCE (72) easterly along said southerly right of way line the following 7 courses: N.44~57~06"E., 185.26 feet; THENCE (73) N.51o58'53"E., 303.49 feet; THENCE (74) N.75oOS'47"E., 98.40 feet; THENCE (75)· S.64"10'21"E., 300.67 feet; THENCE (76) S.67°50'03"E., 353.56 feet to the beginning oia non-tangent curve, from which the radial cehter bears S. 29~38"3C.: "'~r. , distant 7000 feet; THENCE (77) · THENCE (78) easterly along said curve, concave to the southwest, through a central angle of 13°05'30" an arc distance of ~.799.45 f~e';: to a point of tangency, from which the radial c': ..... bear's ' S.42~4'4'00"~At., distant 7000 feet; S.47°16'00"E., 2115'.43 .feet, more or less, ~o inter's:-~ct th current' corporate boundary. as defined by aforesaid ",'. dinan ..... , No. 1479 New Series; · ' ".:' - THENCE (79) THENCE (SO) S.55°50'50"W., 591.96 feet along Course (3) of last named Ordinance; S. 19°04'40"W., 917,898 feet along Course (2) of said last named Ordinance to the point of beginning and containing 703.96 acres of land, more or less. 10/30/64 Rev. 2/2/66' Written by: Checked by: Compared by: -6- AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOLIN, HOSK[NG, PARK, RUCKER, STtERN, WHITTEMORE. NOES: COUNCILMEN: ~ ABSENT COUNCILMEN: C')"/.b--,--'u}