HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 20-66P~OLUT~O~ NO o 20-66 ~EP~AS, on March 28, 1966, there was filed with the City Clerk of the City of ~akersfield a copy of Notice of Intention to Circulate Petition ~elatins to Annexation of Certain Territory to the City of Bakersfield Under the Annexation Act of 1913 pertaining to territory designated as Pierce No. 1~ together with an affidavit of publication of said notice showins publication thereof on March 30, 1966, in the Bakersfield Californian, a newspaper of general c'irculation published in the City of Bakersfield~ and ~qHEP~AS, the Annexation Act of 1913 provides that the legislative body may adopt a resolution acknowledging receipt of the notice and approving the circulation of the petition~ NOW~ TEE~EFO~E~ BE ~T RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfieldc 1. That the receipt of the notice and affidavit of publication be and the came is hereby acknowledged, and that approval be and is hereby given for the circulation of the petition for annexation of ~hat certain territory designa~ed as Pierce No. 1 t~enty~one days after the publication of said notice. 2o The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution. .......... 000 .......... I ~REPZ C~RTXFf that the for_egoing Resolution was paamed amd adopted by the Council of the City of Baker~ffeld at a regular meeting thereof held on the XSth day of April, 1966, by the following vote~ Marjan So Irvin Council of the City of Baker~field