HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 12-66RESOLUTXON NO o :'t2-66 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BA~EPSF~LD ADOPTING AND SUBMITTING A BUDGET FO~ EXPEND.~TUEE OF FUNDS ALLOCATED FEOM THE STATE HIGHWAY FUND TO CXTIESo WHEEEAS~ a master agreement has been executed by the City and the State of California on April 3~ 19619 for expenditure of funds allocated from the State highway fund to cities; and WHEF~EAS~ the City Council has prepared a budget proposal showing eskimo-ted expendi~ures of such funds recommended to be made during the 1965~66 fiscal year; and WHEREASp ~he City Council has heard read said budget proposal and is familiar with the'conten~s thereof; THEEEFORE~ be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield that ~ald budget proposal~ dated March be and it is hereby adopted as the budget of proposed expenditures of the gas tax allocation to cities, said budget proposal be and the same is hereby approved and the Director of Public Works is directed to sign the same on behalf of said budget proposal to be su~.~ymitted to the Department of Public Works, State of Califoznia, in accordance with the provisions of Section 197 of the Streets and Highways Code. .......... O00 .......... AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFA Z, DOOLIN, HOSKING, PARK, RUCKER, STIERN, NOES: COUNCILMEN: ~b,,j ~ ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: APPRO VED ~ · STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER Sacramento,,. California But Proposal 40. for the fiscal year ending June 30, 19 66 Date March 14 , 19__ 66 (TO BE TRANSMITTED THROUGH DISTRICT ENGINEER) 'Mr. W. L. Welch .Disffict Er~ineer Address Box 1352, Fresno, BUDGET· PROPOSAL FOR STATE ALLOCATED (SECTION 2107) FUNDS The City of Bakersfield ' . ·hereby by this budgetShall be done under the terms of the master agree- ment covering the budgeting and expenditure of these funds as executed on Aprfi 3, 19 6 1 (date) SUMMARY OF FUNDS BUDGETED FOR EXPENDITURE Seurce of Funds Maintenance Other 'Right of Way Construction * State allocated (Sec. 2]07)funds State Highway Budget Funds City Funds Other Funas 125,000;00 395,746.52 Total (See following pages for details) Includes preliminary and construction engineering. 125,000.00 SUMMARY OF STATE· ALLOCATED (Sac. 2107) FUNDS' AVAILABLE** 395,746.52 0.725¢ $ 1,368.28 · Unexpended under project 68 (City) Rental income decreased per Controller"s audit letter dated May 12, i965 (City) -205.14 Sale of Property decreased per same letter (City) -650.00 Funds accrued during.the fiscal year ending Iune 30, 1965(City) 27,584.24 Funds accrJled during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965 (State) " 254,519.14 Estimated to accrue during the fiscal year ending Iune 30, 1966 .- . . 238,130.00 .... l"otal'~adS availabl~ '55Z0,746..5.2 tl~ nat ur~ Director of Public Works Plans, specifications and estimates of cost for each con- strgction or improvement project will be submitted in accordance' with Section 199 of the Streets a~l Highways Code prim to advertising or commencing work by day labor. * * Attach additional page if more space is needed for this summary. Official Title FORM MC-18 (3-64) Rev. City MAINTENANCE (Permissive maintenance defined in Section 27 (a), (b) and (E) of Streets arid Highways Code, os amended-1959) General maintenance - Project State (per mal.tenbnce*igreement) (Signold (Lighting) (Signs)'(Striping) (Other) (Strike out InalFoprlote Items) 'Totel Molntenence .; 'l)!lcm'lllfion of elk oRd locations: Amovfit OTHER Amolmt AHendenCe at i. 'T. T. E. ( eferabl budgeted with ~Z-:i.on 21/1~7:5 funds) oo Cancel Proiect lO0'and PrQject 101 Reduce project 103 to $55,24'6.52 -2- DESCRIPTION' · +' 'Home of Street ' Beginning end and.* .:..!" of proposed work PROJECT STATEMENT PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF SELECT CiTY 'STREETS. (Use separat.e sheet for eactq!projeCt) ~0~" e:~t- of 'River ' ~u~ev~. ~r0j'ec+;'No. 121 Bakersfi~ld Esti~ed hourly traffic volume ap~oaching intersections wile· n~t'eXceed cjpac,y of pro,sod .trm f~ cu.ent .aWic ..d,;~ t~ofic' ten years hence; (Re{.: Divi'S{'~ o; Hi~hway's CircUlar' L.". No. ~42) (YES) 3~: . Jf NO, expl~ion given on Page 4. , ' ' ' * - *: *"" ' ' '- RIGHT OF WAY " . 'Estimated cost $ , "': :,,...,!Prosant. width. 1 lO feet. Proposed width *' "= ';' .~Otol width provided by sot-backs ' ft. (F~esent). CONSTRUC~TION :- - Estim~ cost $ ~ RR, ~. ~ . (InCluding. engi~ering). ~isl~ of; const~ction and, conltru~ion engineering. (City) S~vision of preliminary engt~e~lng.' ,(City). (~. GE~ETRIC SECTION (Ref. i Topic 4.01 .CIW and C~r~ive preiect. Ma.ual of ·Tobe acquired by (City) (State), feet, ft. (propOsed) !966 ~ = 113, 000 1976. ~LD~.. = 15,000 ·., EXISTING PROPOSED Number and ~width 'of traffic' .lanes · ' WJd~.*~ e~b parking U~I* ={' : Rt. Lt.,. [ Rt. lanes ' 2 ~dlen Width~ ~* ~* ' Width of Curb off-sets ~ 2 Width of 't~ning ' ' Lt Rt. "'lanes ' · T~ol"wid~ b~ween e~erior Curbs Reasons for less than desirable widths explained on page 4. STRUCTURAL SECTION* "R-V~due = 17 to 69 EXISTING Paverant'thickness and type PROPOSED' -. Oto'~" AS AB -'aggregate base. A5 - agg~gate sub-bose Base thickness and type *Types: BS - bituminous seal, AC- aspbaltic concrete. FORM MC-18 (3-64) Roy. POSSIBLE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT, Lt, J Rt, Lt. Rt; 'RIdAS- read-mix aspbaltic surface PCC - Portland cement concrete .. CTB - cement treated bqle '1 (Sac. 2107) Funds City Funds (i~ec~ 1{36, 5) County Funds State Highway Budget Funds Offior Funds Previously Budgefed · Additional Funds to be ,Budgeted SOURCE OF FUNDS RIGHTOF WAY '- CONSTRUCTION* 72,500.00 x5,5Oo. oo TOTAL · t5 ,SO0.OO' TOTAL Includes preliminary and construction engineering. I ./ PROPOSED TYPICAL CROSS SECTION .(For use where applicable) ' (Show structural section and geometric details) Additiom;I Remarks: (explain special ·financing, basis of fund proportioning, reasons for less than desirable widths and thicknesses, special construction features, etc.) -4- DESCRIPTION Name of Street Length In Miles . 0.56 The proposed work consists of PROJECT STATEMENT : PROPOSED 'IMPROVEMENT OF SELECT CITY STREETS (Use' separate sheet for each project) M/rig' AVentt~ frnm Wlbl~- Road tO 440' east of ~s~ l.~ne ~ Wible 'Road ~m .Ming A~nue to noah CiW ~,Jmtt$ p~ar Madrid ( ra m~, payre& cone xn~ cm~, d ' e~.) And total estimated cost is $ 67, O00. O0 , including engineering. TRAFFIC " · Estimated hourly traffic volume approaching intoreactions wile not exceed capacity of proposed street for current traffic. and for traffic ten years hence. (ROf.: Division of Highways Circular Lett~ No. 58-42) (YES) ~ If HO, explanation given on Page 4. RIGtIT OF WAY Estimated cost $ ~" ' . To be acquired by (City) Present width 80 feet. Proposed width' - 110 feet. Total width provided by set-backs ' ft. (present). ' ft. (proposed) Estimceed cost S G7, ~fl~ (l~clu~ing enginesing). Svpervlslen of conetr,Jctlon and construeSigh engineering.. (City) Sq~effisimt of INwllm!nary engineering. (City). (Ste~a)' · .GEOMETRIC SECTION (Ref.= Topic 4.01 City and' Cooper~tive Projects Manual of Instructlong) ADT upon completion 6,000 DESIGN ADT 12,900 Number and width of traffic lanes Width of curb parking Median Width Width of curb off-sets Width of turning lanes Total width between eXterior curbs· EXISTING 4' 11' Lt. I Rt. Reasons for less then desirable width. ;xplained on page 4. STRKTURAL SECTION® Traffic Index 6 R-Value 61 Pavement thickness and type Base thickness end type *Types: BS - bituminous seal, AC- aspbaltic con"rate, PROPOSED 4' 12' Lt, 10' 18 90' EXISTING PROPOSED (Tent. tlv~) . ... 3;! AG AB -'aggregate · ~$ -, aggregate sub-boca Rt, 'POHIBLE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT Lt. I Rt. Lt. .~ · RIdAS-' rood-mix .sphaitlc europe PCC ' Portland cement concre~ CTB - cement treated bqse 'SOURCE OF FUNDS State (Sac. 2107) Funds City Fund. County Funds 'RIGHT OF WAY . CONSTRUCTION* 63,000'.00 63,000.00 Stme Highway Budeat Funds Other Funds Pmvleudy BudSetnd Additional' Funds to be Budgeted Includes preliminary a~d'construction englnsorlng.+ ,P-/w 63. 000. O0 63.000'00 I I .!. PROPOSED TYPICAL CROSS SECTION (For use where applicable) (Show structural section. and geometric de~ails) Additk~ Remarks: (explain special financing, be.is of fund proport4oning, reasons for less then cleslr.bie widths and thicknesses, special. construction feelures, etc.) The above geometric sectton will be used except for the left side of Wible Road where parking will be :-prohibited next to freeway fence and a offset provided in tieu of'a4 [0' shoulder, DES~:RIPTION Name of Street ' B~ginnifig and end' of proposed werk PROJECT STATEMENT: PROPOSED ·IMPROVEMENT OF SELECT CITY STREETS (Use' separate sheet for each project) BakersfiGlcl Soutit "H"' Street (Ui~ 882-3) Mine Avenue :to White i, ane LengthlnMiles: 1.53 .' " The proposed work consists of Grade ,- Pave, Install drainaSs ~.ilitie~, fraffi~ ' (Grading, pay/hE, conaffecting cur~a sad gutlee~ , Signals. and safety lighting And t{~| estimated cost is $ 520 # 0O0,00 '. , including enSineerine. ' TRAFFIC · Estimated hourly traffic volume approaching intersections will not exceed capacity of proposed street for currefit traffic and for traffic ten years hence. (Ref.: Division of Highways Circular Letter No. 58-42) (YES) · I~ NO, ~xplanatien given eft' Page '4. RIGtIT OF WAy · , Estimated cost $ Present width 60 feet. Proposed width' 85 feet. Total width provided by set-backs ,ft. (present). CONSTRUCTION ,, ,. Estimated cost $. 520.. 000.00 . (Including engineering). Supervlslefi of construction and construesiGn engineerinS.. (City) Supervision of'preliminary engineering.' (City). GEOMETRIC SECTION .... (RaI. s Topic 4.01 City and' Cooperative Pro{Sets Manual of Instructions) ADT upon' comple~ion DESIGN ADT EXiSTinG Number and width of traffic, lanes 2 Width of curb parking Lt. Rt. lanes 6' 6' Median Width Width of curb off-sets Width of turning lefi~s ' Total width between exterior curbs 36' Reasons for loss than desirable widths explained'on page 4. STRKTURAL SECTION* Trc~c{ic Index R-Va I ue EXISTING Present thickness end type 3" · To be acquired by (City) (State).' ft. (propoSed) '. PROPOSED 4' 12' Lt. '[ Rt. 2° · 14 - 18' Rt. 76 -80° PROPOSED (Tam,afire) 3" AC . POSSIBLE FUTURE Lt. J Rt. Lt. Bose thickness and type .... *Types: BS - bituminous seal, AC- alpbaltic concrete, < ,,o. ~,t"r'_ I/I f I _~,r_, ~, AB -'aggregate bose~ · A$ "aggregate sub-bose' RMAS-road-mix aspbaltic .udac~ PCC ' Portland c~men~ cen~r~ CTB - cement treated bqse SOURCE OF FUNDS \ Stete A|locetnd' (Sec. 2107) Funds City Funds County Funds Stete Highwgy Budget Funds .' RIGHT OF WAY'; *' ' CONSTRUCTION* 55,246.52 TOTAL 55,246.52 260,000.. O0 Other Funds Pm,deg$1y Budie~nd AdditloNI~ Fuels to be Budgeted 204,753.48 204,753.48 'rOYAl,. * Includes preliminary and construction engineering. 520,000.00 5 2,.0,000. O0 ,I p, ROPOSED TYPICAL C~O~ SECTSOH (For use where applicablo) . -- (Show structural section and geometric details) Additk~ Risels: (explain special financing, basis of fund proportioninS, reasons for less than desirable widths and thicknesses, special construction features, etc.) PROJECT STATEMENT: Project No. PROPOSED 'IMPROVEMENT OF SELECT CITY STREETS BO~JDi'8~G~J~J (Use separate sheet for each project) (Ci~) DESCRIPTION Name of Street ' Beginning and end' of proposed work Length In Miles The proposed work consists of (Gradin~l, pavinll, eonetmetir~ curbs end l~e~ e~.) ~d t~l esttm~ed cost is $ ~m~,~ , including engi~i~. T~FFIG EIti~ hourly ~affic volume ap~oachlng int~se~ions will not exceed coppery of ~N~d ~lc and ~ traffic t~ y~s ~nce. (ROt.: Divl,i~ of Highways Circular L~ No. ~42) (YES) If ~, e~l~ion given ~ Page 4. RIGHT OF WAY Estimated cost $ j~SmOOOeGO .' To be acquired by (City) (State). Present width GO feet. Proposed width .~w,j}~. feet. 'Total width irov!ded by set-backs e ft. (present). ft. (proposed) Estimated cost $ aSO,O0~.~ '(:Including en~ineoring). Suporvlehm of construction and conetruetlop e~i ineerl.q3~. L(City) Supervision of preliminary engineering. (City) ~ · GEOMETRIC SECTION (ROf.: Topic 4.01 CIty and' Cc~ppor~tlve ProjeCts Manual .of Instructions) ADT upon completion DESIGN ADT' ~0,~ EXISTING Number and width of tra~ic4~anes Width of curb parking Lt. J Rt.. Idadim Width WIdth of curb off-sets Width of tw~ing Tetal width between eXterior curbs Reaso~s for Ion than desirable widths explained on page STRUCTURAL SECTION* Traffic Index · R-Value Pavement thickness and type · Bale thickness end type *Types: BS - bituminous seal, AC- aspbaltic concrete, EXISTING PROPOSED L~t. ~ RI. PROPOSED AB -'aggregate bose, ' A,G -. aggregate sub-bose 'POSSIBLE PUTUI~EZ DEVELOPMENT Lt. Rt. Lt. - J lie. SOURCE OF FUNDS State Allocated' (Sec. 2107) Funds City Funds Co.my Fund, '- Stete Highway Budget Funds RIGHT OF WAY CQHSTRUCTION* " C)thee Funds previously Budpted ' Additional' Fuels to be Budgeted * Includes preliminary and construction engineering. t I PROPOSED TYPICAL CRO~S SECT60~ (For use where applicable) TOTAL (Show structural section and geometric details) (explain special financing, basis of fund proportioning, reasons for less than desirable widths end thicknesses, special construction features, etc.) -4-